Boot Camp Journal


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Week 7 Day 1

Well, itseems that I'm goonna hafta do week 7 without MOTU's invaluable guidance. Week7 is aimed at

Week #7 - Building Up Intimacy

I said intimacy, not romance. Romance is for relationships, intimacy is for building attraction.

At this point, you have already kiss closed the girls you are dating, and maybe even dropped one or two that you were not interested in. The fortunate remaining ones get to be rewarded with more kissing, and a move up on the intimate level.

Also, activities include trying out more date options, so as to help you determine where you enjoy going on dates. And if you happen to have dropped (or been dropped by) too many girls, you may need to go into the field and acquire more phone number, which by now is a much easier goal to achieve.
...which is great cos I've been on about a dozen dates , and on some of them (first dates with Bella and Troublegirl) I built up lots of physical intimacy real fast , and on some of them (Kelly, Tara and a few others) I got nowhere in three weeks of dating.

So my aim for this week is to go on a few dates try out some SS techniques, to go on a "Action date" and see if that builds intimacy , and to look in the Bible and try out any suggestions there.

Now , here's the Rub. THe week six slump hit last week. In week 4 and 5 I was getting mad numbers , but in week 5 and 6 I was so busy actually going out with chicks that I didn't bother to get any new ones. This meant that come week 6 my roster was down to about 4 active numbers. Two of which got NEXTED over the weekend (mainly due to my inconsistent dating performance).

Thus this week I've got to go out , get some new numbers , and take them on GOOD (from my perspective) dates.


3 walkups, neither especially brilliant, but at least I made 'em.
Both were pretty frustrating cos I knew I shoulda closed them and didn't. I also think I put myself under pressure a bit.

You have to relax and let Djing happen, you can't force it to go the way you want.

My sister refers to dating anyone under 20 as "baby sitting/baggage minding". Which I liked (Troublegirl was 19 and a pain in the ass I had to get security to toss her drunk a** outta here the other night and it was REALLY embarassing).
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Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Week 6 Day 7

The most frustrating thing about DJing has been the fact that I'm so inconsistent. If I could consistently play at my best I'd have mad game but I keep vacillating between really quite good (at my best) and plain shocking (past 3 days). [/B]

Its ALWAYS gonna be inconsistant, ALWAYS. Its just the nature of the game. My game can be flat out unstoppable one day, and i can be just average DJ another. Depends on your mood/energy/etc. With all the factors, its gonna be inconsistant.

DJ'ing isn't like shooting free throws. If your good at free throws, no mattter how crappy your feeling, your gonna bank 8 outta 10. DJ'ing can rapidly change from day to day in my opinion. Some days your 10 for 10, others its 2 for 10. Just the nature of the beast.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Cheers blu,

Yeah I get ya totally about being inconsistent. Which is a pity cos I know I've been performing at a much better level than this in the past and yet lately....

Saw a poster up in my gym that read : "Performance varies , comittment never wavers".

I guess today wasn't so bad , a total of 4 walkups , 3 cloasable but I was rushed and I gave myself the excuse that I'd rock that one on the next go-aroun (everyone kick Walden for being a d*ck).
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Senior Don Juan
Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
Hey Walden,
I'm really enjoying reading your progress day to day following the bootcamp. I have a few questions for you: how do you decide to close or not? If you feel a connection with them, do you close? Where do you do most of your approaches, and do you go by signals to approach or to you just approach without any signal whatsoever:cool: ? Also, what types of girls to you usually target(ie. .. 7's, 8's, 9's, hippie chicks, preppy girls, surfer girls, etc)? You seem to have a lot of chokes:D , how many potential targets to you usually see everyday? I probably only see 3-5 girls worth approaching, and of those 1-2 without cellphones. Another thing, what are you going to do when you finish with this bootcamp? Thanks, and keep on posting your progress.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
I decide to close if the chick is attractive. Often I'm too much of a p***y (I count that as a choke).

I do approaches any place I see an attractive girl , at school , in the gym , on the street , at the podiatrist.

I see dozens of women I'm attracted to every day (where are you living????).

I don't wait for signals , becuae one day I'm gonna see a 10 , and she may not give me signals.

I do have a lot of chokes but then again , because I'm "training" there's an impetus to be approaching every girl I see. This means that in training I'd count an attractive girl walking past me at fifty paces without me moving on in as a choke, where in real life I probably wouldn't look twice.

