An Intoduction and my story


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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Plate #1 status: innactive
Plate #2 status: still highly interested, leaving the state in 2 weeks

I think I might be about to get to another level of progress mentally. I am actually looking forward to having no plates soon. I have a bunch of stuff I want to do this summer, and spending time with plate #2 is fun, but also cuts into my free time.

She wanted to come over tonight, but I wanted to get some work done at home and hang with my buddy tomorrow, so i told her maybe sunday. That felt GREAT! Pvssy is not my #1 priority, and it feels great to not feel panicked about loosing my steady supply of it.

Tuesday night I went into town and had drinks on the main street where all the people hang out, and a light bulb went off. I was hanging with my buddy who just recently became single and is also very interested in improving his game. There are A SH!TLOAD of cute women running around in town. Also, I get looks and smiles from girls when I walk about feeling confident. I am now ready to get serious about approaching. Like many guys, this is a sticking point for me.

I spent some money on some new clothes now that I have started to get the style I like dialed in. Ordered some nice leather boots, and some new sharp tight fitting t-shirts that looks really good on my body shape. I am going into my small town this weekend for a festival and bringing one of my dogs. Going to try to meet some local women, and I think dog game might have some potential.

I realize this is a bit of a ramble without much interesting, but I think it is starting to set in that I CAN get women if I want using online and/or bar game. This makes me feel less panicked to constantly be pipelining women. I feel a sense of freedom coming on that I have not had since being dumped by my LTR. This feeling might fade once plate #2 moves away, but for now it feels great. I cant wait to get my new clothes on, take the dog into town and just stroll around and troll women.

It is also very fortunate that two of my good friends are now single. One is 25 and has excellent game, the other is my age, doesnt have great game, but is serious about getting out there and meeting women. Having two wingmen who are excited about meeting women is GREAT! I feel lucky, because a lot of guys my age who become single are the only one of their friends to be single. It helps a lot of have other dudes in the same boat to talk about women and feed off each other.

Ironically, I thought i would be with my LTR until I died. I somewhat neglected my good friends. Well, now the girl is long gone and probably sampling c0cks at a rampant rate, but my buddies are all right there with me. Bros before h0es has never sounded more true. Its sad that you cannot have that unconditional relationship with a women like you can with your good bros. This whole thing has really put that into prospective for me. I wish I lived closer to a couple of my great friends.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
Reaction score
Weighed myself last night, I've gained about 11-12 pounds since the beginning of the year. I'm sure some is fat, but I am still very lean. I am 6'4" and I started at 175, now I'm 187.

Its getting to the point where people are making comments asking if I have been working out. That feels good, sometimes its hard to tell since you see yourself in the mirror every day.

My eventual goal is to get to 200lbs, I think I would look like a tall mean beast at that weight. Funny how just 10 lbs can make a difference if you are a skinny bastard. :cool:

I have my last date with plate #2 tonight before she moves back to Florida. It makes me a bit sad, but I'm also excited. I have definately gotten over that hump where by brain was constantly telling me I needed a girlfriend to be happy.

She is really such a sweet girl, very feminine, pretty, cute, good body etc. Strangely, she doesn't really do it for me on some chemical/primal level. I told my buddy this after he met her and he almost smacked me. I think her departure comes at a good time, she is started to get attached, and giving me those puppy dog eyes when I see her. She may be back in my life at some point, she said she is applying for jobs local to me. Who knows. She will make someone a good woman someday.

She has taught me some invaluable lessons though.
-an interested woman WILL NOT confuse you
-there are girls out there without smart phones
-there are decent, LTR worthy women in America, maybe not many, but they exist
-even if a woman is attractive, and posses many qualities of a good woman, without that strong primal attraction, I cannot consider a serious relationship with her at this point in my life

I am started to get my life as a single man figured out, and its really exciting. I can feel those old chains of loneliness falling off. How could I ask for a better position in life??? I have a good job, no kids, no debt (besides mortgage), a kick@ss place in the mountains to play, great friends, and the freedom to do whatever the fvck I want with my life!

