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If this is your first visit to SoSuave, I would advise you to START HERE.

It will be the most efficient use of your time.

And you will learn everything you need to know to become a huge success with women.

Thank you for visiting and have a great day!

Boot Camp week 1 (Response thread)


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2003
Reaction score
Week 1 Day 6

This was a pretty big day for me for being at work all day. We had a huge Corporate meeting this afternoon. I couldn't attend but the building was packed with visitors and some press. I said Hi to a lot of people, both men and women. Everyone was busy but seemed friendly enough for a few Hi's back.

The best moment at work was later in the day. I work till 7pm and the place pretty much clears out by 4. I was walking down to the caffateria to fill up my water and passed two very sexy HB's waiting for the elevator. They had to be exec assistants, they were dressed unbelivebly well. We were the only ones in the hall. As I approached they were laughing and in convo so I thought what the hell and said 'How's it going ladies'.

They both stopped and smiled and seemed to race each other to say great or wonderful, can't exactly remember the exact responses. I think I was getting dizzy cause I stopped in front of them, my heart racing like crazy from adrenaline, and said "Those our the nicest outfits I've seen all day." I couldn't believe what I had just said and I couldn't believe the reception I got. One actually blushed and the other, the one I'm convinced was a legit 9.5 was lost for words and just said something like 'oh gosh thank you' or ' Oh gosh thats so nice of you' I can't remember but she actually said Oh gosh. The elevator opened and they both said thanks again and were just looking at me smiling as the doors closed. When the doors finally did close I realized i had a nice wet spot of sweat on my back. I reviewed the entire encounter later in my mind and was relieved that I kept EC except for a brief look-over of their outfits. I felt so DJ, though I know I couldn't have gone further with my lack of skills at this point. I didn't regret any part of it.

On other noticeable encounter was later at the gym. There is a girl there, she's in her early 20's, that I have always been super attracted to. Though she may really only be about an 8 I see her as a 10 and have always been at a loss for words around her except for a few past moments of bravery. She works the front desk sometimes in the evenings. She was there but on the phone when I came in. She waved at me as I signed in and went back to work out. Later when I was leaving I was determined to Give her EC and some talk. When I walked out she was actually sitting on a couch nearby but away from our gym cards and was on the phone. I said I would get my card and she jumped up and was rushing over and tried to beat me to it. I then realized she had set them on the desk for us to pick up. I laughed and said If she wouldn't have been on the phone talking to one of her boyfriends she could have told me it was there. She was laughing and actually gave me some kino by squeezing my tricep and said something about her being lazy... which I jokingly called her once when she was laying on the couch when I came in.

I was standing there just giving her good EC and laughing and she was returning it. I realized she had the phone in her hand and I didn't want to be rude so I said see ya kelli and she squeezed my arm again and said see ya Zach. I was melting. I couldn't go any further cause I wanted to leave it on that good note. I felt like if I kept messing with her I would have came across to pushy. But I was so proud of the way that turned out. I can't wait for Taco Night.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
Québec, Canada.
Day 4.

Went back to the park/cycling path downtown. Ditched the bike once I got there, so only cycled 40 km today. :p Stayed away from the wooded paths, as I figured that those areas might spook some of the girls. So I didn't have the opportunity to go to the beach either.

Well, surprized I was once more... I discovered that doing this while walking was actually easier than while biking. Since I was coming up on people more slowly (even though I was pedalling as slowly as I could yesterday), it made doing the EC/smile/Hi sequence much easier. So yesterday I had actually been handicapping myself with the bike, instead of making my life easier. Just goes to show you that things are not always as they seem...

I had to circle the downtown area 2 1/2 times, over a 2 hour period, in order to meet enough people to get my quota filled. So I ended up walking about 25 km. I think I did more exersize in the past two days than I usually do in a month. My legs hurt! Ouch! lol Oh well, no pain, no gain. ;)

It was a cloudy day, so there were less people than yesterday. But there were a lot more cute girls. Maybe because I went earlier this time?... An interesting thing I observed was that of the 3 friendliest replies I got, 2 were from cute girls (7's). And I came across maybe 5 total. One I remember particularily well; she was a cute hippy style girl. Gave me a big friendly grin, and Hi back. Maybe because I have a bit of a hippy style myself (Hey Walden, if you read this... The next time you see that hippy girl in the library, ask her if she'd like to visit Canada ;) I love hippy girls, they're my favorites.). If it weren't for the lip ring, I might have stopped her for a short convo (I don't like peircings). But I didn't want to get side-tracked either, time was tight, and I had some catching up to do. I crossed a few people twice. Said Hi to them again of course, but didn't count the second time. One girl (a 6.5) I did that to, replied with "Have a great day" to the second Hi. That made me smile. :D She was looking a little down the first time I saw her, so maybe I made her day...