My "targets" are anything female that moves and doesn't too closely resemble my neighbours dog (but I only close if I'm attracted to them).

As for post bootcamp , I'm gonna be putting in alot of PT to try out for a new job (looking forward to being well ripped :D, and as far as Djing goes aim for 2-3 walkups per day to stay in practice , plus doing the DJ 500 , maybe.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Week 7 day 2

Bust 1 walkup (SWSnc), but she was obviously very uncomfortable with being approached by boys (it happens I guess). First time I've had that reaction but it was clear she couldn't get away quick enough. :rolleyes:

4 more walkups today (one SWMnc !), and 3 chokes.Felt like a bit of a "Chad" on the last one I guess because I don't want to bother a chick who is intimidated by me (I'm a big hulking great guy walking up outta noplace) and so it's easy to be scanning myself to check if I'm being a pain.


This thread about intimate conversation backs up what I found on my first date with Bella, we were having an "intimate" conversation and physical intimacy began to seem appropriate.


Alright , this is why I felt like a Chad.Normally I wander around acting like I'm slightly more importnat than everyone there, and when I see a chick I use Pooks paradigm of just rocking on up and starting a conversation about any social pretext (the weather , the colour of the girls blouse , the fact that I like blue).
On that last walkup she was at a desk across the lab so i had to go over , start a convo on some bull**** pretext (I asked if she'd mistakenly taken a page of my printing) and then try to Dj her from there. Which is obviously not money cos she's gonna go "Oh this Chad thinks he's fooling me" and in any case I'd be "stealing" her attention by trading on the strength of her sopciability to complete strangers rather than enhancing it by being friendly.

BING! great big lightbulb!!!!!!!!!!

The appropriate way is to walk around like you're the biggest swinging d*ck in the place, and go over and start convo , almost acknowledging that you're there to mack on her cos you're that d*mn money and you are just using the colour of her blouse/the weather /the fact that I like blue as an excuse..


Alright so just got back from this bar in town (it's midnight).

First time I've tried DJing in a bar since like week 1 or 2. It was awesome , DJing in that club scene went really well. Went with a small crew of about 4 , 2 of which were all out Djing and 1 was just chilling out watching the skankage, so it was almost a solo run . I hooked up with these 2 chicks there and spent the rest of the night bibmling around meeting new women and going back talking to them when there wasn't any game around.

Call it at 4 walkups , 2 closes (hehe) and NO CHOKES I was totally feeling the mojo.

If I wasn't working tomorrow I'd be there still.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Week 7 Day 3

I just rocked a totally money CA , SWMnc (hehe), and one choke.

Am meeting the irish chick from the bar last night at the comedy
club.I was really money during the rapport building phase last night with her. I realised that most AFcs try to demonstrate that they're willing to be the most supplicative 'nicest' guy she's ever met. A DJ tries to hint that he's the most money guy she's ever met. And I suspect this applies not only to 8-9's but to all women.

This thread isn't about building intimacy (it's about smiling) but I think it's important , and woulda been great to read in week 1.


Date with irish chick went very badly. We went to the comedy club and , cos they needed a guy for the late show I volunteered at the last minute.

So the late show , the three guys before me , one of them was reading new material out of a f---ing notebook most of which was ****, he just read out this list of fifteen things to see what people laughed at. Next guy got on stage and was so stoned he couldn't remember his s*** so just went "oh look this isn't working" and left. Finally the guy before me gets up and does ten minutes of improv animal noises and then pretends to give birth to the wall before babytalking off the side of the stage for five minutes. Finally the MC intoduces me as a "new guy" who "paid him to let me on stage" (he gets a cheap laugh and I get my set shat on). After that lead in the audience couldn't have cared less what I did.Still got a few laughs off my best sh*t but even still it was a crap set. Opportunities to try out intimacy building techniques after that : zero.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Week 7 day 4

Got a sh*tload of work done today, and a good walkup at the gym (SWSc , no close tho') , should probably get my sh*t together in order to practice some SS and so on this weekend :) .

Went to uni, 2 walkups 2 chokes, 1 close. Average.

