Why do you think the letter is mindgames?
Yes, I'm depressed. I was diagnosed with depression last week. I talked about it earlier in the thread. I have also been panicking again since recieving her email on Friday. It's pretty hard for me right now. I'm nervous and anxious all the time, that is when I'm not panicking. It's the worst feeling I've ever felt. I'm not vomiting, but I feel hopeless at those moments. It's just not right. nobody should ever have to endure this.
Which brings me to what Joe said:
you suddenly think she woke up this morning with a conscience?
She blew me out harder than any woman ever has. And this is the women who I cared about more than anyone. When she left, I can't tell you how bad the pain was. But then it only got worse and worse.
So when I actually get some help and start to think that things are going to be ok, she sends me this! Right man. She has no conscience. She is acting on emotion. She broke up with me on emotion. She sent me that f*cking email on emotion. And didn't care one bit about how I might be doing.
Who knows, maybe she just didn't want her tickets to go to waste?
But then she tries to sweeten it up by telling me how I can have a fun day with my friend!
No matter what, I'm getting hurt. She tries to do something "sweet" and it hurts me. I try to be strong, not think about her, and not contact her and it hurts me. I think about the past and it hurts me. I think about the future and it hurts me. I think about now and it hurts me. I think about how she sounds so fine in her mail and it hurts me.
Also Joe, she never admitted to having any affairs when we were together. I confronted her a few times directly because of the signs, to which responded with 'no'. I don't think she got intimate
with Adam at the time, but I do know at least she was
messaging him, somebody she thought was hot, while she was at work. I didn't find this out until it was over. But there are also a lot of clues which could point to them f*cking, too. Doesn't matter now, I know. But I'm focusing more on the "how could she be so selfish" than the dent to my ego on this.
What I'm trying to get at is that she couldn't admit to having, at the least, an emotional affair. So there is no way she could break up maturely and cleanly. Instead, she faked me out while I made the preparations to start our marriage only to drop me like we were in high school.
My birthday is this week and I don't think she's going to contact me. If she does, then that's just going way over the top with this. Damn, I hope she doesn't. It'll only make what's already going to be a tough day much worse.