Angry AFC virgin killed seven people in drive by shooting [merged]

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
Ha, now I'm seeing the trend where everyone is blaming the police, etc for not knowing we was about to do this. F*cking idiots. Blame everyone but the true culprits - his damn self, then his parents. Nobody wants to UNDERSTAND why this happened, instead, society wants to place blame so they can move on with their own selfish lives and feel reasonably confident this won't happen to them. "Oh, it was the cops fault. OK then." Off to the next soccer game.

We continue to avoid discussing the real issues because we are scared of what we might discover about ourselves. We may not be able to justify our cushy little lives anymore.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I have no clue if I want to move this thread to Anything Else or keep it here. Anyway...

Jaylan said:
Dude, go look at the video I linked. Getting laid as an adult wouldnt have fixed a lot of Rodger's problems. He had huge emotional problems stemming from his childhood, as well as an odd outlook on sex. Just see the things he says about the first time he say porn.

He said it traumatized him.
Websites like Sosuave have many members with histories like that, including this one who is currently responding to your dumbass post. This guy could have been any one of the 'unsuccessful' students of pick-up, and there's a lot of them out there. PUAhate was a haven for them, and instead of trying to improve their lives without PUA tactics, they based their entire forum on hatred toward those who were willing to put in the effort into making pick-up work for them.

There's a lot of us here who will stand by sites like Sosuave for helping improve their lives. But name something better than a PUA-based website that helps improve your success with women. Is there anything? I personally can't think of anything, and those who aren't able to make the pick-up lifestyle work for them are left hopeless in solving their problems with the opposite sex. So they go to PUAhate to nurture their frustration and negativity.

Society has put 'having sex' at the top of the traits that make a man successful. All men have been led to believe that this is what they must achieve to prove their self-value. If they buy into what society expects of them and cannot find a way to achieve this, they will become self-destructive, and the way Elliot Roger carried out his destruction is just one example, and is now currently the most publicized. Thousands more AFCs take their own lives.

Thank God that festering pile of 5hit known as PUAhate has been shut down, and I certainly hope it remains as such. It was the most useless forum I ever had the displeasure of visiting.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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speed dawg said:
We continue to avoid discussing the real issues because we are scared of what we might discover about ourselves. We may not be able to justify our cushy little lives anymore.
There are many reasons why. Easy access to guns, mental illness/autism, parental abandonment, feminism, police incompetence, etc. Depending on your political and social outlook you will focus on one of them and blame it and it alone for something like this.

But, like is too often the case, it was a confluence of reasons and the perfect storm which fell through the cracks. People don't like heavily layered stories with no clear answers. They like an open and shut case starring them and their beliefs.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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skinnyguy said:
Nah he wasn't gay. He was an AFC who just couldn't get women. Look, UCSB has some of the hottest sluts you've ever seen. When you're on campus every day (I think he might have gone to Santa Barbara City College actually) and you see them, you're freaking h0rny all the time and you will get bitter fast if you realize you're not in the "in" crowd going to frat parties all the time. That and the fact that he got jumped are recipe for disaster.

AFC's are screwed for life. Women treat them worse than sh!t. Women only treat the buff alpha males well. I feel like the only way we can reduce the number of killing rampages in America is for women to give beta males a chance. Because if you look at the trend - all of the killers were single males who didn't have friends and couldn't get laid. That's got to tell you something. One of my friend's who is a feminist posted on Facebook that this is "gender based violence". Then she got offended when I said no, this is just guys who couldn't get laid taking it out on the world. I then challenged her to give me an example of a football player who was sleeping with all the cheerleaders and initiated a mass murder. She shut up after that.
Yeah I have been over to Santa Barbara quite a few times to visit the beach and at night. Hotties everywhere. So if he wasn't getting any AND he was straight, I can see where he would be ready to explode.

But I don't know. To me?

He gay.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Desdinova said:
I have no clue if I want to move this thread to Anything Else or keep it here. Anyway...

Websites like Sosuave have many members with histories like that, including this one who is currently responding to your dumbass post. This guy could have been any one of the 'unsuccessful' students of pick-up, and there's a lot of them out there. PUAhate was a haven for them, and instead of trying to improve their lives without PUA tactics, they based their entire forum on hatred toward those who were willing to put in the effort into making pick-up work for them.