Yep, I got my 34 Hi's done. Just barely before supper time. It was hard work, but I'm proud of making it. And of those, only 3 didn't reply. So I must be getting better at this, or people were in a better mood today. Another thing I noticed, is that even though it was cloudy, many people were wearing sunglasses anyway. I've always suspected that many people use those as a social crutch, to avoid EC with others. Like dark tinted windows on cars... Well today seemed to confirm that. Everyone wearing sunglasses avoided even looking in my direction.

So that's it. I'll be starting Week 2 on Tuesday, since Monday is a holiday, and my kids will be here for the weekend. So that will make things tight again, only 3 days to get everything done. Luckily I perform well under pressure. Well, for most things :p
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Don Juan
Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score
Western Canada
My report week one - all in one post.

Started 2 sundays ago,
I was traveling alot in those 2 weeks...
and last weekend I couldn't get access to a computer
with any privacy.:(

Lots of EC practice probably 4 hours plus between
those two weeks...

The 50 hi's to strangers I went astray abit,
if you count "breaking the ice" and quick chats I had 50 plus,
.... official "HI's" I only did like 10 or so.

Should'v used chicken scratches to keep track:rolleyes:

Eye contact is interesting, at this 2 floor mall I spent a few
hours walking and looking at eyes.I admit I only looked
good looking girls in the eye and smiled as I passed them...
I found many people look away...
Also I caught myself looking away sometimes.

Did some clubing last weekend I drank and danced,
I got a peck on the cheek fri night from a chick I chatted up,
also chatted with at least 5 different people... briefly chated
with a striper...
sat night I chated to at least 10 strangers and got a hug from a cute 7.0 I danced with:D
More dancing experience gained.

I will move on to week two now.
These past two weeks were interesting and
more challenging then I thought.
I will make up a few "hi's" juring week 2


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2003
Reaction score
Week 1 complete.
Finished Week 1

1) I think I did everything good.
2)My main problem was getting people to make eye contact with me. People were usually startled or mumbled a hi. Aknowledged hi's were accompanied by a smile and a sexy voice. I ****ed up twice during this week because of my lack of kino. My kino is my weakest part of my game. I actually got a # from a 28 yo engaged women. She was reallyinterested and I we were really close and I had the opprotunity to kiss her but i wussed out. her b/f was there though.
3)I feel I grew a lot in the first week and I am all around a better person.


New Member
Nov 30, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhat a revival of the "official" bc response thread, I'll post my reports here. I'll be the first to go beyond week two!

Week One, Day One

This is so much harder than I thought it would be. Hoped to rack up the Hi’s, but choked about a million times, and rationalized not saying hi the same number.

I’m having huge troubles opening my mouth in a situation with people around, even just a few. Guess I’m obsessed with what they’ll think about me, it’s not really common to say Hi to strangers in this country (when you’re not drunk that is). That’s rationalizing again. Well, gotta desensitize myself, grab my balls and just play the fool in the middle of a packed mall, that’ll set me straight!

That said, my day wasn’t entirely fruitless, count is 5 Hi’s. Only two HB’s though. I feel best saying hi when I get eye contact, but damn, gimme something to work with here! Practically noone holds EC! I can’t be that intimidating... Oh, and I didn’t get a single Hi back, but the main thing right now is opening my own mouth.

45 to go, gonna do better tomorrow.


Week one, day two

Did better. Slightly.
Began splendidly awful, though. My count at end of outing was a measly 3. Then as I left the gym in the evening, I felt like pushing myself into action (the power of endorphins, whee). I promised myself to say a loud Hi to everyone i met on my way home, and I did. Only met three, but that effectively doubled my count for the day! So 11 total, and 39 to go.

Anyways, i really gotta discipline myself. How’s this: no TV if i don’t make my quota, which right now is about eight per day. Plus, buying a coffee costs 3 hi’s. Buying something to eat also costs 3. Gotta love token economy.

What about you, Six-String Samurai? Gotten far?


New Member
Jan 7, 2004
Reaction score
Ahmedabad, India
First Week Report

Hello, I'm a wannabe Grand Master Don Juan who's taken hold of his life and started the boot camp.