I need to start cold approaching women. I have three single buddies that are very interested in this. All three dudes are very different, but all of them are great dudes and could be great wingmen. One of my friends has excellent game, and I can't wait to study under him. He is game aware, and very open and helpful.

Strangely, I was always one of those dudes who wanted to get married and have, I'm really not sure.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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Field Report:
Went out last night with my two single buddies. Not ideal with three dudes, but we had fun. Talked to a few girls, no real luck.

Toward the end of the night we rolled into a club and all three of us found separate women and danced for a while. I danced for a long time with a hb9 body hb6 face girl. Got a little makout out of it. I think I could have gone home with her, but just wasn't feeling it. One of my buddies banged a chubby hb6, and the other attempted to bang an hb8 but got cb'd.

A good night though, I should have gone for the bang, but oh well. Heading into town to the farmers market with my dog to try some dog game.

What did I learn? There are always bangable women available at the club if I so choose, and I'm a better dancer than I remember.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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Had a pretty interesting dream last night.
I was out on a dock by the lake with my ex. Not sure why, but she was basically just going off on me and explaining all the things that had caused her to loose attraction for me.

Its all stuff I knew, but someone it was interesting to hear it coming from her in the dream. It felt enlightening somehow.

Of course at the end of the dream I caveman banged her. Could have done without that part of the dream, but it is what it is.

I am at the one week mark from the last time I got laid, and that always means the sex dreams start happening. This is the first one I have had of her lately. Lame.

I have a blind date with a very cute, tall redhead tonight that my buddies wife set me up with. Should be interesting, I know NOTHING about this girl, but I figured I’d give it a whirl. She contacted me first, so there must be some initial interest on her part. Field report to follow.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
Reaction score
Field Report:
Went on a blind date with a girl that my buddies wife wanted me to meet. 28y.o. hb7 (hb8 if tall redheads are your thing) 6' tall redhead with a full sleeve of tats on one arm. She was cool, nice body, although tall girls usually aren't my thing.

Met downtown, got a couple drinks in a bar, venue changed to a fancy pizza place, got some more drinks and had some pizza (she paid for half of everything).

Cool chick, outdoorsy, good sense of humor, a bit goofy, but cute.

We had some kino both ways at the first bar, took her arm and led her to the second venue, not much kino there (damn you tables!).

After the pizza place, she walked me back to my car, held hand the whole way, then i drove her to her car, nice makeout session in my car. She was a good kisser, and seemed to be into it. Perhaps I will hear from her again, not sure. I used to think a makeout session guaranteed a second date, but I have experienced several girls who were happy to make out but flaked on the second date attempt.

Issues that I need to improve:
-more kino and flirting (getting better an the vocal flirting, but my kino at a bar is lacking some)
-when i go for the kiss, it usually seems abrupt. Its usually well recieved, but I feel like I just do it sort of out of the blue and it takes the girl a second to be into it. I think if I could lead up to it a bit better and have her anticipating it, it would be better.

Overall, I'm happy with my mindset and how my dates are turning out. I am relaxed, confident and having fun.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
Reaction score
Having a bit of an AFC backslide. I am aware of it, and its under control, no damage has been done to dating prospects, but it still sucks. I swear I have this mental cycle of ups and downs, maybe it coincides with the moon or something :lol:

My first two plates are both gone, fine.

Right after plate #2 left the state I went on the date with girl in above post, and really liked her/had a great date. Now shes getting flakey. No big deal, but its bumming me out more than it should. I've noticed this happens with girls I feel more chemistry/connection with (which makes sense).

I need to learn how to be more outcome independent, I need to have more girl in the pipeline. I want to take a break from it, but my sex drive is off the charts since I have not been laid in 2 weeks.

Considering going out with a hb6.5 from OKC tomorrow just because she is enthusiastic and I want to get laid. Not sure if this is a good move or not, but im not thinking with my big head at this point.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
Reaction score
Another Notch Counted last night, 21 year old redhead. HB6.5 or 7. Def passed boner test with flying colors.

