Are you Good-Looking???


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
All this shyt talk from you guys, but nobody has a pic of themselves? I could say I look like Brad Pitt from behind a computer, doesn't make it so.

Im 25, 6"5 235lbs...pretty good looking....I'll put my pic up, yall do the same. We'll so who the real pimps are.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
^ It's okay man - you're still the prettiest of them all. :rolleyes:

You also have a 14-inch ****. Now simma down. No one has to prove shyt to *you* of all people.


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah snake. When you look like Jackie Chan's "minnie me" I guess you don't want to put your pic up. I don't blame you man.

P.S. You're much prettier than me.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2004
Reaction score
Here some pics I found:

Tha Realnezz:



The picture were found in here:

I think they are just average. Despite how much they have inflated themselves, I don't think I will mistake them for a movie star or model if I saw them in real life.

The point of this post was not meant to insult, but to put some reality into these claims. Obviously, if these two can easily talk themselves up higher than there really are, then many others can do the same.

Therefore, I urge everyone to always questions the legitimacy of a claim including mine.


To most of everyone who posted in this thread: Many of you need to accept who you are whether you are good-looking, cute, handsoome, or ugly. Everyone has flaws, accept it. By basing your confidence on your look, you are setting your ego up to be crush in the future when you realized you really are not what you thought you are.

If you want to build real heathy self-esteem,self-acceptance is one of the first step. Self-acceptance is one of the basic foundations of healthy self-esteem. Until you accept yourself, your confidence can never grow.


It is obvious that the way you looks is a major issue by many people in this forum, as evident by the number of views and posts. It is disappointing that this issue is not address in the DJ Bible.

I believe that the DJ Bible is a good source of information. However it is more useful as an introduction to seduction. It introduces you to the the world of how to attraction woman. But it abandons you in the middle of your transition into a DJ.

The forum was designed to replaced the bible when you start your transition. However it has proven to be ineffective because many of the people that posts here are still AFC themselves with many of the same issues.

Another problem with the current DJ Bible is that it relies too heavily on theories that may be true or not. In the real worlds theories are not helpful. What is helpful is examples. It has been shown by studies that people learn better with examples, therefore if examples were included into the bible, newbie will have an easier time understanding the materials.

Because of these problems, I am considering starting a project on reforming the bible. It will be a freelance thing and what I put in there will be threads that I think will be the most helpful. I have already started working on it, but it was originally intented for my personal use only. Now I am considering making it availiable to everyone here. If anyone is interested in helping create a new bible PM me or e-mail me.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
LMFAO that pic isn't really me. I tried to delete it once but it was too late.

I wish I was that huge.:D

If anybody here post on the bodybuilding board like Mayhem and getbig you know who that is.

I really didn't think I was talking like i was Brad Pitt or anything.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by theSpeculator
I started small chat with the cash register and somehow the conversation lead to a discussion about my looks. When I was about to leave she ended the covo by saying, "I think you are a very handsome man."
sweet a talking cash register !


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Colossus
Ive gotten the "your hot" comments on and off throughout my life. It wasnt until I put on 50+ pounds of muscle mass that I started getting it from all types of girls.

Most girls are too shy to just up and tell you, but if they're comfortable w/ you or confident and outgoing, they are more likely to let you know, I think.

Ive gotten everything from "your so cute" to the occaisional "Oh my God he's f*cking beautiful". I dont really let it go to my head as I am a pretty modest guy.

It can be a stellar confidence boost, though. Just my 2 cents.
you put on 50+lbs of muscle?
thats very hard to believe, you sure u didnt grow in height or gain any fat in this time at all?


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
When I was in high school girls seemed to stare at me, and that's how they drew my attention. After high school and going to college, it suddenly stopped. Part of it was probably from me adding weight, but now that I slimmed down, I do seem to attract some women again, just not like in high school. I rarely have women stare at me like in high school but they show it in other ways, like how they treat me, what they say to me, etc. They have become more sophisticated in their flirting.

I seem to get called handsome by older ladies, and drunk women. You know, those that are either liquored up or don't have anything to lose.

I'm 6'3" and I know I at least attract those who find tall men appealing.

Yes, I've been called handsome, cute, etc but don't see any point in detailing each one. I'm sure most have been in this situation. I think if you take care of your body and are relatively young, you should be okay for the most part.

If you go to a place where there are young people, pick out a hot girl and watch how people respond to her, guys will drool over her and stare at her. Find some guy who may be appealing (if you're like me you have no idea if a guy is handsome or not unless he's a popular actor, but you can try), and see how girls respond to him. He may get 1/10th of the attention.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
6 there's mine, im 6' 154 lbs now use to be 140 or so in that pic. My skin is a little more dark now also. Ive been called cute by younger girls and handsome by some married women. I've only been called hot once or twice. On in person and the other thru the grapevine.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Fatality
LMFAO that pic isn't really me. I tried to delete it once but it was too late.