First week report:

I had planned to finish the reading part of the first week by the 4th day and had alloted 3 days for completion of the exercise. Well, exactly as planned, I read the articles thouroughly by the end of the 4th day. Then came the tough part, or so I thought. I had the night shift at my workplace at the time, so I went out for close to an hour on the 5th and the 6th day. You see, we in India don't have many malls around, eventhough, the city I live in is quite big with a population of around 5 million. The metros have some. Of course, we do have some places to hang around (evidence that God exists:) ). So I browsed around a couple of Mega-Stores that we have. Maintaining eyecontact with people walking by was a piece-of-cake. Until it was a typical lady or something similar. It's considers uncouth in India to stare at married ladies (Heck, it's even so with girls....jeez).

Then came the difficult part - GETTING THE HIs. The 5th day I got just one. There were just 5 more on the 6th. I grew worried on the last day, as I had tallied 6 till morning and 50 seemed far, far away. However, there was strong resolve to complete the exercise successfully. So I went out quite early that evening and went browsing again to one of the Mega-Stores. Around one-and-a-half hour left for my shift to start, I had about 43-44 HIs to get. I went to a street-side shoe market and my HI count rose to 11. 39 more to go. Growing in confidence and with dogged determination, I drove to a street-side ethnic wear market. I grew in confidence as I said HIs and noticed that you fall in a trance-like state where your sub-conscious mind takes over and I started enjoying as the HIs rolled out more & more effortlessly. I also noted that generally, people are taken aback or perplexed when you 'HI' them and usually don't know how to respond. Probably as Indians don't say HI just for the sake of it to street-walking strangers, although they are quite friendly. The crux is that I totalled 51 HIs with a good 30 minutes to go. That's 40 HIs in 60 minutes, a HI every 90 seconds. Hmmmm.....not bad.

An interesting thing that happened during this exercise was that I saw an interesting chick (a 7 with nice figure) as I was counting my HIs. However, as the the only thing on my mind at the time was completing the exercise, I went along 'HIing'. But, as I came towards finishing my target, I crossed the girl twice or thrice and also found her noticing me. Now, I decided to say HI to this girl. The girl, who was with another girl(a cousin???) and two ladies(has to be mother and aunt), as if on cue, separated and strolled away with the other girl, from the ladies. Now I doubled up, and crossed the girl and managed a HI. Wonders, she reponded with a meek HI and a tentative smile and I moved on. She was my 47th HI and in itself a big achievement. But, not satisfied with this much I thought I should talk to her and get her number. So I completed the exercise and waited for an opportunity to cross paths with her. I caught the girls looking out towards me as I was on the other side of the street. I whiled away some more time at a street vendor close by gathering the strength to approach her. Finally, I managed the strength and went up to the girl and said "Excuse me. HI!!", to which the girl probably said HI, but I don't remember. Then I said, "You look beautiful." She mumbled something. Then I asked, "Would you like to be friends?", to which reacted as if she didn't understand what I said. I again asked the same thing and she said, "No." with a smile. I questioned "Sure???", with a smile, the hard part behind me, and she said "Yes.", with a smile and went away in the other direction. I went away smiling and confident to my workplace. I was happy that this was my most confident approach to a girl ever, and that too with so many people around and with the girl not being alone, as you rarely find a girl alone to approach and that's what bothers me no end. I felt elated and wasn't too worried about not getting further with the girl. I hadn't read the next week's articles but as it turns out my approach was almost the same as 3b in 'Conversation - Introduction'.

There was another interesting thing, worth less of a mention, that happened that day just sometime back. I said HI to a young man as he walked by and moved on. The guy turned around and followed me and started asking me questions regarding name, location, occupation etc. Then he invited me to the garden behind. For a spit-second I didn't understand, then it dawned upon me that the guy was a gay and was taking me as one. I laughed & declined. But the guy continued to follow. I was troubled for a moment but managed to shake him off. Then I felt like laughing aloud at the comic situation.

All in all, I managed not less than 3 hrs of eye contact and at least 51 HIs. I've started the second week and from now on will allot at least 4 days instead of 3 for the exercise, taking into account the first week's experience.

Good luck to others not content with Miss Rosey Palm.

Chicks beware.........the AFC is melting, and FAST.

Jan 6, 2004
Reaction score
el estado de la sol
Week 1

It's intereting to see everyone in the first week! I had to cut mine short because I finished acually hello and keeping eye contact on 50 strangers in three days- that way I can start with my lessons on a Thursday.

My thread will have more detailed experiances when I do it later today, but just to follow the program and respond here- this exercise didn't help me much but it brushed up on my eye contact which I guess is very important in the next few steps. I already have many social skills but this is getting me where I need to be, especially with all the incredibly useful reading in the boot camp and in the DJ Bible (Btw you should be reading that as well!)