I got to thinking about how a DJ regards risking rejection, for a DJ situations where you risk rejection are things you should seek out those are the sitiuations a DJ should be hungry for.Whereas AFc's always look for situations without that possibility , (easy pickups) a Dj should be right in amongst it taking knocks and taking down digits in situations where 'normal' guys would just go "nah it can't be done" (and then wonder how it is that a DJ just stormed on in and did it!).

This was what I was thinking when I got through my chokes and started making good approaches today.


I fnd that there's 2 places you can choke, it's either on the apporach , or the close.
I got talking to the blonde I CA'ed yesterday who was with her friend. I could hear my AFCself trying to convince me that it wasn't money to close in front of the friend (which is bollocks , closing in front of the friend jsut shows yr confident). I got turned down but I played it ****y and funny and left on a good vibe.


Met a couple of girls in the bar tonight which was great and tried playing with both of them. Tried using SS style technique on 1 and just used C+F and kino on the other.

Mixed results . The one I just rocked kino on responded really well (kiss close).

The one I tried to work SS on didn't go so well. I tried to work some patterns into convo but it misfired a little. I got her to really vividly experience the things she loves about her job , but that only pumped her ego ( a good thing for a woman to associate , sure) rather than putting her in a sexual state. Also I had 2 of my mates c*ckblocking me (and fair enough , they wanted some action as well).

The SS stuff did work really well in maintaining convo tho' she said lots and I kinda "me to"-ed a lot of it.

I guess the kino worked better because it's more intuitive whereas SS you hafta develop like any other skill. Am gonna go out tomorrow and use that again , maybe refine my technique.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Week4 Day 5

Noticed my roster was well below ten active numbers so I got up to work on that after work. My street DJing sucked and got f***ing nowhere, lots of chokage.

Came home went to the bar,it was one of those nights where everyone starts of mad keen to go to town , but by 10:30 tehy're all too drunk to get their sh*t together and by 1100 no one wants to go out and half the crew's buggered off to bed.

I got to 1100 and was gagging to go to town so I went by myself. Fortunately I know a lotta people who run bars so I stopped by the comedy club and caught one act fromt he late show , had a drink and went downtown to visit Tara at her bar. Ran some SS stuff on her, about how you choose someone you're gonna "go" with. It went pretty well , but I'm still frustrated trying to DJ with a chick who'se gotta serve customes and ****.

I got out of the bar a little more drunk than I thought I wanted to be (Tara makes this fantastic butterscotch schnapps ****tail).
So I'm bimbling uptown to another bar and I see a cute Malaysian girl and so rock a good situational approach and we go for adrink (# close).

Walking back to my car I see these two beautiful girls kneeling over this weedy little guy who'se covered in blood. I drop down and check his injuries and do all that concussion diagnosis **** totally taking charge of that sh*t (someone had to).
Talk about your action dates all that adrenaline , and me big the big strong "in charge" guy, you could hear these chicks' panties moistening from ten feet away :D

And I spent the rest of the night with them (too loud for speed sedcutiopn , switching to kino, which worked okay).

The lesson here is that that Action Date **** is gonna be gold so long as I find a situation where I can try it out.

One on One

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
Yo, how did you get the opportunity to try and perform comedy? I'd like to write some crap and see if people think it's funny.

Create self-fulfilling prophecies. Always assume the positive. Assume she likes you. Assume she wants to talk to you. Assume she wants to go out with you. When you think positive, positive things happen.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Dude , your local improv will most likelty have an open mic night. If you're good they'll offer you pro gigs after a while.
It can be a lotta fun, just don't take it too seriously else it just becomes work.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Week 7 day 6

Went out DJ training , one walkup and that one sucked cos of a language barrier.

I kinda like this thread it's a bit like what Joe Weider used to say "Those who make ordinary efforts get ordinary results".

was choking quite a lot today. I think I'm gonna do that excercise from week 3 again tomorrow , and go out specifically to get 10 rejections in 1 day this time, just to really beat that approach phobia out of me. Will also arrange a date with the number I got last night.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Week7 day 7

Am in town to try and take ten rejections in a day. I have promised myself that if I do I'm gonna go down to this cool beer bar on high street and treat myself to my favourite beer which is f***ing expensive but very good.

Have thus far taken 2 and frankly am so nervous about getting another 8 that I feel like I'm gonna puke.