Went out on the town with my buddy, was getting hit up the last couple days by a girl i had chatted with online but never met.

I was standing outside while my buddy smoked a cig, and he noticed her walk by. I called out her name, she turned around and it was her. She was rolling with 3 orbiters, but she basically stuck to me like glue the rest of the night. I got a ride back to her place with one of her orbiters who was the DD and banged.

In a strange way I was a bit disappointed because I went out with the sole purpose of sarging, and instead ended up hanging with an online girl. The online thing is a crutch I am trying to break away from. The bang was great, and I might see this girl again, but I feel like I cheated since I never really sarged last night.

My buddy found a girl at one of the bars and banged her. He is excellent, pulls very regularly using day game and night game. All in all, I'm glad to have another notch, and it was cool to bang a girl that is that much younger than me. Still feels like only half a notch because it was an online girl.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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A note on the post above, when I got to this girls house she basically jumped me, ripped off her shorts and underwear in one motion and hopped on my d!ck. Never even had time to get my condom, and I was seriously caught in the moment.

To make matters worse, she was begging me to blast inside her, which i did. Hottest thing ever in the moment, dumbest thing ever now. No birth control was discussed, hoping she is on it and I didn't just make a little redhead baby.

Not smart, I haven't blown it in a random girl in 10 years, and I was younger and had a lot less to loose then. Ugh....not smart.


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2013
Reaction score
Central Valley of California
Mtn Man, you should change your name to The Mountain Avenger, because you went from a recluse to launching out of your cabin and slaying every quivering vag in sight. Awesome!

I've read every post since my last reply and I've noticed a lot of excellent improvements in all areas, from dress to approach. You're very insightful and recognize your own weaknesses, too. Outcome Dependence is one and Kino Escalation is the other. Nonetheless, you are far above your starting point and any average guy.

As for the creampie, don't worry about it too much, some people try to have kids for years and it doesn't happen. The chances of you knocking her up are quite slim. Still, for future reference, always, always pull out. In fact, coitus interruptus is within one percent of the effectiveness of condoms.

Also, I keep the Plan B pill in stock at my place at all times, for just these occasions. Every girl has always been more than happy to take it. It can be taken within three days, but the sooner the better. I've bought it so often I should be getting frequent flyer miles.

Godspeed man!


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
Reaction score
thanks for the kind words! I wouldn't say that I'm slaying every quivering vag in sight, but I am doing better than I EVER have with women!

To Add to the list of things I need to improve upon:

-staying aloof between dates/meetings

-APPROACH ANXIETY!!! This one is so irrational, it makes me feel insane. I was out with my buddy (who is a gaming natural) and he tried to force me to go talk to this cute girl who was standing behind us listening to a street performer with her dog. Easiest opening ever, and I couldn't do it. I just sat there while he (rightfully) called me a pvssy. Funny thing is, I have been on so many dates lately, and I can always keep a good convo going. It never gets dull, and I never feel strange. So I must have good convo skills, but opening a girl cold scares the hell out of me, and I have only done it handful of times.

-Not basing my happiness on women. This is REALLY hard for me. When I don't have anyone in the pipeline, or I get blown off by someone I thought was a sure thing, it puts me in a terrible mood. I force myself to work out extra hard that night, and eat well and it makes me feel better, but its still not right. Currently I am in a great mood because of a date last night, but I know if she flakes on date 2, I am going to be equally as bummed. I am a pretty emotional dude, and this is hard for me. I don't think I have my game to the point where I want it, and I have not really convinced myself that I am the prize yet. Hopefully this will come in time.

Anyways, onto some more field reports:
Contacted 21y.o. redhead in hopes of securing another bang (probably way to soon on the contact). She was responsive to texts, but went radio silent when I suggested hanging at my place. Not sure why, trying not to care.

