Boot Camp Journal


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Week 5 Day 3

Hey Cheers, guys , for the record I haev a VERY long way to go and am VERY far from calling myself a DJ but it's nice to get the envouragement. Especially because today my DJing sucked a**.

Today I called the hot blond from the city who I met the other day and left a message (Right , I officially hate those machines). My policy with getting the machine is to hang up , think of what I'm gonna say and then call and leave a message. Ideally I'd just keep ringing until I got a person , but then you leave 10 mesage IDs in 2 days it's bad jujitsu , and besides who wants to chase women around like that. The only pain is , I was trying to get the blonde for my friday night spot and if she doesn't call back I'ma want to fill it with Zara for a second date or my newfound playbuddy for a sleep over.

My plan is to call Zara and make the date (or leave a F***ing message) and if the hot blonde calls back then I'll tell her a friend called me beforeshe called back , but would she like to come hang out saturday.


My Djing today sucked . One walkup in the gym on the 9 I couldn't engage last week , this time I used proper engaging questions but got a funny vibe. I couldn't tell the vibe between akwardly wishing I'd go away , and just being shy (the usual first 30 secinds vibe). So , being smooth (as I am) I wished her good luck for her marathon , turned , and tripped over a pec deck :rolleyes: .

The I went to th other gym to do a cardio class and roll on an 9 I didn't close on last week. This was my only reason for going to the gym. I got there , saw her outside so called out to her . She stopped , we talked and some 6yr old kid comes up (he knew her somehow) and so they start talking. I choke or fumble or take a bad vibe from this and bimble off to change. In response to what I percieved as a snub (Maybe it was but after 14 seconds of convo who the f*** knows) I jut didn't notice her that whole class (which looked money cos I had 2 cute chicks come and start convos with me and the instructor ask me about his technique, and 9 tried to eye check me like 5 times).

So , 2 foul ups based on not really reading my audience and probably playing "to win" rather than "for fun".

After that I have a shower after class , get changed and find I have pakcedonly one pair of boxer shorts. Which meands I'm going commando on my first date with Bella (in about half an hour).

Could I be any smoother ?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 6, 2003
Reaction score
What are you talking bout Walden your doing excellent! Making your own luck dude instead of waiting for it!


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Thanks Jay.

Guys this is me just clearing my head (the computer lab is on the way to where I parked my car).

My date with Bella was amazing.

We went to the comedy club (which was having a refurb night) so we binned that, she said "what do we do now?" and I decisively led her downtown to a cool jazz bar for a drink.

So we sit in the Jazz bar and have like 2 glasses of wine (She was impressed that I know from wine , but it's just that Air Force bases are always in good wine growing regions (go figure).

We talk , and have so much in common , the way we think about people , her sport (she used to be an olympic athlete) , even some really arcane matriaql arts philosophy **** (the aikido ideas of maiai and ki and "centre" and **** I don;t talk about except for with my favourite teachers much less on a first date.

And the we kissed and were like blam like all over each other , we came up for air and realised we had totally made a scene in this bar...we just totally forgot who and where we were.

Man , I haven't connected like this with someone in ages, DJing aside (I was way outta my depth for DJing tonight). This was something else.

So er , yeah , that was probably very incoherent , but it's helped me get my head around tonight, cheers.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Week5 Day 4

Hmm have come upon another challenge to my DJing.

Answer machines. Of all the numbers I got last week every call went to an answer machine. Of those I left messages I got maybe 2/3 calling back and those were between 1 and 2 days later. This makes it difficult to make plans.

So what to do. Firstly I don't like this message leaving idea cos it means I'm waiting on some chick to call me back.And also losing that 1/3 is a pain , cos at least one of those was a real hottie!

So I have 3 options on how to beat this problem.

(1) ask for landline numbers ("I live in a cellphone blind spot"/ "the base exhange is a pain for getting cell numbers..."). That way I can at least wait till I get a real person (in which case I hope I can use a little charm and not lose that 1 in 3).

(2) Call sooner. Wait one day rather than 3. If I'm relying on the strength of a 5 minute walkup someplace it makes sense to follow that up as soon as possible.

(3) Head out to a nightclub and try using my DJ skills in situations where a F--- close os possible that night.

Anyone have any other suggestions?

All of these cases require me to get out and bust more cold PU's and get more numbers to try it out with. Which is good practice in any case.


Today I got a call back from one chick who had (genuinely) lost my number. So I now can try and play her for , like sunday at the earliest.


