Hey guys.
Dave, yes I am going out and doing these all by myself. Most of them are women I come across in the course of my everyday work (I'm at college for the rest of the semester) , and saturday and sunday I try to spend a couple of hours in town practicing walkups with women I see on the street or bookstores or stuff.
As for 'cold' hmm, my definition of cold is expanding a bit. If you're at the same gym or in the same store or at college or something you're not really 'cold'. The biggest thing I have learned so far is that it is a lot easier than you'd think to go up and start a convo 'cold'. I have been picking my approaches (a little
too carefully , read previous) and that has meant that I've been rudely snubbed only about 3 times. And even those snubs didn't make me feel like an a**hole at all.
Boot camp is a little diffuclt because the numbers are so high that you're always in "DJ mode" , and after bootcamp I expect I won't put as much time into it cos I will have developed the skills to the level I want. (Not there yet).
Mystery, yeah am having an absolute ball with it, although it can get a bit dispiriting on those times I've been too scared to move.
An update on todays play , I was in the weights room on base , and there was this 9! chick there. Very very hot.Like , yeah , notably hot. Like the hottest woman I'd seen in
weeks .
So I started convo with her. She was really receptive (there were 3 people in the gym and you could hear this other guy's ears flapping when I stared up , cos he'd been eyeing her up and wasn't game enough to have a blagg
). Now in hindsight I was too supplicative , offering comments and observations for her to respond to. I should have made a few comments/exchanges and then walked over and had a conversation but frankly I was intimidated. However I was conscious that I should be building rapport towards a close here, but again I wasn't enaging her , just exchanging sound bites (you know those first few witty comments as you get yr C+F on). So , I'll go for the number close next time, we live and learn.
Phew today was but busy. Was in the supermarket and saw a cute woman in gtym gear, so Iwent over and started a joke about how if you go to the supermarket in gym gear you always wind up buying heaps more than you otherwise would.
Talked for a bit. Now I didn't try and close. My mind was making excuses for me not to , like , she's probably hooked up or you shouldn't bother ner or whatever. These are all based on unuseful assumptions. The only useful assumption is;
She's single , is secretly hoping some guy will move on her , and she's attracted to you.
Operating from this basis also ensures you have a more money vibe.
Also I was aware that with the cold sound bite exchanges the conversation had a short life because strangers might lausibly exchange a few witty quips with one another but if you do that for like 5 minutes you're some AFc bothering her. But if you get her talking about herself then as soon as an even remotely interesting etail comes up , you can pretend to be fascinated by it and bam! you have an excuse to draw out the conversation (because you want to hear about her gym class , her dog , her scalp condition or whatever).