Bootcamp started May1st, Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence

King Tuz

Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
Seeing how Shezz's Bootcamp is not running as smooth as planned, I'll try to balance a happy medium of this bootcamp and Shezz's.

What was the goal for this week? 20 eye contacts and 20 hi's?

Well, I tried to eye contact everyone today at school. Also, I tried to give hi's even to the people that didn't pay attention to me. Nonetheless, I still said hi to about 70% of the time.

Read the Following Tip...:yes:

Shades said:
** The Distant Stare **

I go to a college where there are hoards of hot chicks walking
around campus between classes.

I understand that eye contact is key. I used to try to make eye
contact with every hot chick I passed, and 99% of them would look
down as to not acknowledge my gesture to make eye contact with them.

I did some reading and learned that this is a pre-conditioned social
response that most, if not all, women have.

I developed a new technique that has been extremely successful for
me in making eye contact. I call it the "distant stare".

If you focus on a point way off in the distance when passing hot
chicks that you'd like to make eye contact with, they feel less
intimidated by you, because you're not staring at them. They will
inevitably look up at you, unless of course, they're pre-occupied
with some other matters like talking on their cell phone.

You will notice them looking up at you with your perceptual vision.
Once they do, then you can feel free to make eye contact with them
and smile, because you're the one who caught them staring at you.

This technique embodies the concept that women are more attracted to
guys who make the woman pursue the man. It gives you the upper hand
right from the very beginning. You are no longer the dumb idiot
staring at every girl he sees and fantasizing.

You are now the cool, confident, attractive guy who caught the hot
girl staring and fantasizing about him.



Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
that's a great post - I am really happy for your breakthrough.
And I am sure your method will help people who have problems with saying Hi.
I am gonna field test it too :)

Welcome! :)
You gotta do 50 Hi's. And no, it's not in % points, it's in Hi counts :)

By the way, the Eye Contact method is really interesting.
For big cities it's almost impossible to make EC with people - they all stare down or at the windows or at each other.

Everyone go out, field test it and report results!!!
It might be gold for receiving more AIs or IOIs!


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2006
Reaction score
My note on eye contact (similar to the post above but with a twist):
If people want to look at you they won't look at you if you are staring at them (people are just programmed like that). What I do if I want to be checked out by an HB is:
- I make a smile
- I look anywhere in the distance or at the side
I guarantee people will look at you when you do this and then you can catch them doing it!


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
well today was a good day. i dont know how many i got. i think it was around 12. im not sure but i think im now at about 17 so thats what ill call it. anyway, i was on a roll today. once i said hi to one girl it was ON!!! i was walking down the main hallway in school just letting it all go and it felt great. goin out tomorro night cuz i got work off. and i might hit the club saturday after i get home from dinner with my parents. its lookin good:up:


Don Juan
Jun 20, 2005
Reaction score
hey i haven't been able to post. but the hi's is pretty easy for me and i have already completed all 50. But the ec i keep forgetting to count.


Don Juan
Oct 23, 2005
Reaction score
alberta, canada
E.C. -25
Hi.....-3 :p i'll work on it alright, cheers boyz, gl!


New Member
Dec 25, 2004
Reaction score
alright... what about screamin hi to chicks while driving/passenger seat? does that count? i mean... cause alot of the times... they look around with that... "wth said that to me" and sometimes they see ya.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
thus far i have noticed people rarely hold eye contact. i try but some people glance and then look down or away. i have noticed a decent amount of the people ive said hi to have responded with a smile. especially the girls. well, after all, they should consider themselves lucky that someone as great as me did that for them :D anyway, i am finding out that i usually have to say hi in order to get the eye contact. whatever works.


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
yrock - complete the more advanced assignments - up the thread.
rob_xD if screaming from the car is in your comfort zone - that does not count!


Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
All right! I got 2 more hi's on the way to work this morning. Then another 15 after work while I was walking around down town! It's still a little hard, but I can feel my confidence growing! It gets easier each time!

I even ended up having a conversation with two college kids that have the same major that I had back when I was in school.

19/50 hi's so far!

don juan jr

Don Juan
Apr 29, 2006
Reaction score
6/50 hi's
15/50 eye contacts

i feel like giving up lol (but i'm not going to)

I'm gonna make the deadline or i'm gonna fail miserably but i will not give up


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
phew! not as easy!