Okay so this was totally what I needed to get the consistency back in my game. I went out and got like 11 rejections. It made for excellent training 'cos you can't bulls*** yourself. excuses like "oh she won't be interested , she's waiting for her bus" or "oh this is a bad approach" don't hold water cos the point is that you go out to get rejected.

The other thing I learned today is you need to think of the first two things you're going to say rather than just how you're gonna open (a coupla times today I got the feeling that I coulda closed if I had something better prepared to follow up with).


Alright. It's day 7 , the roster's still kinda low and I want to go try a proper action date before I move on to week 8 , the excercises for which should be doable in a pretty shor time frame anyway.

As for my ongoing training I definitely need to go from trying for 2-3 CAs per day , to going for 2-3 rejections per day. not cos I'm into rejkection but that way I won't be able to let myself be so fussy about my aprroaches , and hopwefully that'll reduce my choking and get my game more consistent.

Oh yeah and the Kriekbier was very nice also :D
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Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Week 7 Day 8


Have done evrything for this weeks training except for going on an 'action date'. The difficulty I'm having is that it's hard to get a girl to come out on one.I've been rejected forit like 3 times! Thing is any girl is happey to come out for coffee or a show or some **** , but few will commit to rock climbing or reverse bungee

On the upside I tried calling the number I got the other day and got no answer , so I figured , with nothing to lose on a low IL chick I'd send a message that said (something like) "I'll take that as a rude snub then :) ". Bam! I've had 3 txts from the girl today (does anyone understand women!).

Still frustrated at the difficulty in arranging an AD, am down to trying even low IL grrls just to see . Hell if it's a good tactic maybe it'll work on them to inject some energy well.

I have also been thinking about the mechanics of how CAs work but will post that once I have it as a coherent idea. It does however seem to explain a lot of what I've found in my training.

My choke ratio is much lower since doing the "Hard10" yesterday, 2 chokes (ish) and a really money approach that I wound up having to try and close in the middle of an otherwise silent computer lab (you could hear the AFC's ears a flappin') I C+B'd tho cos I failed to notice the big old engagement ring on her finger (screeeeeee-crunch).


Wahey!!! Okay so I'd been scheming on this cute 7 in the computer lab. She'd been giving me this vibe like "Oh this AFC's gonna ask me out soon I'd better be gentle with him" and I totally bought it.

I was figuring on making my approach tonight. I thoguht about the vibe she was giving and thought man , a DJ doesn't play like that. So I walk up to her like I'm the business , engage her in convo (not even fronting like I have an excuse) it's going pretty well (found out she's doing computer sci but wnats to be an artist , and used to be a long distance runner) , and I ask "How's your head for heights?" ( a novel approach) she says "why?"
so I spring the reverse bungee action date idea on her and her eyes light up! Number close , arranged a specific date (less chance of flakage) blam , the rest is gravy!

I'll rock that AD on Wednesday and start week 8 on Thursday !
Well stoked.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Week 7 Day 9

Not much by way of training today , spent all day up to my eyeballs in management textbooks (yawn).

Am going to the gym tonight , but I don't anticipate anything especially exciting there , cos as i recall there're no hotties in the class (besides me :D ).

Yesterday at the supermarket I bust the moneyest rapport with the checkout girl. I was there at like 930pm after classes and there was no-one in the line so i stopped to talk for like 5 minutes. Was getting mad DD eyes and coulda totally closed on that s*** 'ceptin she was like 17 (and that ****'s more work than it's worth).


Gah! A hot 8 I sorta knew was there , I was totally planning on rolling on in after class , but by the time I got my **** back in my gym bag I was ten steps behind her and couldn't really front a coincidental meeting ( and chasing after her... not money at all).

Lesson: Second to last track of the class I should pack all my sh!t bar my hoodie into my pack, after class all I hafta do is grab my sh*t , stroll on over and engage. Wish I coulda figured that one out without it costing me an approach tho' :rolleyes:

Also have figured out a way that might work on making an approach on women walking the opposite direction to me, that is to do with compliments but I'll hafta think a little more about it before I try playing it.

Marque one argues that most of your approach response will come from your body language and presentation anyway...