There's a lot of us here who will stand by sites like Sosuave for helping improve their lives. But name something better than a PUA-based website that helps improve your success with women. Is there anything? I personally can't think of anything, and those who aren't able to make the pick-up lifestyle work for them are left hopeless in solving their problems with the opposite sex. So they go to PUAhate to nurture their frustration and negativity.

Society has put 'having sex' at the top of the traits that make a man successful. All men have been led to believe that this is what they must achieve to prove their self-value. If they buy into what society expects of them and cannot find a way to achieve this, they will become self-destructive, and the way Elliot Roger carried out his destruction is just one example, and is now currently the most publicized. Thousands more AFCs take their own lives.

Thank God that festering pile of 5hit known as PUAhate has been shut down, and I certainly hope it remains as such. It was the most useless forum I ever had the displeasure of visiting.
So tell me what exactly was dumb about my post? I think you and others need to really read ArcBound's earlier post and let it sink in. My point was that people are taking the easy route to think they can explain this away by saying pickup or vagina would have prevented this tragedy. Saying such things shows obvious lack of knowledge of the kids mindset and upbringing. I really invite everyone to read that manifesto of his at the least, and if they have time, skim through the psychological analysis of his manifesto (which I linked).

Many of the problems started when Elliot Rodger was growing up. By the time he would ever come in contact with pickup it was over. His own manifesto shows he didnt really try to let people get close to him...and people who knew him said he shut people out. So honestly its just faulty speculation to definitively say this or that would have prevented this final act.

Moving on, I dont want to blame the parents entirely, but they are largely responsible for the kids molding. That said, everyone has their own unique thought process and personality..and sometimes theres only so much parents can do. But given the Rodger lifestyle, it amazes me how the kid turned out the way he did. Ive known people who grew up in worse situations, yet they werent as socially maladjusted as Elliot Rodger was.

Also, PUA communities are part of "society", in that just like society, pickup places sex at the top of what makes a man successful. Sosuave at least has other lessons to teach men, but we cannot forget why this site exists, and the mission the site owner has. And we cannot forget that a large portion of men on this site place look at sex as a barometer of their success.

This all said...I stand by my earlier points. And even at that, we can never know what may have prevented this. All I know is there are loads of men who are have tough luck with socializing yet never toss coffee on people or, try to shove people off ledges, or go off assaulting people. I recognize the hardships Elliot Rodger dealt with...and I sympathize with many suffering dudes who commit suicide for whatever reason (and men commit suicide for a variety of reasons across the world...many times having nothing to do with women). But when a guy decides to take others with him into the next life, I wont feel sorry for that person.

Elliot Rodger did the world a favor and removed his DNA from the sexual marketplace.

PS - PUAHate is a garbage site, and I couldnt believe dudes were actually giving him praise for what he did.
What those guys should have done was try to uplift one another while also discussing techniques/beliefs they feel may be better than what pickup gurus support. Sitting around in a hateful circle jerk is pathetic.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I really invite everyone to read that manifesto of his at the least, and if they have time, skim through the psychological analysis of his manifesto (which I linked).
That dude needs to do a psychological analysis on ME and let me know how many people I have the potential to murder.

Many of the problems started when Elliot Rodger was growing up. By the time he would ever come in contact with pickup it was over. His own manifesto shows he didnt really try to let people get close to him...and people who knew him said he shut people out.
Yeah, and welcome to my fvcking childhood. Losing my virginity as an AFC changed everything. It gave me value. It proved to me that a woman could truly find me attractive. Perhaps I'll let you read the journal I kept as a teenager sometime. It's the most miserable piece of literature I've ever read. Suicidal thoughts, self-hate, negativity, rejection, it's all in there. I could have easily turned out like this dude. That first lay changed everything. That first lay put an end to my journal-keeping. I had no reason to keep it any longer because I had success in my quest to becoming a man. My last entry in that journal talks about how fvcking happy was, because I felt accepted, needed, and valued. I felt like I was going to live happily ever after at that point.

For the AFC, life is pointless if sex does not exist.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
^Ok, so you, along with me and a lot of other teenagers, went through a period of self-hate, insecurity, rejection, and suicidal thoughts. I dealt with all that too bro, stemming from my home life, but mainly the growing pains that go along with the teenage years. Its a confusing time, and were all trying to learn how to socialize with to be an to make friends and fit in...and how attract the opposite sex.

I was made fun of for being a virgin, but to be honest, I never cared about the jokes. I realized it was just dudes busting chops like dudes will. For the most part people around me understood I was waiting for the right girl at the time. And as it happens, I was 18, fell in love, and lost my virginity to a not-so-nice girl. Got my heartbroken, became jaded, got over it...typical teen life.

Now even with some of the depressed thoughts Ive had at different periods of my life, I NEVER wanted to harm innocent people. Harm myself? Yes. Harm others? No. And thats how most "AFCs" deal with things. Which is why I made the earlier comments I did. Even when I had bullies growing up, I wanted to kick their asses (and sometimes I did get them back). But I never wanted to truly kill them. I didnt want to do anything to rob myself of a good life. I knew one day Id be an adult and have a job to buy things I wanted. I knew Id have friends to have fun with. And I knew eventually Id have a great girl by my side to spend time with. So which Ive had lows in my life, I never wanted to take it out on innocents.

Rodger's problems were complex in my view. It was his parents, it was the lack of friends, it was the drugs hes been prescribed in the past, it was the bullying, it was the lack of attention from women, it was the spoiled was a whole slew of things wrapped into a bad ball of stuff. Id like to think things would have been much different had Elliot's parents not divorced, had they been more present, and if he developed the social skills to at least make friends.

I know that for me, in my teenage years I did want a girlfriend, but I didnt obsess over it because I had other interests. I was busy hanging out with friends and goofing off, so it wasnt too terrible when I failed with girls. Im sure a lot of people would become obsessive over girls, money, cars, or whatever else, if they didnt have any human contact much of the time. I do believe if the kid at least had some male friends, he wouldnt have obsessed over things like money and women so much.


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
America is best
Jaylan said:
^Ok, so you, along with me and a lot of other teenagers, went through a period of self-hate, insecurity, rejection, and suicidal thoughts. I dealt with all that too bro, stemming from my home life, but mainly the growing pains that go along with the teenage years. Its a confusing time, and were all trying to learn how to socialize with to be an to make friends and fit in...and how attract the opposite sex.

I was made fun of for being a virgin, but to be honest, I never cared about the jokes. I realized it was just dudes busting chops like dudes will. For the most part people around me understood I was waiting for the right girl at the time. And as it happens, I was 18, fell in love, and lost my virginity to a not-so-nice girl. Got my heartbroken, became jaded, got over it...typical teen life.

Now even with some of the depressed thoughts Ive had at different periods of my life, I NEVER wanted to harm innocent people. Harm myself? Yes. Harm others? No. And thats how most "AFCs" deal with things. Which is why I made the earlier comments I did. Even when I had bullies growing up, I wanted to kick their asses (and sometimes I did get them back). But I never wanted to truly kill them. I didnt want to do anything to rob myself of a good life. I knew one day Id be an adult and have a job to buy things I wanted. I knew Id have friends to have fun with. And I knew eventually Id have a great girl by my side to spend time with. So which Ive had lows in my life, I never wanted to take it out on innocents.

Rodger's problems were complex in my view. It was his parents, it was the lack of friends, it was the drugs hes been prescribed in the past, it was the bullying, it was the lack of attention from women, it was the spoiled was a whole slew of things wrapped into a bad ball of stuff. Id like to think things would have been much different had Elliot's parents not divorced, had they been more present, and if he developed the social skills to at least make friends.

I know that for me, in my teenage years I did want a girlfriend, but I didnt obsess over it because I had other interests. I was busy hanging out with friends and goofing off, so it wasnt too terrible when I failed with girls. Im sure a lot of people would become obsessive over girls, money, cars, or whatever else, if they didnt have any human contact much of the time. I do believe if the kid at least had some male friends, he wouldnt have obsessed over things like money and women so much.
Yeah right that didn't bother you. That would bother any guy. Here's a little trick for you jaylan, when some one says "to be honest" a lot of times the words that follow that phrase are not true.
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Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
I'm gonna pose an interesting question:

Do you think that if this kid spent money on hookers instead of $500 Prada shirts it might have alleviated his fear of women?


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
noobolgy said:
Yeah right that didn't bother you. That would bother any guy. Here's a little trick for you jaylan, when some one says "to be honest" a lot of times the words that follow that phrase are not true.
Just because it bothered you as a kid, doesnt mean it bothered everyone. Some of my friends and acquaintances would poke fun, but I just shoot an insult back at them and we would go on about the day. It really wasnt a big deal, and my friends knew I was waiting for the right girl.

I didnt wanna rush, I didnt wanna just bang anyone, and though I was horny, my drive wasnt out of control because I had no reference point yet. Compared to a lot of guys my age at the time, I was very secure with my lack of sexual experience. Especially given that most people around me had sex already between the ages of 13 and 17.
Danger said:
Ok so here you seem to show that you have similarities with Elliot. But then you lost your virginity at 18, whereas he was 22 and still didn't lose it.

While I agree with you that many people get through that stage without killing people, it does not negate the argument that getting laid would have saved the lives of seven people or mitigated the problem. It's called sex-drive for a reason.

I do however completely agree that the Father was a useless idiot who never taught the poor kid to be a man. And now seven parents and their children out there have paid the price for it.
Youre missing my point. Its a grand assumption to think Rodger getting sex would have saved lives. He had a lot of anti social issues with parents and friends as well. This was not just about women. I could also say having a couple friends or a closer relationship with his dad could have stopped this. At the end of the day this is all speculation and there were a ton of things that went wrong for the guy.

Also, while I had my own issues as a teenager, I was not desperate to lose my virginity. At the time I was concerned about having fun with friends and hanging out. And when I did think about girls, I was concerned with falling in love...less so was I focused on sex. So while I may have had others issues to deal with as a teen, I was pretty well adjusted when it came to sex.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I was made fun of for being a virgin, but to be honest, I never cared about the jokes. I realized it was just dudes busting chops like dudes will. For the most part people around me understood I was waiting for the right girl at the time. And as it happens, I was 18, fell in love, and lost my virginity to a not-so-nice girl. Got my heartbroken, became jaded, got over it...typical teen life.
I did NOT have the typical teen life that you did. I had the 5hit beaten out of me at school for wearing really ugly and crappy clothes. I had my mother beat the 5hit out of me for not wanting to wear the ugly and crappy clothes. I was raised in a religious cult that taught me I would become gay if I wanked, that I shouldn't even think about dating until I was 20 years old, and my mother told me I would get AIDS if I talked to women. I could never approach my parents with my problems for fear of being yelled at or beaten. I had no friends to talk to about my problems, so I kept all that 5hit inside.

I was the definition of a social retard. I was a loner just like Rodger was.

I NEVER wanted to harm innocent people. Harm myself? Yes. Harm others? No.
I wanted both. Those fvckers that beat the 5hit out of me in high school AND got the women... and their women would laugh when these dudes were beating the crap out of me. You bet I wanted them to suffer. I started making my own weapons at home to bring to school.

The best thing I did was transfer schools and got some new clothes. I decided I wanted to abandon the person that I was and leave him at that 5hit hole of a school I attended. And that's exactly what I did. I told nobody about the stupid cult I was raised in. Guess what? People actually started to like being around me. I wasn't Mr. Popular, but it was better than where I was. I was also still stupid when it came to dating women though.

Eventually I met the girl I'd lose my virginity to, but it wouldn't happen until after school was over. I lost it at age 20.

I could have easily ended up being a social fvck up like Rodger, and it probably could have happened if I didn't change schools. I look at myself now and realize that I've come a LONG way since those days. But people like Rodger are the ones who need the most help, not only with attracting women, but with learning to be social.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
^Rough man, rough. Luckily you had the ability to let people in. Rodger didnt have that in him unfortunately.

And jeez man, if no one was sticking up for you at school, I would have seen no problem with you shanking a bully. I wouldnt have wanted you to mortally wound him, but I have no issue with a bully getting fvked up bad enough so others know to knock that sh!t off.

I cant stand a bully. And if any little fvker ever messes with my kids...oh boy....I will be raising hell.


EDIT: (10 post limit) Allow me to address the idiotic points made by noobology below me.

1. If no one ever made fun of you, why are you trying to tell another person how they would react to being made fun of? You have no personal experience with friends busting your chops for being a how can you tell me Im lying when I say it didnt bother me? Get the fvck over yourself.