OK I went out to the mall, after a few chickened out attempts to say Hi, I built up confidence by making lots and lots of eye contact (by far exceeding the quota).

Then I started saying Hi. The first one was so inaudible that no one heard it so it didn't count.

The first one was the hardest. Afterwards the rest came quite easily. I got 8 in total today, but with HBs I still found myself saying it so softly that they didn't hear. Everyone else heard me, and smiled back or said hi back.

Tips for the others!
1) Carry something to remind you of your reason for doing this. I actually nearly chickened out until I went to a bookshop and walked past the self help section. The names of the books inspired me to face my fears and go for it.
2) It's easier in a store then just walking around. I can just walk around to something I want to see, and just say Hi to someone who's already browsing at that location.
3) When it comes to EC, a slight smile is important! Being a big and quite well built guy, when I made EC with other well built men, some seemed to perceive it as a challenge until I put a slight smile on my face. Nothing that is supplicating, but just a friendly overall look.
4) THE FIRST IS THE HARDEST! Once you do it, the rest will come easy!
5) REPETITION IS KEY! You'll probably need to build yourself up next time you do it again. I remember a while ago (before discovering this community) I forced myself to get at least 2 phone numbers in a club. I did so after sweating bullets, and I felt like a god. The next week my confidence was halved. The next it was halved again. Until I returned to being too gutless to approach.

Good luck to the rest of you guys, I nearly chickened out of the whole bootcamp but today has made it a lot easier. Tomorrow I'll go out and try to meet more of the quota. Stay in there! GUTS AND GLORY!

EC: too many to count
Hi's: around 8/50


Senior Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
one question about saying 'hi':

-are people at work fair game? are people at work you say 'hi' to every day fair game? what about people you see at work that you hardly or never see - if you say 'hi' to them, is that fair game?


Don Juan
May 4, 2006
Reaction score
Hi all,

Count me in, it's a bit late, but only three days ago did I found this site.
I've been lurking other sites for a few months, so lets see how it goes.

OceanWindRider I put myself at your mercy.

Since I'm a bit late, I'll go out tonight and do the EC, then if I get the guts 10 "Hi"s *at least*, before I start drinking, then I'll improvise.

Age: 24


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
All finished

50 EC

50 hi's

Damned hard to find new people I haven't said hi to before. Listen up guys, it is far easier to say hi to people, when they are bored.

If they are in line at the store, shopping for anything. Any time you need help, there always is magically somebody within 50 feet who will answer your question.

If they are walking down the road, you physically have to make a motion for them to stop... It's body language on the streets.

In an office place though, hehe, NOOOOOO problem. All you need is an excuse, ANY excuse, and people will gladly take a break to work with you... Government buildings are easiest, the second line you can use on the women there is "I am a person, you work for me".

As well, older women are seemingly always bored. THey want somebody to come and talk to them so they start prodding you to make jokes. They leave so many open ended remarks that are BEGGING for C+F.

I'm going to sarge again tomorrow during the day, I did all mine during work hours, so I want to balance it all out.

PS... congrats Kintuz on joining the bootcamp. I hope Shezz's bootcamp progresses smoothly, I'll be checking it out and I
ll finish the tasks tomorrow.

Cheers Mates


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
Congratulation to flippinfreak to finish the bootcamp first!!!
Good job, man!

Omyomar - welcome! I am glad you decided to join and to complete the task by the due date even if you're late!
fytos - welcome! You only have 3 days to "find" your guts and complete the assignments. So you better hurry up!
>>> OceanWindRider I put myself at your mercy.
You've got the wrong guy :)
Being merciful = cultivating excusers.
And I want you all to succeed in this bootcamp!
So... don't even count on my mercy!

People have done it successfully! The results shatter the imagination of non-believers! EVERYONE can do it!
You ALL CAN and WILL do it!
So go out in field and do the assignments NOW!

poohead, no you can't say hi to salespeople. You can't say and count Hi to customers. In the office - it depends. If it's a small company and you know everyone or have seen them before - the answer is NO.
If it's a really big company - I personally would not do it. For the same reason I would not sarge at work. If it goes wrong - you got yourself a problem at the workplace.