She was super into me, and told me in the morning that "this better not just be a one time thing". Oh well, this chick is in the national guard and I'm sure she is surrounded by dudes constantly. I wouldn't be surprised if I get a booty call from her sometime, or maybe just run into her on the town. I know her 5'2" genetics want some more of my 6'4" genetics d@mnit! Maybe buyers remorse, maybe she just wanted to sperm jack me, maybe.....well whatever. I'll never know. On a side note: I am literally haunted by the ability to raw dog and cvm inside women.

I was finally getting used to the fact that I had to wear condoms after nearly a decade of cvmming however and wherever I wanted. Now I get this young cutie begging me to cvm inside her and its right back to being haunted by that animal feeling. This stuff brings out my inner animal in a BAD way, and I suppose it makes sense. Sex with a condom, or pulling out feels like I am cheating nature, and its nowhere near as arousing for me. Its nowhere near as satisfying for me either. I guess thats one advantage of an LTR.


Went out last night with a girl from OKC. 28y.o. HB7. Cute face, large ass, but still decent. Possibly too heavy in the rear in comparison to boob size for some people, but definitely passes my boner test. She was flirty and fun to talk with.

She is a local news anchor, and I'd love to flip on the news and say "I banged that girl". Probably not a great reason to pursue someone, but it would be funny.

Got drinks, moved to another place, got appetizers and more drinks. She turned the convo sexual over second drink. Flirted a bunch, minor kino, but the damned dreaded outside table limited me so much. I was hoping she would have some jewelry or something I could grab and comment on, but alas.

The vibe was fun and flirty with some sexual convo spread in there, and I was feeling good about it. Walked her to her car, made out by the car, chatted some more, made out some more. She let out a couple moans, and kept talking about how I better call her and how manly I was, feeling up my abs and pecs, telling me how fun the date was, saying how she liked how tall I was etc.

She had been dropping some possible bait about her going home and watching a movie, and I think that there was a chance I could have weaseled my way back to watch with her. I had a big project at work due at noon today, and really didn't have the energy or desire to go for the SNL.

I will call this girl in a few days and try to set up date 2. Debating if I should invite her out to my place, or do something in her town again. I've had maybe a 50% success rate at getting girls to agree to my place on date 2. This girl lives alone, so her logistics are good too.

Or I will never hear from her again, even though all signs pointed to a guaranteed second date. Damn women, at least I am now learning that a good date and a kiss close doesn't guarantee j@ck $hit.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
Reaction score
Field Report:
New Notch, potential new plate.
Went to a car show all day with my buddies and then went out on the town.

Met up with the the 28 year old news anchor from the above post. We left the bar, went to her friends hot tub, hung out in the tub, drank, everyone got naked, we went downstairs and banged a hellacious, violent animalisitc session out on her friends futon. We banged until it was light, then went back to her place and banged all day until 2pm. I literally never want to have sex again.

She had not been laid in months, and she was super into me. Ended up rawdogging because i had no more condoms, but I was very careful and pulled out every time. she is a dirty girl, lots of dirty talk, loves to be thrown around and manhandled. Fun night overall, I will maybe see her again. Cant wait to turn on the evening news tonight and see her!!! haha!

She is a cute when she is all made and and dressed up, but i was disappointed when the makeup and clothes were off. She has a big ass with a bit of cellulite, kinda crappy skin, and some acne. Overall she still gave me hard boners all night, and her attitude was lots of fun, so that helps. I feel like she is the least attractive girl I have banged this year, but the most fun.

I'm a bit bummed, because I'm in the mood for a regular plate like plate #2 was, and this girl would gladly fill that roll, but she has some dealbreakers for long term potential.
1) smokes cigs
2) cellulite on ass
3) already showing signs of hitting the wall.

My buddy also took home a 22 year old from the bar. A bit chubby, but he was pleased. A good night overall. I have been awake for about nearing 40 hours, time to pass the hell out and get ready for the week.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
Reaction score
Well, I am going to call the news anchor girl plate #3. She came over last night for dinner, movie and banging. As I said before, she has a few things that disqualify her for LTR, but she is a bit of a FREAK in the sack, and I could use some of that in my life. She loves to be dominated, dirty talked, etc. So I suppose she can be a steady plate for the time being.


