Bootcamp started May1st, Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
question to ocean wind

[[*]You can screw up the "Hi" assignment by only saying hi to women who make eye contact with you. This is waiting for women to initiate first.

so if a woman is walking towards me , but is NOT looking at me (or noticing me or stuck in her own world) ,
i should just say Hi out loud, & then just keep walking??

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
You can screw up the "Hi" assignment by not saying "hi" to some women because they are not pretty enough, while at the same time not saying "hi" to the rest because they are too pretty. Your job is to say "hi" to something human. That's all.
Whoa, that's a brain bender. Okay, here is how I'm playing it. I'm saying hi to EVERYONE but only counting the Hi's to girls I want to get with.

Having said that, I have 2 hi's to HBs already. It's Finals week here at my University and I still got 2 more days left (then I start summer classes Monday yuck). So long story short, I'm stuck in the library for the next 2 days.

I said hi to a really hot blonde, she looked about 19. It's funny how you can feel like a million bucks when a hottie returns your hi and smiles at you. I feel that old social confidence coming back. The other hi was to a chick who just quickly said hi back. Oh well, no problem.

Small first report but GO ME for being the first one to report in!


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
i have to say i was debating doing this because i have a very busy schedule with school, baseball, work, and Confirmation this week. Now that i see someone finally take control and actually get this bootcamp goin (thank you oceanwindrider), i am in. Just thinking how sweet this summer will be because of this bootcamp is my motivation. Its also a lot different when a whole bunch of people are in this, rather than doing it alone. Despite my tight schedule, I WILL find a way to get out and get the job done. NO excuses boys. I have to admit that i only got 1 hi so far. im getting saturday off from work because of Confirmation, and either gonna hit the club or mall after. thats gonna be the jackpot..... ITS GAMETIME!!!!!:box: :rockon:


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
Here's the awesome motivational post FAQ by Ever Onward.
Props to him!! :)
Ever onward said:
My fellow DJ's-in-training, I've attempted bootcamp before and I've made it as far as week four. I only stopped because I made the mistake of becoming exclusive with one of the girls I was dating. ;)

I would like to share with you the knowledge that I've gained. Here are some Frequently Asked Questions.

Does the bootcamp really work?


As I said earlier, I attempted bootcamp last fall and I stuck to it religously for 4 weeks. I amazed myself. I never in my life thought I could approach a girl or be as social as I have become. But in order for this to work, you have to commit to this program and you have to complete the exercises. It's up to you but this really can make your life better. Take action for once in your life!

Week # 1 seems pretty simple, can I skip it?


1. If you skip the most simple part of the bootcamp, you will start taking other shortcuts and skip other steps. In order for this to work you have to follow the bootcamp EXACTLY.

2. If you follow the program and stick to it, you will start to gain mental momentum. You will feel a positive energy build in yourself that will stay with you going into the more difficult weeks.

3. If you can't even say hi to people or make eye contact, how are you going to talk to them later in the bootcamp?


I feel weird trying to get eye contact from strangers, won't they think I'm strange?

1. You don't know what other people are thinking. That is your own limiting belief. There is no way in the world you can possibly know what other people think of you so stop wasting your time and energy worrying about it. That's why you are doing this bootcamp, to shatter the limiting beliefs you hold about yourself.

2. Your goal here isn't to get acceptance or approval from the other person. You are doing this to make yourself toughen up so you can hold eye contact with people in actual social settings.

3. Everything you are doing in Bootcamp is for practice. You won't be "staring down" EVERYONE when this is over.

If someone is walking towards me, how soon should I make eye contact?

I find that if you make eye contact about 30 to 50 feet away. People will more often hold your gaze.

No one makes eye contact with me, or they look away right away, what should I do?

Like I said in the previous post, if they are walking towards you, start your eye contact sooner. If they look away, guess what? You are succeeding with the exercise. The point of the exercise is to hold the other person's eye contact LONGER than they hold yours.


How do I keep track of the 50 hello's?

I carry a small, pocket-sized notebook with me in my back pack just for Bootcamp. After every set of hi's, I write down, the date, location, and description of the girl. That's right I make my bootcamp harder by only counting hi's to girls I'm attracted to.

Who should I say hi to?

Anyone you choose to. But like I said, I say hi to everyone and only count HB's that I'm attracted to towards my 50 hi's. Whenever you have a doubt on something like this, go with the most challenging alternative.

Should I only say hi to girls/people that give me eye contact?


Say hi whether you first get eye contact or not. One of my most memorable hi's last fall was to an EXTREMELY HOT blonde girl that I approached from behind in Target. I said hi before she even knew I was there, then she turned around and said hi to me and gave me a smile that nearly made me cream in pants. Now go say hi, be a man stop being a pvssy.