I wish I was that huge.:D

If anybody here post on the bodybuilding board like Mayhem and getbig you know who that is.

I really didn't think I was talking like i was Brad Pitt or anything.
Then why did you posted it in a "post your picture" thread in the first place? If it was a mistake, then why didn't you go back to re-edit it?

Intuitively, I think that pictue really is you.

About Tha Realnzz

With Tha Realnezz, I could tell he was full of $h1t from the context and style of his posts. All the things he has said were incongruent with my experiences.

Maybe it is the people he hangs around, but in my situation I have yet to meet a girl that would blackstab behind my back just b/c of my looks. No, most girls that have crushes will wait for you to notice them.

With guys they are friendly and in a way look up to me. I consider myself to be very charismatic and intelligence. If they treat you bad, it is a reflection of your submissive personality and/or wussy behaviors. When I was like that, that's how they treated me. Now that I am confident, assertive, and kind I get respect. Yet my looks hasn't change much.

Therefore this is evidence that most people do not treating you bad b/c they are jealous or hate you b/c of your looks. HOWEVER, I do believe there are people that would, but those kind are probably insecure, low self-esteem a$$holes. If you know people like that then forget them, they are nothing but loser, you can find better people to hangout with.

The people I surround myself with are all nice friendly people. I have no time to put up with stupid guys that are a$$holes.

This post is evidence that contradicts the "People are just jealous of my looks" thinking. Stop it. People treat you bad because of what's inside you and not b/c of your looks. Accept it or not, but it will still be the truth.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 8, 2002
Reaction score
Sheffield, UK
i don't really care whether i'm good looking or not (i have been told loads of times i'm 'cute' and 'baby faced looking' but i never really take it on board, i'm just confident in myself, dress well, approach loads of girls and regularly work out so that keeps me feeling good about myself no matter what!,

if you have true confidence then you don't care how good looking you are!,

not that i'm ugly cos i'm one hell of a good looking lad :)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 16, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by stevey_2000

if you have true confidence then you don't care how good looking you are!,
Very true. When you have true confidence (the kind that comes from deep inside), then you outer appearance (everything from personality to behavior to body language) will reflect it. People will notice your confident and react to it accordingly.

The vice versa is true for low self-esteem (low confidence).


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by jprjrjr
Yeah snake. When you look like Jackie Chan's "minnie me" I guess you don't want to put your pic up. I don't blame you man.

P.S. You're much prettier than me.

Bro, I've already deferred to your awesome greatness and championship-calibre face. And then you say that you're uglier than my 'Jackie Chan Mini-Me' face? You're just confusing me now...

Are you a hottie or an ugly turd? :confused:


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2004
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Originally posted by theSpeculator
Very true. When you have true confidence (the kind that comes from deep inside), then you outer appearance (everything from personality to behavior to body language) will reflect it. People will notice your confident and react to it accordingly.

The vice versa is true for low self-esteem (low confidence).
This is true, I've heard I'm really handsome lots of times, from friends, family and strangers, but I just can't seem to build any confidence from it. I keep thinking in AFC ways, like I'm not worth a woman or that i should be happy with attention they give me instead of turning it around. Girls never made a move on me and when they do I'm certain I'll interpret it as a joke or something.

Here's a pretty recent pic:


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2004
Reaction score
My most reason encounter of a girl who thought I was handsome, these were her first words when she approached me:

"hey, can I stand near you?"

Let's throw in another one of not so long ago, I approach this girl and asked how she was doing on which she replied:

"You know you look good"

And my most shocking one of all was at a birthday party of my dad. The wife of my uncle (hot, don't tell) told my mother the following after I entered the room:

"If I weren't a married woman, I knew what to do with him"

Having good looks is great. You'll get a lot of compliments. But in the end they mean ****. It's just someones opinion of your looks, not of you. This is exactly were the "problem" lies. Compliments do boost your ego, not your confidence. Your confidence is boosted with succes. Someone telling that your good looking isn't an achievement for you, it's an achievement of your parents and the nice genes that they provided. In the end the only thing that matters is scoring the babe. And really we all look through two eyes, when hitting on girls my own looks are really the last thing on my mind.

One note: When you are good looking take it easy on the C+F, your looks do the most work in the attraction department and overdoing it makes you seem arrogant instead of confident.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
you have come to a correct conclusion the speculator.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by theSpeculator
Then why did you posted it in a "post your picture" thread in the first place? If it was a mistake, then why didn't you go back to re-edit it?

Intuitively, I think that pictue really is you.

It was just a joke. I did say that I tried to go back and edit it but it was too late. Why would I say at this point that it isn't me if it actually were?