Bootcamp started May1st, Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
sh! at 5. i only got 2 at the restaurant i went to today. i have a total of 5 at this point. got to get goin.:cuss: im goin to the othodontist in an hour so ill get a few there.

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
poohead said:
why are people posting that they did the hi's and not the eye contacts?

do them in order.

i am still on eye contacts - i am actually enjoying this, it's pretty entertaining, especially when a hottie returns your EC.
As for me, I'm constantly doing the EC. So I guess I'm doing them at the same time. But I will make it a point this weekend of specifically going out for an hour or two to do just EC.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
definitely. EC should be a way of life. i bet if you walked around all day just doing EC eventually you'd get a date out of it.

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
I've been stuck at the library working on papers and studying for Finals this week so I haven't got much done for the BC YET.

Just a few minutes ago I went to the building next door to turn in a paper. Afterwards, because Poohead pointed out the lack of EC exercises so far, I took a 10 minute stroll around campus. I got plent of EC. Did a few "EC face-offs" to outlast people who gave me the Eye Contact. Since I've done Bootcamp a few times I figured this would be second nature by now. But it is funny, I still found my self "flinching" or looking away just as an instant reaction. I will continue to work on it. Props to Poohead for pointing this out for me.

Continuing on my stroll, I got 6 more hi's in to HBs and a few to non-HBs. I got a hi out of all 6 for those who are afraid of not getting a response. I noticed something when I was getting the hi's, on some of them the reaction I was getting was cold. The girls I said hi to would be returning the greeting, but almost out of reflex. That messed with my confidence a little bit.

But then there was this one Hi to a petite blonde girl. She was walking towards me and almost past me but I still blurted out "hi". She of course returned the greeting but was now clearly behind me. That one made me crack up! From that point on I was smiling to myself and was on the verge of laughing all the way back to the library. When I was in such a "good mood" I got 4 more hi's and the responses were way better. I think the lesson to be learned here is that sure, you can be "robotic" in forcing your hi's out there but you will get a much better response if you put off a positive vibe. Get yourself in a good mood before you go out and do the exercises.

Hi count: 8


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Good job everyone.

Here is my update.

Mall at 2 pm is really not busy at all. I did more then 6 but I felt like a few they didnt hear me so I didnt count them.


1 - hi back
1 - smile
1 - excuse me
3 - ignored

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Women actually said "excuse me?" to you? :crackup: I can't believe they would actually say something like that to you. Good job though. I think it will help if we can keep a sense of humor about it. I am a bit surprised that you got a few "no responses". I think it really has to do with the vibe your giving off. Check out my previous post.


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
Poohead made a great point,
are you guys doing ECs?
If ECs are a way of life for you or if you go out and do 10 EC very fast and with no problem - only then you can skip EC assignment.
In all other cases - do EC assignment first. Once you done, you will still be doing EC during your saying Hi.

As for Hi's assignment, the goal is:
1. To be friendly
2. Stop caring about what other people think
That leads to confidence.

So as long as we say it loud enough to hear - we don't care about the other people reaction. Of course, it's better if they say a friendly Hi back.
But that's not the point.

When I am doing Hi, it was rare I can catch EC with people - everyone is too busy. So I just say Hi anyway. Sometimes people are shocked. It just cracks me up and I laugh. It's funny how people live in their matrix and when something unexpected happens they don't know what to do :)
So I am just having fun with it.
When I am laughing about it - the next Hi's go faster and smoother - cause I don't care about their reaction or what they are gonna think.
Does it make sense to you guys?


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
The mall:
Here is what I found in the malls.
I can't get Eye contacts. Almost 0. All people stare at the shop windows.
So now I just don't wait for the perfect opportunity or for an eye contact and say Hi anyway!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah, I think I had 3 unresponsive girls is because I don't wait for them to look at me. I just say hi and keep on walking. The ones that did lock eyes were favorable. I had fun. As soon as I say it and don't get anything in response I truly laughed a few times. By the time I got to 5 and 6 I felt pretty good and didn't really care if they said hi back. Good warm up exercise once we get up to cold-approaching.

I also saying Hi's to girls only and the ones I find cute. HB5 and up.

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
OceanWindRider - You're 30? I thought I was the only "old guy" doing this. ;) As for the people not giving you EC at the mall....hmmm...well if my surge of confidence keeps up....I might just stop them and get right in their face and force EC with them. All in a playful way of course. I'm having a blast!