Sometimes girls/people I say hi to don't say hi back, what am I doing wrong?


If someone doesn't return your hi then who cares? You're not puting yourself "out there" that much. It's not like you asked anyone out, you just said hello! You were just being freindly. Some people are stuck up, or are *******s or bytches. Face it, the world has a lot of difficult people in it. But don't worry there are plenty of normal, social people out there who will have the decency to return a simple hello.


Where should I do the exercises?

Any public place will work. The mall, stores, bookstores, campuses, Walmart, bars, clubs, parks. Exercise trails are great places for eye contact

Can I get by only doing the exercises with people walking towards me?

Sure if you want to take the easy way out. When people are walking towards you, making eye contact or saying hi is an easy shot to make. To really grow socially, you have to do what is most difficult FOR YOU, mix it up. Say hi to people sitting down or who aren't facing you, now that takes balls!

I'm too afraid of rejection to even say hello or make eye contact, what should I do?


It's never easy to overcome shyness. But every one of us needs to at some point. You just have to do it one step at a time and this is one way to do it. You have commited yourself to bootcamp, if you can't do it now, then when will you? Quit procrastinating. Make your life better today, one step at a time.

I don't feel like doing bootcamp exercises today. I'll do them tomorrow.

There is no tomorrow! There is only right now. "I'll do it tomorrow" always turns into "I'll do it next year". Fvck that, you could die tomorrow. You have to make your life better TODAY. RIGHT NOW!! One step at a time. Push yourself forward! You have to do the exercises, even when you don't feel like it, You have to do them ESPECIALLY when you don't feel like it. The only way to grow is to push yourself out of your comfort zone. If you're not comfortable doing something, congratulations! You're doing just fine.
So do we know this Bootcamp work?
Can it change a person's life?
How do we make it work for all of us?
We go out and complete assignments!
Each and every one of us! All assignments with no exceptions and no excuses!


New Member
Feb 12, 2006
Reaction score
Southern, NH
I'm in. Three "Hi's" thus far... although I'm going to the mall tommorow for lunch, and plan to rack up a bunch more :)


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
great job, guys - we got first people who get Hi's - I am very excited!!!
That's ok that you just got a few. It's very difficult for me too - I don't even know why. But we will keep pushing through it!!


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
I honestly think saying hi to 50 people is tougher than starting 10 coversations to girls in week 3. its easier to converse with 10 girls than say hi to 50 people because sometimes its hard to get out to say hi 50 times...whatever... nevermind...NO EXCUSES. but conversing with 10 girls is easier than saying hi to 50 people if you just go ballz to da wallz


New Member
Apr 19, 2006
Reaction score
cheers lads! glad to be here and join in. hope we get some results from this brotherhood.

Exercise One
: i naturally make eye contact and hold it with everyone i'm talking to, and i use it to draw attention when i want to talk with someone. i actually feel like i use it too much, but making people feel uncomfortable can give me an edge. what do yall think? anyways, i definetly dont have an issue with eye contact so i'm going to move on.

Exercise Two
: i agree with JayCamx23 here. Seems a bit excessive, but i get the idea. i'll get to it. i do think its rediculous that we are hitting volume first quality later. do i really want to say hi to some 50 year fat old hen? i'm brainstorming ideas of places to hit here are a few of the ideas
organic food markets (i like hippie chicks)
college campuses (i've got to fix some financial aid stuff anyways)
trendy areas (eg. little five points, decatur, etc)
events (eg. fundraisers, movie screenings, shows)
movies (before and after)
and on that note i'll keep it in mind to get there late, sit next to
some HB, and ask her what i missed.
i'll think of more later.

general question: it really bugs me that i see a ****load of hot chicks when im driving around and we might be only 10ft away physically, but because we're in cars i cant approach 'em! any ideas?

peace, love, and brotherhood-


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
I've done my 20 Hi's today!!

I also had small talk several times and opened a really cute chick, who was going to her boyfriend and even after a nice conversation with me still did not want to leave him LOL
Oh, well - I will take care of this stuff later :)

It took only less than 2 hours today
For comparison my first 10 Hi's took me almost 2 weeks when I did not have the support of the group!
See what a little accountability and peer pressure can do for you? :)

Seriously though, it's still bloody difficult. I feel like an idiot.
I can strike a conversation, a small talk, I can open a girl if I have something to say at the particular moment. But saying Hi - i just feel really stupid.
But no matter! I've done my 20 for today!
I did not wait for them to look me in the eye - just said hi.
But I still feel like an excuser - I said Hi almost quiet so they don't hear.
When they did not hear - I did not count. But still felt this way almost all the time.
By the end of my 20 Hi's I cared what other people think less and less.
Overall, it feels great - it feels so empowering!!!

so, here's the program for me:
1. I am going to say Hi really loud so everyone can hear!
2. And I will try to choose more women to say Hi to!