2. Dude, if I couldnt get laid as a teenager I would proudly say so. I wouldnt give a damn either because it would be back in my silly noobie days over a decade ago. Why the hell would I need to lie about why I was a virgin at 18? I was not scared to have sex, and I actually had an opportunity or two when I was younger. Fact of the matter is that I was waiting for the right girl, and I dreamed love and happy endings back then.

3. Youre such a fvking clown. Despite what your motivations may be, a lot of young guys do look for emotional connections with women. A lot of young blokes wanna fall in love. I wanted that, I found it, I got burned, and I learned from it. Stop trying to fvking project your experiences and motivations onto other people. Not every guy is constantly concerned with getting laid. So like I said, back in my virgin days, my focus wasnt really on sex.

Let me say it one more time for you. Being a virgin did not bother me at all during my teen years. Just because you think fixating on that is normal, does not mean its normal for everyone else. Like I said before, I wasnt fixated on sex...and knew it would happen once I met a cool chick to date. Now move the fvck on.
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May 17, 2013
Reaction score
America is best
Jaylan said:
Just because it bothered you as a kid, doesnt mean it bothered everyone. Actually, no one every made fun of me for that. So nice try.
Some of my friends and acquaintances would poke fun, but I just shoot an insult back at them and we would go on about the day. It really wasnt a big deal, and my friends knew I was waiting for the right girl.

I didnt wanna rush, I didnt wanna just bang anyone, and though I was horny, my drive wasnt out of control because I had no reference point yet. Again, I call bullsh!t. You just couldn't get laid, or you were scared to try (aka niceguy). Compared to a lot of guys my age at the time, I was very secure with my lack of sexual experience. Especially given that most people around me had sex already between the ages of 13 and 17.
Youre missing my point. Its a grand assumption to think Rodger getting sex would have saved lives. He had a lot of anti social issues with parents and friends as well. This was not just about women. I could also say having a couple friends or a closer relationship with his dad could have stopped this. At the end of the day this is all speculation and there were a ton of things that went wrong for the guy.

Also, while I had my own issues as a teenager, I was not desperate to lose my virginity. At the time I was concerned about having fun with friends and hanging out. And when I did think about girls, I was concerned with falling in love...less so was I focused on sex. Yeah and thats what's normal for girls to focus onSo while I may have had others issues to deal with as a teen, I was pretty well adjusted when it came to sex.
I think you lie to yourself. Maybe now when you think about how they made fun of you, it doesn't bother you, but at the time I bet it bothered you a lot. Any normal young guy would be bothered by that.

What happens, IN HER MIND, is that she comes to see you as WORTHLESS simply because she hasn't had to INVEST anything in you in order to get you or to keep you.

You were an interesting diversion while she had nothing else to do. But now that someone a little more valuable has come along, someone who expects her to treat him very well, she'll have no problem at all dropping you or demoting you to lowly "friendship" status.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
America is best
What really pisses me off about this guy, is now he just made it harder for us to get laid. Now the women are going to increase power to their ***** shields.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
samspade said:
Bible_Belt said:

Even though one admit's that PUAhate, was low and behold, against the PUA community, they somehow still managed to group them together as one. Somehow that's supposed to make sense.

Amanda Hess - Slate said:
It is not, however, interested in putting an end to the PUA community’s objectification of women; it simply complains that the tips and tricks don’t work.
Okay genius. Care to explain this one?

So lets say he was a member of the PUA "community" at one point. Well, he was also a member of And this guy's never seen the inside of the gym a day in his life. Hmmmm.......

I wonder if these women realize that by writing these outlandish subjective articles like this that they're actually fueling Misogyny.

Since PUAhate was obviously against the PUA community, weren't they about women liking them for who they were?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 14, 2014
Reaction score
I have known some guys who somewhat resembled him and all it took for them was one change. One good friend or one good connection to the social scene, already after that they were in. It helped that none of them found the online forums particularly PUAHate's ****ty Advice but they found some kind of a connection or in with the social scene.

What probably held this kid back is the fact that he had the entitlement of a hollywood elite and likely thought he was above rushing a fraternity. Reading his manifesto, what I think this guy really needed was a friend who was socially well connected. The guy had some friends growing up so it is not like his problems were genetic.

There are so many factors at play that led to this dude going crazy over the past few months. Isolation, being a part of a negative community, etc.