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2013
Reaction score
Central Valley of California
MtnMan said:
Contacted 21y.o. redhead in hopes of securing another bang (probably way to soon on the contact). She was responsive to texts, but went radio silent when I suggested hanging at my place. Not sure why, trying not to care.

She was super into me, and told me in the morning that "this better not just be a one time thing". Oh well, this chick is in the national guard and I'm sure she is surrounded by dudes constantly. I wouldn't be surprised if I get a booty call from her sometime, or maybe just run into her on the town. I know her 5'2" genetics want some more of my 6'4" genetics d@mnit! Maybe buyers remorse, maybe she just wanted to sperm jack me, maybe.....well whatever. I'll never know. On a side note: I am literally haunted by the ability to raw dog and cvm inside women.
Let me shed some light on this little Redheaded hottie for you. I spent a couple of years in the Army and one thing I learned is - don't date Army girls. Pound them for all they are worth, but do not get involved in any sort of relationship.

Your instincts are correct, she is surrounded by in-shape and assertive guys, the most Alpha of which she is getting drilled by.

There is more in play, and that is in my opinion, genetics. Girls who join the Army, Police, etc are typically tough and bold, traits they developed due to higher than average levels of testosterone in utero. Thus, although female and sometimes very hot, they have very male-like tendencies. Things like military/police service, obtaining authority roles and a high number of sex partners.

This reminds me a story. When I was on base we had, temporarily, co-ed barracks. They're basically like two-room apartments, and the few girls were all on one floor. On the weekends, people would gather in the main lobby and play pool, drink beer (if the CQ guard was cool) and generally hang out. Since there are vastly more males than females in the Army, believe me, sausage-fest is an understatement, it was a sausage-factory.

So I come down stairs one Sat night, heading to the gym as usual, and I pass some guys in my unit drinking with the only decent girl around, a tiny redheaded chick we called "Red". This girl was the typical AW and outside of the Army would be, at best, a 6. Inside a 95% male barracks, she might as well have been Kate Upton with a sign around her neck that said "Free Blow Jobs."

Of course, there's like 10 guys and her, which doesn't interest me in the least. My buddies invite me over to have some beers but I decline "Nah, I'm going to the gym tonight." I hit the gym, get swole and when I come back, I pass the same group, much drunker. I chat for a minute and as I head upstairs I see Red eyeballing me. Maybe one minute into my room, I get a knock on the door.

To my surprise, it's Red! Naturally, I'm like "Well, come one in!" and within about 30 seconds I'm drilling her out on my single-wide bed. After we're done, she leaves and I continue my night.

Last I heard about her, some E6 (staff sergeant, big no-no as she was like E2, private) knocked her up on deployment.

As you can tell, yours did the same mine did. She saw a high-value guy, ditched her orbiters and let you take her to pound town. Tellingly, there was one guy, a friend of mine, who hung out with her, drank with her, listened to her bullsh!t, etc for months and all he got was some tits.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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Sik, I think you hit the nail on the head. I don't have interest in dating little red, but wouldn't mind another bang sometime.

Onto a field report from last night:

I've decided to really make a concerted effort to dominate a woman properly in bed and observe the real world effects.

Since formally discovering game (early this year) I have been more dominate and animalistic when banging, but it was time to really push my own comfort zone.

Plate#3 (news anchor) seemed like the perfect candidate. She came over last night to grill and hang on my deck and drink, this girl is a horndog and loves to talk about sex. As soon as the wine started flowing, the sex talk started. I began talking about her as my dirty girl, my sex fiend etc. the night progressed, the making out began. When making out with her I would firmly grasp the back of her head and put her where I wanted her. This was clearly turning her on. I continued by standing Behind her and gently putting my hands around her neck, pulling her close and making out with her more. Again, very well received.

At some point I make her take her cloths off on the deck, while I sit fully clothed in a chair. I pull out my c0ck and instruct her to come over and sit on it. All the while I am talking about her as my slut, my pvssy etc.