Confidence had taken a bit of a knock from this message machine ****ing around , and am pretty wrecked from my date last night and getting up early for work (excuses excuses). Have choked twice today , once on a girl who came up and said "Hi" to me (WTF???).

Am gonna try a walkup or two today and rock a hard day's DJ training at uni tomorrow.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 26, 2002
Reaction score
Re: Week5 Day 4

As the answering machines go I read on some PUA site about a technique that involves setting up the time for the call (on a period of the day, but not a certain day or even week).

This can be done with humour, like "Hey I'm gonna call you somewhere after 4PM... maybe ;)" If she objects to that with something like that she might be at work... Well I am sure you will be able to tell if she's genuine i.e she'll offer an alternative time when she's sure to be at home or similiar.

This can only work in your favor. It doesn't reek AFC in that you're not really killing the challenge. She will still be wondering if you are gonna call her or not, today or tommorow? Except that in this case she will be sitting by the phone and anxiosly awaiting your call. That would subconciosly even more increase her desire for you to finally call. Kinda like delaying pleasure (the ultimate seduction tool). Once you call ;) ... you get the drift (boom!). In the regular (wait 3/5/7 or whatever days) technique/method she will be wondering why you're not calling, but that wondering will spread out thru the day and hence will be weak. But if it's all concentrated in one hour, say 4PM to 5PM - every single day... Boy its gonna blow her mind!


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Week 5 Day 5

Thanks for the advice Cestmoi , I think your idea is really money if you absolutely nail the close , and will be a good way to raise IL.

Interesting , this week has been all about the 'phone contatcs. Reading the board a lotta guys seem to get numbers and then no replies. I agree with a lot of the stuff tht says numbers can be a further layer of screening.

I think the answering machine as screener ploy increases the likelyhood of getting the phone number in the first place. This becomes a nonconfrontational way to get rid of you. Women love to defer rejecting you until they are out of range.

Of the six numbers I got , I got 4 replies, 1 told me she had a boy and the last one I haven't called (cos I think it was a crap close).

However there were also technical issues at play here .I only got 2 calls back when I left voicemail because (as my sister explained) I'm hitting on cute young women , many of whom aren't organised enough to have enough money on their phone to retrieve voicemail. So I TXTed those others and got replies in like 10 minutes.

Even still it is a little frustrating getting what look like promising leads and then having them turn out to be wood. I might try putting some kinda byfriend filter in my close , which gives the chick an out right there, but it is hard to do that smoothly (any advice gratefully recieved).


As for todays play , I am planning to run 2 or 3 walkups at uni (in between actually doing some study) and I have a lunchdate this afternoon with the chick I met in the cafe the other day.

Am not very happy with 'lunch' as a date but have taken it because she happened to be in town and I'd rather actually have a lunch date that I can play than the possibility of a 'real' date at some later stage maybe.


Luch date went well, she's a lot of fun , and seemd eager to tell me stories about what a bad girl she is. Again I made all the decisions and let her do all the talking. Have made plans to hook up tonight.

I think I'm gonna just have a few days going hard on the walkups this weekend , cos it's been a few days since I last bust one and i have to go do some study this aftermoon.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Week 5 Day 6

Took the luch date out to the comedy club last night .
At lunch I asked what she was doing that night and she said she was watching a video with her flatmates (ie nothing) so I told ehr to ditch that and come to the improv with me.

Had a good date , made a point of using a bit of kino.

Then took her home to my place ("Oh wow I've always wanted to see what an air force base looks like :) ").

We joined a party in the bar that was cebtred aroind a bottle of vodka and a bottle of gin.

Three were about three chicks in the party who were all over me , mainly cos I was with someone and therefore treating them more money ie not too interested , dropping the odd neg hit and so on.

I put one of them to bed with a pretty enthusiastic goodnight kiss :) and thenw ent back to my 'date'.

It was a good night, tho Gin and Vodka are muy bad juju.
As for today I was way too hung over to train , had the chick form last night calling me all day (don't think I'll reply , she's got DANGER WILL ROBINSON written all over her) and had my playbuddy over last night for dinner (got some funny looks fro the guys who saw me in the bar with another grl last night tho' :) ).


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Week 5 Day 7

Okay so It's been like 2 days since I last made a cold walk up so I'm in town to practice practice practice.

Bella's coming over for diner tonight too, tho I hafta call her back and give her directions.

Went out and rocked 2 walkups for practice (SWSnc, SWMnc). None really worth closing on tho'. One walkup was kinda cool I was crossing at the lights and saww this chick check me out and preen like 3 times. So I cross with the light and go talk to her. It was so money. I think the confidence you start to get from doing a little DJing must totally shine thru in everyday life.

I'm aware of how long I spent on week 4 and so I'm thinking I'll just start into week 6 tomorrow. I've been on 4 (5?) dates this week (one more tonight) and I've learned ****loads about turning numbers into dates , so I'm comfortable moving on.

Feel kinda stink that I've sorta dropped one girl off the roster cos I've been so busy (another great problem to have).

Have been thinking about why the backpack bit works so well.
TBB is where I see a cute girl on a park bench and I go put my backpack down on it and start to fiddle round inside. I notice her and say hi and then take out my phone and start arsing around with it (I dunno realphabetising the numbers or some s***). By then I've generally started the convo and if I'm getting a good vibe I sit down and we talk.

I think this works cos
(A) fiddling in the bag gives you reasonable top cover for your approach,
(B) your icebreaker looks like you're just being polite,
and maybe (C) it's a bit more relaxed in the first 30 (seconds) cos it looks like you're set to leave in a moment anyway.

Today I bust 3 great walkups , with good responses that i didn't close 'cos I bought the excuse (to myself) that my roster is plenty full enough. Bugger!

What the hell was I thinking?!

Still I love walking past a place with like 4 regular guys hanging out near some hot chick , with them all to scared to bust a move , and just rocking on in and meeting her and them all just satnding there thinking "what the F*** just happened here?" :D

Just read the course prescription for week 5. MOTU reckons you should have ten numbers live at any given time !!!

I'm running about six and that's practically a full time job!


Okay I'm prepared to admit it. I ,Walden don't know Jack , and MOTU knows heaps.

10 is an appropriate number to have on the roster because so many chicks turn out to be flakes.

Had this chick over...we went to my room...the lights are out , the ddor is locked...and she decides "maybe we shouldn't".

Sure more power to her , and it was my fault for selling her to the level where she was willing to go along rather than dragging me along , but WTF????

You'd think that once that kit starts coming off, you'd be fairly far advaced in the decision making process right?

Sigh , my usual monday morning realise-that-I-don't-know-diddly-about-DJing.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Week 6 Day 1

Well, from what happened last night , it seems that the boot camp is going along at the right pace for what I need to be learning.

Yesterday I made 3 great walkups (SWSnc)'s but I didn't close (maybe a little close-phobia again there).

Dating progress last week was good , maybe I played a little too fast but hell , no woman fantasises about having a gentle, passive man.

So today Iam embarking on a new evel of DJing. From now on I am only gonna DJ in the places I normally go , no DJing errands. This is cos I want to master hitting targets of opportunity, cosif I come acress my 10 she'll b in the line for groceries or on her way to the podiatrist or some s*** and I'll have to DJ her where I find her.

Likewise I'ma want to set up some second or third or whatever the f*** dates , and definitiely read a few weeks ahead.

In the computer lab where I am right now there is a way cute 8 I managed to f*** up my close on (three weeks before I stared the b/c and I'd love to go roll on that a** but sitting on either side of her are women who i've already approached (both were b/f'ed) and so I don't really want to DJ in front of that audience (ulp!).


2 walkups (SWSnc, SWMc) , none particulalrly amazing looking but shoulda closed for practice.

MAde a date for tomorrow night with this chick who didn't seem keen to see the movie (she mentioned she had seen it before and had to get up early) but still wanted to see me. I didn't want to look wishy washy by saying "well we could do something else if you like" so I let her decide to come with me and we agreed to meet up. This one will be a second night date , and am planning to up the kino a bit to see what develops.

Also let the TROUBLE girl take me for coffee.I was pretty cool towards her but she still stuck around and kissed me goodbye (we made quite a scene :D ).

Really need to bust another number close for fear of getting into a no-close rut.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Week 6 Day 2

Spent most of today at home working , but mad respect to SGT Cheers who has finally set up my home computer so it doesn't think Sosuave is a porn site !

I have a date tonight in the city and I'm gonna go there a little early so I can practice some walkups, in the aim of getting my roster of 'live' numbers back up to 10.

Goddamn! I choked twice in like half an hour!!! Someone perform the Heimlich manouver!


Today was disappointing . I've had to do some schoolwork lately (massively neglecting it cos of my DJ training) and I guess that day was today (also hadta practice my bit for the improv tomorrow night).

As such I got maybe an hour's training in , during which I choked like 5 times and didn't walkup once.


The date tonight was a shocker, Kelly is politely responsive to kino and kissing but never initiates and seemed to be having a totally crap time tonight (tho she paused for a goodnight kiss and seemed a little miffed not to get it). So if she's not into me why does she keep coming out on what are obviously dates?

Very frustrating.

If I read this situation on the board my own advice would read NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEXT! and Find Three Other Women. Both of which seem like good ideas.

So I need to go out , do more walkups and get more numbers (and still have fun doing it) , tho the motivation is a tad bit low :rolleyes:

I guess it's called aboot camp cos it requires a bit of effort sometimes.
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Never try to read a woman's mind. It is a scary place. Ignore her confusing signals and mixed messages. Assume she is interested in you and act accordingly.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

One on One

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
I laugh in disbelief every time I read through this day I promise myself I will approach as many chicks as you do, Walden. Know any good places to start looking for approaches (DJ errands)?


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Week 6 Day 3

Gah! Went to the uni to practice , one approach (more of a hi , but I was going for a second pass and she wasn't there on my way back , live and learn).

Another SWSnc in the lab next to me right now.Getting a crap vibe but people generally put out a chilly vibe to stop people bothering them and are paradoxically stoked when someone busts through the jerk sheild.
(Update) or in this case she's putting up a chilly vibe cos her big Russian boyfriend is present :rolleyes:

Okay so her name's Danielle , and she's from Germany and really sweet. I totally 'matrixed' myself that time.

My whole attitude on that approach sucked. DJing happens when you have that much energy confidence and sociability that it overflows around you , rather than happening thru "mugging" strangers for their attention.

And one approach in the gym today (SWSc if you can't work with that , check your pulse) that wasn't really closable.


Bust one totally money approach in the bookstore. There was this seminar thing going on and I saw this hot chick in the audience , and went over looked at the books behind her for a bit then went and asked her what the seminar was about. It was going really well till I saw my watch and realised I was on at the comedy club in like 10 minutes (ulp!).

Six billion people on the planet whose sole purpose is to make your life more amusing :D

Have a date to my show at the comedy club but she's gotta go work afterwards.


Dave, a DJ errand is just where you go out looking for approaches , like to the gym or the bookstore or some sh*t. It's not like I read that much that I really hafta visit borders on a weekly basis :D .


The date to my show went okay(my set went pretty well) 'cept I don't think Tara (who works in a bar) gets real dates like you or I do. I think basically she has occasions where she finds someone and f***s them rather than gradually progressing towards some level of closeness...

There may be a strategy in that...

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Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Week 6 Day 4

Yesterdays walkup training went great because I stuck to Every-one/Everywhere/Everytime rule of going over and starting convo with every bangable skank I saw. That meant I got a lot more out of my hour's training than otherwise and made a couple of really money approaches.

I read the link below thatmakes a good argument. See historically I've been assuming that on a second date the girl will be a little more comfortable with you than on the first, and so on until she feels confortable going to bed with you.

The link to fastseduction made me think that this approach may be kinda flawed in that , it puts you into a socialised pattern of behaviour where the girl has a timeframe of weeks (months???) which you can't go faster than , but will only actually take it to the next level if you show her some passion or energy or get her fired up for it.So letting the chronological progression of dates do that work for you will probably never go anywhere. Most of the sexual relationships I've had , ended up in bed on the first date or the first night we met. And most of the girls I've 'dated'
never went anywhere.


I hafta spend today studying with no great opportunities for training. I'm working on an idea for mental condtioning where I 'relive' previous successful walkups several times. The reason for this is I found I had really lost my edge the other day after I hadn't been doing them. I think (at least until I get to the stage where I've been DJing for a year or so) that mental conditioning will help keep me in the zone (this all sounds very NLP but there you go).

Tomorrow is friday , and I'm gonna have a huuuge day of DJ training, and I'm thinking about going clubbing (gasp!) solo about 3AM to have a shot at this bartender when she finishes work (besides which her bar is always full of hot chicks and she gives me beer , how wrong could it go? ).


Last night there was another huuge night in the bar. Practiced some kino on a 6 (who plays as a 7 cos she's in uniform) , but didn't want to be up all night trying to close that sh*t so I went to bed (wus). :)
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Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Week6 day 5

Today , 2 walkups (SWSc, grandma shots) and none of those were really worth writing home about , still it's good to keep in practice.

