now instead of looking at herself and asking herself what SHE could do to make things better, she put all the blame of her disappointment in her life on you.
Holy sh1t! Joe, you couldn't have been more accurate there buddy. That's so on I'm starting to think you are some kind of demi-god. If I were to tell you more of the things she said, which I'll kindly spare you, you would pat yourself on the back for how right you were.
And West, you are correct, I dodged a bullet. I'm not going to say that she didn't give in the relationship. She gave a lot and that's the person who I fell in love with and am fighting to forget. I think the things that she did for the relationship were the things she wished I'd did- she bought some tickets for us to go to NYC, she researched some movies for us to go see and that was great. I took care of the survival stuff- food, bill paying...but I also took her out to eat or see a movie, or go for drink or a walk in town at least once a week. I think she wished I'd surprised her more, but I did surprise her with small things sometimes.
But all of this stuff was for the first three years. Things were perfect (for me at least). However, the last four months were when she started to act inconsistent and the bullets started flying.
Now I'll continue what I started with earlier. As you know, she comes to my work and tells me it's over. And darts away. I'm shocked. I start puking. Then I don't hear from her for a week. Then I'm at home on a Saturday and her dad comes over.
HE gives me the ring back and tells me that she and I can still be friends(You know what my answer to that was). He also tells me they are ready to move her stuff out. And I'm sitting there in shock yet once again. I just got dumped by a girl who nowhere near deserves me and then I'm getting kicked out of my own house by her emasculated father, whose cell keeps ringing with his bull-d1ke wife yelling at him to get me out of there. One side of me is raging...telling me to bounce this chump just out of principle. It's my house and I'm not going to bow down to these freaks. But then the Zen part of me says, just let it go Trim. They are who they are and that's none of your concern. Get out of here and when you get back, it'll all be over.
Well, it wasn't over. They made a mess of the house that day. They moved only a little bit (I'm certain my ex had a date that evening). So after this, I straighten up things and put all of her stuff together, where it was out of sight. Then next Saturday comes. I make sure I'm not there. I come back the next day assuming everything will be gone, but I find a note that says "Dear Trim, ....don't know if you passed your...and COULD YOU TAKE THE TRASH I LEFT TO THE DUMPSTER? Take care of yourself and I'll take care of myself.
She left five big bags of trash in the middle of my living room. And that's the last
message I got from her.
This is why even though I still have emotions relating to her, I didn't and won't ever contact her again. I got dumped on LITERALLY. And after this emotional storm blows over, that's what I'll remember... That she had her dad give me the ring back...and that she left me with her trash.
On a positive note, when I'm ready to date again, it won't be hard to find a better woman cause it doesn't get any worse than that.