At this point she is doing whatever I say, and eagerly awaiting the next command. I take her inside, tie her hands together and tie her up to a vertical beam in the middle of my bedroom. I make her beg for my c0ck and fvck the hell out her.

I move her to the bed with hands still tied and continue commanding her and shoving her around. I tell her that it's my pvssy and make her repeat it. "This is mtnman's pvssy!" At some point she is screaming this while cumming repeatedly. I bang her until 4:30 am and I can't take anymore. Bust my nut and pass the hell out.

In the morning she is following me around all glassey eyed. She had to call her girlfriends and tell about what a ridiculous nigh she had etc.

All in all, this was very fun and extra satisfying to dominate a girl like that. To be fair I was quite certain she would be into it from previous conversations, so I wasn't going too far out on a limb by busting out the rope.

Problem is, this girl is falling for me, and I feel like this might turn ugly. I do not want ltr with this girl. I have read about how this changes the game and can get women addicted to you. I can already see this happening with her. I guess if you play with fire, you will get burned.

This is powerful stuff and still a little hard to believe how filthy the average lizzard is. They are just waiting for the right dude to bring it out.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
MtnMan said:
As a random note to self, things that I need to work on include:
-cold approaching (still a pretty big pvssy about this)
-get less emotionally involved in new relationships with women
-become more outcome independent
Everyone is a big p*ssy about cold approaching. That means you're normal. :)

The other two will come, whether you like it or not, with the more experience you have and the more plates you spin over the years.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
Reaction score
Field Report:
Went on a date last night with a 30 y.o. hb7.5, maybe 8. She has been hitting me up on for a while, but I've been lazy with the responding since I am pretty much sick of the online thing.

I got in the house from working in my shop last night and my phone rings, its her actually calling and wanting to meet up. I hop in the shower and go meet up.

She is very pretty, tall and in great shape. Avid hiker, skiier, paddleboarder, etc. She is 30, divorced and a nurse. This girl has done a great job fending off the wall, she really does look great for her age, gives me hope that there are women out there keeping themselves in good shape over the age of 25.

We had beers at one place and dinner at another brew pub, good convo, had lots in common, some flirting, walked her to her car, kiss closed.

Not entirely sure about the whole 30 year old divorced woman thing, and not convinced I will hear back from her. The kiss was nice, and she didn't run away screaming, but it wasn't over the top passionate. I think I may have surprised her a bit, not sure.

Will I hear from her ever again? Who knows, another bit of experience under the belt either way, so I call it a win.

Plate #3 is coming over tonight, things are going to come to a head with her soon, I can feel it. After tieing her up and dominating the hell out of her, she has been after me like a lovesick puppy. Problem is, I do not want a LTR with her, too many dis qualifiers. This could very well be the last time we get together before I hear the talk. I'm not looking forward to it, but in a twisted way, its good for the ego to know I am able to reject a woman because she does not fit my qualifications for a relationship. This is something I have never really done before.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Sorry, I got on board late... but finally took the time to catch up.

Good work, overall, man. It's amazing how quickly you see results when you dedicate to yourself the focus you deserve (and didn't know you deserved the bulk of your attention via blue-pill coma). It hasn't even been a year!

I wanted to relate to HBFlorida, that "not doing it for me" thing. I've had a couple (only a couple :whistle:) who wouldn't get off. They claimed "couldn't with guys", which prompted me to dig little. It turns out they could get off, only with a vibrator. Also, they rode horses/motorcycle. Well, that "not doing it for me" thing for me was completely about the inability of them to have the "O". It really saps the goodness out of the experience; like a dark storm cloud overhead.

Through other experiences, and I'm sure others can +1 here, a great many "decent" women have trained themselves to cüm with artificial means to such an extent that they are left incapable of cmming by natural means. That is, they can only get off from a 3-hour Harley ride on crappy roads. Instead of riding the CC, they ride the battery operated boyfriend. Which, would be admirable morality-wise, but for long stretches of celibacy, it does more harm than good.