This Saturday my friend and wingman Chuck are going to go and practice wingman tactics as well as fun experiments that will probably get a slap or two, but it's all about the learning and improving for us so it should be a blast! It'll also get us through week 2 very quickly and give us more time for other stuff before the third week. Who knows? Maybe he'll have to learn to drive stick shift and I leave with a hot ayse woman (I've seen it happen).


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2003
Reaction score
I am also on this step but I really dont understand why you are having such a hard time with this. I said Hi to everyone, male female, old young, ugly hot I dont care. I finished the exercise in about 20 mniutes in a packed mall.

I just dont understand what the deal is. I mean really how hard is iit to say HI. I make sure I say HI with authority, Like you better ****ing say hi back or else i will keep staring at you until you do. Its not the end of the world if you say hi and they dont say hi back or worst case senario, you say hi to a cure girl and she gets on the mall intercom and says "loser said hi to me, i laughed in his face". Even if that was the case, who would really care or remember even the next day. Just get it over with its really easy.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2004
Reaction score
Yo guys, I've just started doing week 1 of the dj camp. I'm on day 4 since when I said I started. Basically I've been holding EC with everyone since I started. I mean initially it was hard but now it seems easy lol!

The only problem is a lot of people don't seem to hold EC and literally look anywhere but at me. I'm also finding it real hard to just smile at them. I mean I can but when I do I kinda have to look away.

I'm gonna head into uni today and then probs into town and just see how it goes again and hopefully I'll be able to add some 'Hi's providing I get my smiling sorted :).

I think in order to force myself to do this I'm gonna say that I can't go out to the club with my friends tonight unless I say Hi to, at the very least, 5 people.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2004
Reaction score
muhaha, had some fun today. Went around uni/town doing the EC thing and finally saw a hot girl who held my EC all the way and we both smiled at eachother as we passed ;).

After that I was feeling pretty good and headed off into town, started saying 'afternoon' to people as I passed them too. None of them said anything back except for 2 people (out of 7) and they just smiled and said hi. I pretty much used old people to get myself started because I didn't feel threatened by them but I'll try and go for some girls tomorrow :D

Now I'm off to hit the club again with my pals so hopefully I'll be able to get some more EC going


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2004
Reaction score
I think the hardest part of this exercise is finding people who will hold EC with you or will respond with a "Hi". I usually say hello to anyone I see who holds any kind of EC with me, so I finished this particular exercise in a day or two. Still, it was very good practice for EC and tossing the smile in...


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2004
Reaction score
Yeh I've noticed it is really really hard to get people to hold EC. It's something stupid like 1 in 15 that actually do so it's gonna be quite a task for me to get all these hellos and his etc out if I only do it with EC because it feels like a waste of time just saying to anyone when they're looking at the floor - I might aswell say it to a brick wall lol


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by SteR
Yeh I've noticed it is really really hard to get people to hold EC. It's something stupid like 1 in 15 that actually do so it's gonna be quite a task for me to get all these hellos and his etc out if I only do it with EC because it feels like a waste of time just saying to anyone when they're looking at the floor - I might aswell say it to a brick wall lol
Yeah, I easily got 50 "Hello's" off with no problem. The thing is, only a few actually held the EC and responded. Saying Hello isn't a problem, finding people who are confident enough to respond is.


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
Dayton, OH
First week was kind of freaky. The eye contact thing was good. By using the technigue I was able to figure out who would make a good friend and who was too full of themselves to stop and say hello to me. I even made a few new friends.

With that all in check, I even got a date. Apparently a girl I met a few months ago, called me up and asked me out. She had just broken up with her boyfriend and well she insisted we go to dance club. Heck, even I was surprised. She was desperately wanting to meet other guys, little did she know that I was going to ruin that for her.

As we walked into the club I offered her my cropped arm and she of course held on with excitement. We walked in and instantly, the attention was on me. I could see the girls staring at me with questioning eyes, and the guys were equally. I bet the guys were thinking "How does this short blad headed guy pick up such hot chicks?"

So we went into dancing, then it went to grinding, all it took was for me to grab a hold of those hips and wingle to the beat.