I feel awesome! :)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Congrats OceanWindRider, you are on the roll. I'll be catching up with you pretty soon here.


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
Thanks, Bourne.
Now I need everyone to keep up and actually do better than me!!

By the way, Bourne, can you drop the red colour from your signature if possible?
It's a bit hard to read the thread. Thanks!

JayCamx23, all ages are good for this bootcamp!


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
do we post our results on this thread or on a thread we make ourselves?

I did a few hi's and eye contacts today at the sports gym, forgot how much, but around 5 each. This is quite easy for me, since I am a more senior member of the gym and I have a bit of social status that gives me a lot of confidence. Also I tutor at college and also have a bit of status there compared to the students.

Tomorrow I'll hit the streets and see if that can carry over to strangers. I might only say hi to pretty women, I'm perfectly OK with unhot women or men. Problem is, are there so many in a day? I don't have much time to do this, tomorrow is my only day off.

Oh and I'm 24.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Migel said:
Great now we're up to something. I like the: "How you can screw up the "Hi" assignment". We can kick people out of the list to prevent spamming but being too drastic is not good because people might cheat on their reports.

We're in this together and it will change our lives. At all times know that you are only doing little steps here and always keep in the back of your head a picture of you after the bootcamp is over. Think of the Field Reports you're going to write here and share in the upcoming weeks. This will be our summer!
Yes the "how you can screw up!" is beautiful!!!! I nearly skipped week 1 until I read it. This is unbelievable motivational material. Keep it up guys.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
southern africa

Thanks for bringin that up Migel, i also just recently started on the bootcamp but also not quite sure where to post the results.
I'd encourage all to join us in the bootcamp programe the more the better, that way we can all learn from each other.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
Yorkshire boy
Shlt, im just starting today (wednesday) but im still going to have a go. Im not really a 'Hi' person so im going to say 'Hiya' or 'alright' if thats OK.

Im working tonight so i will get a lot of my EC's tonight and hopefully a fair few Hi's. The only thing is, i never see any birds.

Hi's, Hiya's and Alright's - 0/50


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
I am glad we're making progress team!

Allright, let me bring something to your attention again because I get that a lot from you:
How you can screw up the "Hi" assignment
* You can screw up the "Hi" assignment by deciding that the "Hi" assignment is so simple, you don't need to do it.
No, you are not relieved from saying Hi if it's too easy!
If it's not complete - you failed!
If it's easy - go out and do 50 Hi's. It should only take 1 hour or 2 hours on a busy street or a mall! And you will be free for the rest of the week. I want you to complete the assignment! Then you can say - it's too easy!

If go out in field and do Hi's and it's still too easy, here are more challenging versions for you:
  1. Go out and say 50 Hi's ONLY to women
  2. Go out and say 25 Hi's to HBs only

Now Go and DO IT NOW!

In general, team, if the task is too easy - let me know and I will up the ante!

A tip:
You cannot use your position as a salesperson or other position to say Hi to customers. It's too easy. The point is to say Hi to absolute strangers - unrelated to you in any way!!!
ONLY if the original Hi' assignment is too difficult for you, then you can use your work to get you started on Hi's. But these numbers would not count towards the final 50!

Where to post results, questions, problems, challenges, etc.:
Right here, in the thread called Week# (current week)

But also take time to read my postings at the beginning of the week - this answer is actually right there!
I know you guys are busy, but I spent 3 hours writing this and gonna spend ****load more kicking your ass along the way - so you can spend 5 or 10 minutes reading rules, assignments, etc. at the beginning of each week!

johnmich, any form of hi is fine. I don't see how you open a stranger on the street by saying: "allright". But maybe it's a local tradition where you are so it's up to you. Also, please drop the red colour from your signature. Thanks!

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
I also had small talk several times and opened a really cute chick, who was going to her boyfriend and even after a nice conversation with me still did not want to leave him LOL
Dude, how did you open the cute chick? Share! I'm still at two Hi's. I will get my mission done bye Sunday night. I will.

I'm 29 for whoever asked for ages.

Hi count: 2


Senior Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
why are people posting that they did the hi's and not the eye contacts?

do them in order.

i am still on eye contacts - i am actually enjoying this, it's pretty entertaining, especially when a hottie returns your EC.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
sh! at 5. i only got 2 at the restaurant i went to today. i have a total of 5 at this point. got to get goin.:cuss: