Are you Good-Looking???


Don Juan
May 24, 2003
Reaction score
Ya, my whole life I've been complimented left and right for my looks. I'm always getting girls saying how gorgeous I am, and I get the whole "you're the hottest guy I have ever seen" thing from time to time. Recently though I have found alot of girls to be intimidated by me for some reason, prolly cause im starting to get alot bigger muscle wise. I still have MAJOR issues with confidence though, and I'm also still battling acne

Here's some pics of me



Don Juan
Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Kawk_Blocker
If your a good looking guy:

1. Other guys will hate you, sometimes for no reason other than that - it will leave you shaking your head. I'm still astonished at the number of people that will take an instant disliking to me, even though I've never even met them - and alot of them are loser guys.

Jealous b*astards. But guys (especially AFCs) will be as underhanded as some women are, , especially if they see you as direct competition for the ladies - this will never change and will haunt you for the rest of your life.

2. Confident girls will acknowledge your looks, shy ones will look away.

3. You are somewhat marginalised because most women who are imtimidated by you will throw you off your game. You are likely stuck with the better looking ones, who are, of course, high maintenance.

4. The better looking you are, the more women will play their silly little head games. This is a fact of life, so you'd better get used to it.

5. If you are good looking and AFC, you ARE F*CKING DOOMED. Not only will plenty of attention hors attach themselves to you like a magnet, but people everywhere (and let's face it, most people on the planet have insecurities) will bust on you relentlessly for one reason and one reason only: ENVY.

6. Women may not always be interested in you for you. Guys might just hang around you to get at the chicks, and people in general will try to use you as social proof.

When you are percieved to be on top, whatever the reason may be, everyone will be gunning for you. For young guys growing up AFC, they are not taught how to defend against this and generally tend to go through a significant portion of thier lives clueless, but eventually come round to understanding this.

Being busted on most of your life will erode anyone's self esteem and confidence, I don't care who you are. Humans by nature will try to destroy you. Just look at society's penchant for tabloids and gossip.

....and yes, there will be the inevitable accusations of you being gay. I still get those myself to this day, and I'm almost 34. That's despite the fact that I haven't been without one woman or another since I was 18.

There are many downsides to being very attractive. You gotta have a thick skin. I used to hate attention, still do to some point, there's something disconcerting about having all eyes on you.

But as I said, being AFC and good looking is a bad combination, because then everyone is gunning for you, and yes, women will use you to rub their own egos, even married ones.

These are some of the reasons I have no f*cking game of my own.
Welcome to my life.

I've moved up to a 9.2 on hotornot...

To complicate things even more, I have an above average IQ. I scored 1200 on the SAT and I may have the highest effort to results ratio in the history of man. I never did homework, studied, any of that crap...I was just a sponge. Anyway, I think I'm too intimidating. Either that or I suck. Hopefully it's not the latter.

Early on in life I had great success with chicks...I mean...amazing success that you couldn't imagine. So later when everyone was busting their ass trying to solve the mystery of women I was just expecting to bag them with my usuall amount of effort. It happened a couple times, but for the most part, I had to look to my hand. I'm teaching myself to become a shark now. I'm just waiting for swim time ;)


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Interpol
1200? Don't flatter yourself too much buddy.
Ya I really went off there saying I had an above average IQ. Oops. Lets, see...700 on verbal is in the 95th percentile. I got 680 so I guess that is above average. Again: I didn't put any effort in, I was just naturally smart. I don't know how you girls got so smart, but I can guess :rolleyes:. Sorry to butt in with my 1200 :(

As you were.

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by theSpeculator
Then why did you posted it in a "post your picture" thread in the first place? If it was a mistake, then why didn't you go back to re-edit it?

Intuitively, I think that pictue really is you.

About Tha Realnzz

With Tha Realnezz, I could tell he was full of $h1t from the context and style of his posts. All the things he has said were incongruent with my experiences.