Now lets talk about rapport building. During the course of the evening, I left my date on the dance floor alone as I went to use the rest room. Of course some brave guy comes out on the dance floor and starts talking to her. So I approach and instantly he says "Hey man I didn't mean anything with your lady, I don't want to start a fight." I said "It's cool, why not just dance with her, show me what you got." Then I took the iniative to go around the dance floor and dance with a number of women. Skinny girls, fat girls, short and tall. It didn't matter because I was having such a good time, that nothing else mattered. I mean it came to a point were the guy that was hitting on my girl, was paying to much attention to my ability to dance with any girl, that he started pointing at a random girl and say "Dance with her." I would dance with her, I mean my game was that good. In the end he gave me a high five and I finished the night dancing with my date, who was just stunned.

So in the end, I was able to dance with just about any girl as long as when I went up to dance with them, that they looked into my eyes and smiled. If they did that, then hey I knew it was on.


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Tampa, FL
DAY one WEEK one

well im just starting my boot camp today and am very excited about it. so for my first exercise i kind of been slacking the eye contact was jsut off today im really disappointed in myself :( on the flipside i got 5 (45 to go) hi's today and they were all pretty good im going for atleast ten a day though so as the clock ticks twards tommorow we'll see hopw i progress until the its tampa's YOUGEST IN CHARGE the 15 year old YUNG DEMO!!!

Nicholas Hill

Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2001
Reaction score
Swansea, Wales, UK
Hey guys.

I am noticing one thing about this boot camp; People are responding mainly to the week one thread, and I occasionally see the second week thread being used. Not one person has made it to the end of the set of threads. Is this bad news? Yes. Is my saying so meant to discourage you guys from completing? No. I challenge anyone who starts the course to finish it. I will certainly look forward to anyone who posts beyond week three.



Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
hey guys..i'm on week 1. day 3. i hit at least 10 ppl a day when i go out..be it the mall or the gym...anywhere.

its amazing to see how similar everyone is and how they walk looking straight on..similar to a horse with a pair of blinders!

damn...i caught a few looks and maybe 2-3 smile backs and just 1 hi...its amazing. they don't even want to look at you and if they do, its only for a split second...so you can't even say hi cos they're not looking...3 more days and i'll move on to week 2!


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
Mr. Hill, most girls I try to make eye contact with deliberately avoid eye contact. I’m walking around with a slight natural smile. Only a couple of girls made EC but they did smile back. Should I just say “Hi” when they are in speaking range and not worrying about them making EC? Also I’m primarily doing the exercise at school and the malls since I don’t have any where else to go.


New Member
May 8, 2004
Reaction score
Starting out

Hey all,

So, I've decided to do the Boot Camp. I am pretty nervous about this and I honestly don't feel too confident that I'll be able to complete it. But I think it would be really good for me. I've been to this site and others over the years and have read some advice. It's helped somewhat--I've gone from being terrified of women to having approached womend, gone on dates, made moves--very sporadically, though. I always fall back into old habits for long stretches. I'd like to make a significant change and really improve myself. So...taking the plunge. Just read chapter one of the Boot Camp and am ready to go out for eye contact and hi's today.

Feel good about this. Thanks to all who put it together.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
I finsihed week one today:

What you did, correctly and incorrectly.
What I did was walk around aimlessly by myself and say Hi to strangers as they passed. The best thing about bootcamp so far is it motivated me to wat to get into the field. After school instead of going home and watching TV or reading up on some sosuave techniques I ALREADY KNOW, I was learning in the field. As I went along, I noticed a confident Hi always gets a better response, and staring (just short of oogling) of strangers seems to be the only way to get their attention. Another pattern was for people coming from a long distance but in my view, we'd both look at each other from far away, but if I looked away here, I NEVER got acknowledged. The only thing I did that might be seen as a lil iffy was when I became pressed for time, I just said Hi to whoever I was next to (whereas halfway through, I started to opt for Hb's moreso) Other than that I did everything by the books. The EC exercise, I didn't even do that, because I do that on the regular, I always try and hold EC with strangers (that are hot ;)) so that was nothing new.

What you thought and felt The more I thought about it before I said Hi, the more times I chickened out, so after a while I started to think less and just throw myself into the situation. Often I'd be ignored, but instead of lingering on the rejection, I'd say whatever # of Hi's I had, and smile to myself. When they just popped out of a door or appeared next to me, I had less chance to think (3s rule anyone :))As I progressed I felt more powerful, and in charge with improving body language because I was honing in on it prior to saying Hi.

How you think you're doing at this point I am impressed with myself, because this is my second (maybe third) time attempting the bootcamp, and I've only got 50 Hi's once, but I've never done it within a week, and I never had the determination to move onto week 2... until now. I've got some momentum so I'm ready to push myself like never before.

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