One thing I've noticed is that there are many approaches on girls that are just never gonna work for reasons that are not your fault (she's hooked up/ only likes latino guys / is a lesbian/ is really monstrously dull...) oddly I find that encouraging , that it is just a numbers game so you may as well make those numbers work for you.
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Senior Don Juan
Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
Also have figured out a way that might work on making an approach on women walking the opposite direction to me, that is to do with compliments but I'll hafta think a little more about it before I try playing it.
Take action dude, I remember seeing this absolute 9.99999999 + 10, the hottest girl I have ever seen in Colorado walking the opposite direction toward me, but she was on her cell phone and I didn't approach because of that. I choked as you know what I'm talking about:D . You could always walk up to them and say, "Screw me if I'm wrong, is your name Yolanda?":p

One thing I've noticed is that there are many approaches on girls that are just never gonna work for reasons that are not your fault (she's hooked up/ only likes latino guys / is a lesbian/ is really monstrously dull...) oddly I find that encouraging , that it is just a numbers game so you may as well make those numbers work for you.
Exactly, I figured that out for myself after getting rejected(or I was rejecting them) five times in a row, then I succeeded and got three numbers straight after that. Just keep at it and find the girl or girls you want because she doesn't get to choose you, a DJ chooses the girl he wants to be with.

And it is impossible to approach every girl that you find attractive, but when you have the opportunity to approach that HB, will you be ready? Keep this thing updated Walden, I believe that you are helping those new DJ's break out of their shell from reading this, and you made me believe that getting girls was easy:cool: .


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Week 7 Day 10

Hey guys. Cestmoi asked me what was going on with this thread cos there isn't an official week 7 at this stage (I'm working outta the old bootcamp).So here's what I've been trying to do this week (CM I hope you don't mind me posting my PM to you up here).

See it turned out that there was no week 7 in the bible so I talked with nick and made one up. Basically the goals were to go out and use some SS techniques , some kino and try an action date. The first 2 were easy but I had trouble getting chicks to come on an AD , tho I (finally) have one arranged for tonight.

I'll go have a look at yr thread now , and I should be on week 8 tomorrow. There is an official week 8 in the bible (I should know , I wrote it) and nick will be publishsing that in his e-book shortly.
Incidentally the action date thing makes a great close on a CA , for some reason I've had 2 low IL girls totally light up when I suggested it.


2 positive number closes today , one on a repeat and one on a cold walkup. The cold PU was money cos I was getting to the point where I had to close , and my friend Kirsty showed up , so I had to make the close in front of her (damn but I've had to close with an audience a lot this week).

On that one I even manged a Jwhite close, so I know she's not boyfriended.


One problem I've had Djing at uni is the sheer volume of skankage passing by , it's hard to pick which one to go for and you wind up missing or choking on dozens. One thing I've found which helps is to pick your targets for a day , so today I'm playing at going for a walkup (rejection) from a foreign girl (got that) , a girl with short hair (I like that look) and an 8+. This has put me much more in control of how my DJing has gone today.


Okay , so from my incidental experience with the injured guy and his chicks last week I am totally willing to believe that the action date thing is a great idea, but suffice it to say my action date with Genna was not a winner, and I've got a lot of work to do if I'm planning on snapping those panties at any stage :( .
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Nicholas Hill

Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2001
Reaction score
Swansea, Wales, UK
Thanks Walden

After working with week eight, this is the final version (articles ommited, of course)


Week eight - Becoming the Alpha Male


Introduction to week 8

Gentlemen! Welcome to week eight. It has taken a long time to get here and all of you have come through situations of:

· Fear (making a cold approach on that elusive HB9)

· Exhaustion (going on five dates in four days with no sleep) and,

· Occasional triumph (getting that HB9’s digits in front of a room full of astonished AFCs!).

Have you ever noticed how, when some people enter the room, they’re already an alpha male even though no-one there knows them yet? The goal for this week’s training is to learn to project that alphaness and use it to your advantage.

It is time for the real test of a true Don Juan. In this final lesson, your goal will be to go into a social situation and become the dominant male.

You no longer have a fear of rejection. You are at ease approaching people, so the final concept now is to put it all together and dominate the place!
Reading material

Article 1 - Be a Man! (by Pook)

Alphaness is all about taking charge of how you project yourself and how you present yourself to others.


Article 2 - The Holy Grail of Dating (by Darkdream)

Darkdream’s conclusive article on how an alpha sees the world, and how an alpha deals with challenges.