Maybe it is the people he hangs around, but in my situation I have yet to meet a girl that would blackstab behind my back just b/c of my looks. No, most girls that have crushes will wait for you to notice them.

With guys they are friendly and in a way look up to me. I consider myself to be very charismatic and intelligence. If they treat you bad, it is a reflection of your submissive personality and/or wussy behaviors. When I was like that, that's how they treated me. Now that I am confident, assertive, and kind I get respect. Yet my looks hasn't change much.

Therefore this is evidence that most people do not treating you bad b/c they are jealous or hate you b/c of your looks. HOWEVER, I do believe there are people that would, but those kind are probably insecure, low self-esteem a$$holes. If you know people like that then forget them, they are nothing but loser, you can find better people to hangout with.

The people I surround myself with are all nice friendly people. I have no time to put up with stupid guys that are a$$holes.

This post is evidence that contradicts the "People are just jealous of my looks" thinking. Stop it. People treat you bad because of what's inside you and not b/c of your looks. Accept it or not, but it will still be the truth.
Wow, this thread again?

Speculator, you're kind of contradicting yourself in this post.

You're only 20 and haven't encountered all the deceitful, negative haters out there.

Believe me, from one guy to another, you WILL encounter both men and women that will backstab you, gossip about you, and any number of other sh*tty things because of their own insecurities and envy of you and what you have in your life.

Especially looks. I have been hated instantly by so many people who didn't even know me and for the longest time I could never figure it out.

People who never even gave me a fair chance.

You're young yet, but soon you will discover just how capable human beings are of being hurtful towards you.

Sir Lancelot

Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Interpol
1200? Don't flatter yourself too much buddy.
I know this is off-topic, but I've read that average is anywhere from 950-1050 on the SAT. So 1200 *is* technically above average. It's not genius level, but if you get a 1200 on the SAT you can definitely claim that you're smart.

But then again, I don't think the SAT is a good measurement of intelligence. There are study books and classes you can take which can bump your score up by as much as 150 points.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
It is an amazing test. Why? Because even if a stupid person knew how to answer all the math questions, and knew the latin conversions for all the verb questions, if you didnt have the natural aptitude for it you couldnt finish on time with a 1600. It doesnt measure how successful you WILL be, but it does provide vast insight toward the type of work load you can handle. If you get 1500+ you can absorb and apply information at a faster rate than most other people and could handle an IVY workload. Where was a 13-15 you will have to spend far more time on that same workload. And under 13 probably couldnt get everything done.

That is not to say that if you had a 1250 and went to an elite private and applied yourself you couldnt attain the same job as the person from the IVY. It is a simple judge of a a persons handleable workload .


Don Juan
Feb 20, 2002
Reaction score
somewhere in-between where I started and where I a
No, it's not. The ony thing the sat and other aptitude tests in its class test is how good you are at taking tests. Now there are persons who don't do a lick of studying and take any of those fancy prep courses and still manage to achieve impressive scores (1400- 1600). But that says less about their intelligence and more about their natural test taking ability (which I think is significantly attributable to a synergetic effect of relaxness and a focused temperment). Not to say that they aren't intelligent, but just because they scored high on the sat doesn't mean they are destined for a life leading to apotheosis without any effort made on their part. I know a few aimless potheads who managed to get pretty impressive scores on sats and other standardized tests and they still aren't doing anything with their lives.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
Lol .. yeah the SAT. I remember getting up at 5:30 am (test was at 8), and had been up most of the night before. I didn't give a rip what i got, so just entered all the answers randomly.

Now i have a degree in Computer Science, my own business, am the Software Dev Manager for thriving business (my primary job), and scored borderline genius on the IQ test from Tickle!

It turned me off how everyone was like the SAT this and the SAT that .. am i'm thinking that doesn't say or prove jack, just that you can study or have studied and kept up in school.

I will say something for higher education though, really enjoyed it alot!! It expanded my mind and clued me into all kinds of things. People without this education you can tell don't have the insights or the broad thinking and collective knowledge of some really great people, sciences, math etc.