Poohead made a great point,
are you guys doing ECs?
If ECs are a way of life for you or if you go out and do 10 EC very fast and with no problem - only then you can skip EC assignment.
In all other cases - do EC assignment first. Once you done, you will still be doing EC during your saying Hi.
As for Hi's assignment, the goal is:
1. To be friendly
2. Stop caring about what other people think
That leads to confidence.
So as long as we say it loud enough to hear - we don't care about the other people reaction. Of course, it's better if they say a friendly Hi back.
But that's not the point.
When I am doing Hi, it was rare I can catch EC with people - everyone is too busy. So I just say Hi anyway. Sometimes people are shocked. It just cracks me up and I laugh. It's funny how people live in their matrix and when something unexpected happens they don't know what to do
So I am just having fun with it.
When I am laughing about it - the next Hi's go faster and smoother - cause I don't care about their reaction or what they are gonna think.
Does it make sense to you guys?