Article 3 - You’ve got a secret (by Xaneus)

Xaneus’ advice on how to always give out a ‘money’ vibe.


Article 4 - How a Don Juan Socialises (By Milesman).

Milesman, on getting girls from group approaches and how to play to an audience (not giving the exercise away am I?).


Article 5 - The ultimate club guide (by pootwo)

This is the final article for the Boot Camp. It is a good description for what to do in a club environment.


Music Picks

Momma Said Knock You Out! - LL Cool J.

If that doesn’t get the testosterone flowing, check your pulse you might be dead.

Betta Listen - De La Soul

The ultimate DJ line: “I said listen dear or rabbit or whatever the hell you be, I’m not the one to embarrass but I’m the one to emcee”.

Meet me at the Copa - Saint Frank

The original clubbing anthem.

Exercise 1

Recruits, somewhere in your town is a 9 who is about to get very lucky. This exercise is that at some stage this week you’re going to see a 9 (ie the hottest a babe can appear to you without the aid of drugs). Your mission is to rock up and go for a number close wherever you happen to be whether it’s the club, the supermarket, the podiatrist, the gym, wherever! A DJ can project alphaness regardless of the situation.

Exercise 2

Here it is, guys, the biggest challenge of the DJ Boot Camp.

This week you are to go out to a social venue you like such as a club, a bar, the improv or whatever, anywhere people gather socially to mingle. But here’s the rub, you have to go somewhere where no one knows you. This exercise is to go out and approach several groups of women (groups with three or more people) and close on at least one woman from those groups. Try on two or three different groups and try it in at least a couple of different clubs or bars.
Special exercise notes

You have 14 days to complete these tasks.

They are the last. You’ve come this far – don’t stop!

Good luck gentlemen, and good hunting!

Coming up… the Graduation Ceremony


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Week 8 Day 1

I have a cold today and I'm staying indoors under an insulating pile of textbooks so that I'll be fit for play this weekend (today's Thursday).


My idea for starting convo on chicks walking the other direction comes from the fact that you need some appropriate way of starting a convo , by having something appropriate for one stranger to say to another out of the blue (ie without the need for eye contact and nonverbal acknowledgement, as most people in cities don't make eye contact).

One thing it's appropriate for strangers to do is pay compliments (when I was a punk kid I used to get "hey nice hair" to my mohawk all the time- they were taking the piss obviously but it was still socially appropriate for them to say it to a stranger).

A DJ compliment needs to be appropriate ("Hey nice watch" is gonna sound weird unless she's wearing a great big Flava-flav clock around her neck) , and have a follow up.

One I was thinking of yesterday was with scarves (Chicks in my town are all wandering around in the middle of winter in hipsters , and tight little tops and great big scarves they must be cold but it looks good).

So running that I'd go "Hey nice scarf...(pause) didn't get that in Thailand did you?" (stop walking). At this point the HB stops to answer.Now you explain why you're not some scarf fancying fruit loop "I just got back from Changmai and all the women there have them just like that...". Now this gets a convo started , and gives the HB something to talk about ("Really , Thailand?"). Obviously it's cold DJing and has low odds at the best of times , but half the HBs I see I miss cos I can't engage cos they're moving , so this might at least help me get those numbers up a bit.

I'll give it a try anyways and report back (I thought of it yesterday but I'm so conditioned not to approach the passing girl that I choked it too much to try out) :rolleyes:


This looks like the standard for DJ performance right here...

Very inspiring , have been thinking about this all day.

Gawddamn! Trying to mack in on this lab tech and I have just been stupid enough to let myself got CB'd and it was my own damn fault cos I'm a stupid ******* gah! .

Hehe, I got back up and walked over there and got talking to both of them, pretty soon I got the guy on side and had him pegged as not a threat , then I got to closing Genna (in front of him , and a lab full of students no less). She was putting up resistance cos she's way flat out with work, but I kept the C+F up and stayed with it. Finally she warmed up to it but in the course of which she mentioned she's religeous .
No judgement but it means we're romantically incompatible. So I kinda pulled back and left it there .


Just wanted to add that I hope this doesn't come off like I'm an arrogant f***,like I'm boasting when I do well. I mean in a way i am but it's because I'm doing things that for the past 10 years I've believed I couldn't do, and so yeah I am pretty stoked.
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