Have a date tonight with trouble girl (cute but trouble) , who by now knows she's pretty far down my list , so she's been chasing me all week (go figure). I'm pretty sure she's figured that if she jumps out on me she's gonna get pretty robustly NEXTed.


That idea for NLP style DJ rehearsal was great , I put on my favourite sinatra track on repeat and mentally reviewed five really money approaches I'd made, from the moment I saw the HB to how / when I decided to roll on in , to what I opened with and how I got her to unlock...

It was great , and the Sinatra acted as a really good link. '

The effect was amazing , it really reduced that approach phobia , cos it kinda trained me to be able to go into a good state of mind.

I saw this HB8 leaving the computer lab , and literally leapt outta my seat to go meet her , as I satrted walking , feeling totally confident I realised that without thinking it I was humming "Meet me at the Copa" to myself.

This is great for my approaches and next I wanna train myself to close automatically as well (cos that's as big a leap again).

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Senior Don Juan
Oct 26, 2002
Reaction score
You're doing awesome Walden! Congrats! Do you realize that you're just 1 day away from finishing the bootcamp!?

That's right! You see there are no weeks 7 and 8 yet. Even though there's a link to week 7 it doesn't exist. So what do you plan to do? Call it over or make your own program for afterwards?

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Week 6 Day 6

Partied it up a little last night and am feeling a little delicate, but I'm gonna go out and practice anyways.

Cestmoi, I don't know what I'm gonna do W/R/T weeks 7 and 8. I do intend to put in 2 more weeks of full-on training (and record those here) but I'm not sure what goals I'll set for them.


Training this morning has been pretty average. Saw a HB in a pair of well wicked hand tooled leather boots. Wlaked past , good eye contact , smile and I was ten paces away before I thought that I coulda said "hey , nice boots".


Naaah.Today my training went from pretty average , to downright useless, so I bagged it for the day. I'll work on that NLP sinatra conditioning and go run some walkups or sh*t tomorrow.


Have been thinking more about this dating caper. My plan thus far has been to ust take some chick out and see what happens. That has lead to my only so-so results. I definitely want to go in with a plan next time(s).
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Nicholas Hill

Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2001
Reaction score
Swansea, Wales, UK
Two things

Week seven does exist. I've found a link to it, but its in the old forum style and found via

When I tried it, they said the archive servers were having problems. If this link doesnt work, let me know.

I have this link because I hold an old copy of the DJ bible.

If the link doesnt work, Walden, PM me and I can send you an offline version of that particular web page which is included in the "Offline DJB" zip file.

There is no week eight. If you can devise a week eight, then by all means post it and I will greatly enjoy adding that.

Secondly, when the camp is finished, I intend to add this article to the DJB, under the "Boot camp" heading itself.



Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Cheers Nick.

I'll be interested to read week 7 and I have a few ideas for week 8 as well.

Nicholas Hill

Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2001
Reaction score
Swansea, Wales, UK
Bad news.

Web archive doesn't have it, and when I made the offline DJB, I didn't include the boot camp. I was going to make a website for Boot Camp but only got to the second week.

I've pmed MotU and asked him if he has a copy of week 7, and am expecting a response soon.

I'm pretty resourceful, but theres nowhere on the web or on my computer that I know of where the old week 7 exists!

Not many people made it past week six, so that explains why the thread dissapeared (no bumps, no responses) - also explains why there was no week 8.

I'm writing a massive ebook on the boot camp, and I'm about 1/4 of the way there. soon I will need weeks 7 and 8. If i cant get #7, then I'm all up for a "new" week seven and eight.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Week 6 Day 7

Thanks for looking Nick. I have an idea of what I want to achieve in week 7 anyways but I'll write about that tomorrow.

Today I have a little shopping to do so I'm hoping for some good chances to practice my CAs (which went shockingly yesterday).

Today has been pretty piss-poor.

4 chokes , one walkup (and that was on a woman who was in a queue next to me and on closer inspection turned out to be quite quite pregnant!).

The most frustrating thing about DJing has been the fact that I'm so inconsistent. If I could consistently play at my best I'd have mad game but I keep vacillating between really quite good (at my best) and plain shocking (past 3 days).
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Men frequently err by talking too much. They often monopolize conversations, droning on and on about topics that bore women to tears. They think they're impressing the women when, in reality, they're depressing the women.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