I, for one, don't have the oral stamina to replicate that "buzz", much less the finger or cºck stamina. Ultimately, the woman's brain is the problem. The human brain will stop registering ambient inputs after a while. Folks in the city don't seem to notice the noise: the brain doesn't register those signals anymore. Well, when a woman depends on a huge vibrating, rotating, rabbit or hummingbird (or rides horses or motorcycles), the brain squelches the over-stimulation, and only registers the signals above-and-beyond the over-stimulation. Anything beyond fingers and tongue is over-stimulation, follow?

So, if you had wanted a LTR with Blondee McFlorida, you would have had to re-train her brain to feel her cl¡t again. I've done it, but it usually backfires when she hits the street with her newfound sexuality. "If he can do it, anyone can!" Anyway, you have to get her to agree to forfeit her dildo to your possession and do a bunch of focus work in the sack. You also have to be able to explain the "over-stimulation" dynamic with regards to "what's natural".

Instead of all that bother, it's easier to lump those women into the "busted/next" pile early on. These days, a woman would have to be a frickin' miracle for me to bother fixing her cl¡t for her. Someone else mentioned it, the flags of a horse owner chick, they need that power and continuous pounding between their legs: you'll never match up. They'll convince themselves that they always need bigger, harder, or more. They'll project their issue onto whoever is doing the pounding at the time. Now, when I hear "horse" or "motorcycle", it's an automatic boner fail. I don't even "want to see for myself", my theory has been proven to myself many times. Horse? I'll pass. Motorcycle? I run.

Other than that, I was tickled to hear about your "catalyst for evolution" in your younger years in the woods. Unfortunately, mine was much later, but by-and-large much the same: The Map and Compass

So... you've got your place in the hills. Never mind women, have a garden, yet?


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
Reaction score
*double post*


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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vulpine, ms. florida was strange for sure. She always wanted to have sex, we had sex on the first date and we had tons of sex whenever we were together. According to her, she didn't own a vibrator, never rode horses or motorcycles....strange. I didn't concern myself too much, I just gave it my best go and had a great time. It does suck not being able to get a girl off, but that seemed like more her issue not mine.

I didn't actually have a garden this year, but in the past years I have. I used to have chickens, and also raised meat birds. This was all when I was in an LTR, and she had interest in it as well. The ironic thing is, having a place in the hills that requires so much work is really starting to get to me now that I am single.

I used to love this place, I build myself a nice 24x32 workshop, did tons of improvements to the property, but I am really starting to feel like it no longer fits my needs. I think I love country living, but I don't love doing it alone. I'm not sure it makes any sense financially to sell my place at this point since I have only had it for 3 years, but if I could just walk away from it, I think i would. Seems so crazy, but I really want a decent apartment in the nearby college town. Cannot believe I am even typing that. Just one year ago I would have never even considered this thought.

I'm at this strange crossroads, if I met a woman that was into this lifestyle I would love to share it with her, but this lifestyle makes it very hard to meet women naturally. It takes most of my free time and almost all of my money to keep my place, and I am not building any wealth right now. Part of me says I should just keep hanging onto the place and someday I will have someone to share it with, but the other part of me says that is beta talk, cut your losses and simplify your life, sell the house, get an apartment in town and start meeting tons of women and living the playboy lifestyle.

Alas, I don't know what to do.

Plate #3 came over last night, and she definitely wants a relationship. She gets a couple drinks in her and she starts talking relationship talk, how much she likes me etc. I am just not feeling it, I am barely attracted enough to her, and I am starting to feel pissed at myself over the situation. Getting easy sex on demand is great, but I have already gone too far down the road with this girl. Not sure how to drop her, I have never really had to drop a girl before. Usually they loose interested or they have moved away. I don't think ignoring her is going to make it happen.
I feel bad for it as well, I don't want to hurt her feelings, and surely I cannot tell her that I'm just not that attracted to her. She constantly tells me how hot I am. :mad:
I guess this is just another thing I will have to learn.