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2006
Reaction score
I still blurted out "hi". She of course returned the greeting but was now clearly behind me. That one made me crack up!
When I am laughing about it - the next Hi's go faster and smoother - cause I don't care about their reaction or what they are gonna think.
Does it make sense to you guys?
That is the exact attitude we are looking for!

I've passed and held EC with about 1000 people today, I don't know ;). It's a national holiday here so there was a lot of people on the streets. So EC is not a problem for me, however saying 'Hi' is just a steel wall for me, it's f***ing hard!. It's probably easier to get laid than to say 'Hi' for me ;). I feel like I'm in a shell and can't communicate with people, I feel like writing a poem about it or something... I hate this introversion... The good thing is that the more I have failures the more energy I have to do this more. I want to keep trying until I complete this excercise or I suffocate! :D
The point of this task is really to make it a habit to break out of your character and start making a new friendly social one. 8 weeks is not long enough to build skills with women but it is enough to learn how to break out of the comfort zone, how to conquer and demolish consistently all comfort zones that will arise in your life.

Remember that all who succeed in life get off to a bad start, and pass through many heartbreaking struggles before they "arrive". The turning point in the lives of those who succeed usually comes at the moment of some crisis, through which they are introduced to their "other selves".
Napolean Hill "Think & grow rich"

My current count of Hi's:

The times when I do the hello is when I'm either being playful, treating it like a game, or not thinking at all, reacting on impulse.
The times when I don't say it I'm thinking too much. The paradox is that it can be positive stuff like "do it! DO IT DO IT!". But that is too much thinking for me and I don't do it :D.
Anyone want to analyze how they break the ice and say 'Hi'?


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Brooklyn, New York
Well I guess it's time for me to get out and start doing this too. Since eye contact is something I've worked on by myself and got it down, I'll count only eye contact with people not walking towards me. Sould be able to get it done soon enough, then it's on to the "Hi" part, thats gonna be tough, but I'll get it done before Sunday night for sure. I made a lot of EC today but I'll start fresh tmrw.

Hi/EC count 0/50


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Scratch nr 22, that's my old nick...and scratch this one as well, as I'm participating the shezz BC =)

Come on people, let's do it (whichever BC you go for)!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
I thought it was just 50 hi's. We have to do eye contact? I thought it was included in 50 hi's.


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Brooklyn, New York
Bourne said:
I thought it was just 50 hi's. We have to do eye contact? I thought it was included in 50 hi's.
Guess I musta misread the instructions/rules. Guess with the EC the Hi's should come naturally.:up:


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
I got your pm ocean, so I'm joining this bootcamp....

WOW, I feel sooo ****in high right now. My confidence is skyrocketed cus I just went to the mall and said hi to 13 people. That may not seem like much to alot of you but I've been suffering from alot of Social Anxiety these past few years and I was considering going to the doctor to get meds. But the way I just got into those hi's was unbelievable from begining to end. It's like I tapped into a part of myelf I haven't in ages, I was just careless of the response I was gonna get, careless as to what state of mind anyone else was in......after the first 5 hi's (many of them ignored me) I just stopped caring and the numbers just rang up. I was alert, I was completely in the zone and I would have gotten 50 had more people looked at me. I exuded confidence on a whole other level. Wow, this bootcamp **** is amazing, seriously EVERYONE should do this once in their life. I walked in nervous, but PUMPED to do this and I just began by nervously saying hi to some girls and they flat out ignored me. BUt by the end I started saying hi to people who weren't even looking at me, I saw girls walking on the other sides of the store and I shouted, "Hey, what's up" with a smile and they reciprocated. HAHA. I love this site. (I wish I haden't left soo early, I walked around the entire mall twice.....oh well, tomorrow's another day).

Total count: 23/50


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
Yorkshire boy
EC is something i do naturally anyway so im not counting it, only the Hi's


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
im still at 6. eye contact isnt a problem for me. i dont know about you but i make eye contact with the people i sy hi to. Is that not normal??:crackup:


Senior Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
i walked around a college campus today and only made eye contact with 9 people in 20 minutes.


New Member
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
i did the EC for a while today, but was rather easy. so i just skipped into the hi's. im a highschool student in a small town, it was actually difficult to find strangers lol. i got one hi to actual person id never spoken to. but since im fairly outgoing it got difficult, i just said hi to a lot of ppl i casually know, who might think its wierd of me to say it or something.