"American women are the devil"

Kupid Diggs

Don Juan
May 5, 2008
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Solomon said:
SoSuave needs a Zyzz cause they ain't miring!



@Live, I let the name calling go several times over but I'm just quoting what you said brah

No need to get jelly
I find it sad that you go out of your way to promote a place that basically craps on minorities... But to each his own.

And I've seen pics of you before and I have a question. Do you even lift?


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
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Solomon said:
Shamming who? golly, did anyone read the Original post are do you guys lack reading comprehension? The only ones who keep using this as an excuse are guys who lack game, aren't taking care of their shyt. You guys read any Pook lately? I highly doubt it

Let me ask you what I've been asking before

If you don't believe in self-improvement, building your empire, and game, then why are you on this site?
We dont lack any reading comprehension and you would know if you bother to read carefully, I read pook when I joined masterpieces from him.

I sincerly believe in self improvement, and put our sh1t togheter but at the same time I believe a game is wort to be played if its no rigged, in that case better to change table.

Why are we on this site? Im my case to manage my LTR that till now has been great however I saw so much people around me falling after mistakes, therefore I want to school my self in order to keep things the way they are.

If some guys here are not made to live in the american environment (thats what I understood reading Im not american), what the hell is wrong if they wanna move, yes even to be happy in the relationship field?
Some people is simply not made for "game" and the hostile environment doesnt allow them to live easily, they chosed to move,whats the problem?

I mean even if you learn "game" what is the point of getting a girl if you have to sleep with an open eye to see sh1t tests and counter them? or cannot even relax for a day?


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Kupid Diggs said:
I find it sad that you go out of your way to promote a place that basically craps on minorities... But to each his own.

And I've seen pics of you before and I have a question. Do you even lift?
Dude really? last time I checked there were plenty of minorities on there. What you think Sosuave doesn't have any racists? spare me

In terms of my work out, If you been reading my blog you know that I'm doing a fitness boot-camp

@Sterlok--If your dealing with a women where you have to keep "one eye open" I'm assuming she isn't the right women, if your that paranoid then leave. There 300 million people in this country. You figure roughly 50 million are single women between the ages of 18-40. If you can't find someone then well I dont know what to tell ya....

Gray The Prince

Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
Kupid Diggs said:
I find it sad that you go out of your way to promote a place that basically craps on minorities... But to each his own.

And I've seen pics of you before and I have a question. Do you even lift?

I'm black and I've never had any big problems there. I also neg racist trolls on site even though I have measly reps.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
Solomon said:
@Sterlok--If your dealing with a women where you have to keep "one eye open" I'm assuming she isn't the right women, if your that paranoid then leave. There 300 million people in this country. You figure roughly 50 million are single women between the ages of 18-40. If you can't find someone then well I dont know what to tell ya....
1st I was talking about the picture that guys give about american women (the object of the topic) as I said in this same post up yours (now its me asking you if you have reading comprehension problems) im not american and I can sleep very deeply with my gf, I in fact have no idea of what it mean "to walk on eggshels" when dealing with women and my knowledge of sh1t tests is very low due to my low experience with them.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
This site needs less whining about women and less bickering among members, and needs more field reports and success stories.

Preferably with pics xD Especially considering it seems that people make up a lot of stuff online.

I do encourage everyone to follow Solomon's blog. Has great humor, advice, and fun pics and videos of nights on the town with his homies.

Plus its cool to see a brother makin' progress with his fitness game which in turns adds to success with women.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
A.M. Bergoise said:
I've read a few pages of this "debate" & hear the same stuff all the time, pro/con's of American women vs foreign ones, and to me it comes down to this......ALL women are the devil, and as was pointed out, we arent saints either.:kick: The truth is thou thru femenism they have gotten more game, and men have become more feminized, so women feel, rightly so they can get away with more B.S., hence the terms Alpha & beta.
If yer an Alpha you let the feminists have the simps and seek out women on the proper leval. I have found, never having left the US, but dealt with many Foreign women, that femenism is a world wide disease, and girls everywhere know the US is full of scrubs waiting for some wool.
Its not just about the cash, women don't know what they want, they have just been told they do, and being human, looking for an ego boost, they stick with what appears to work for them, a simp who is easily trained.
Simply stay full steam ahead, dont comprimise, expect the best, and the best will come.
Personaly I just assume everyone of them is a devil, wants what I do, and I've found this last one crucial, I ONLY see girls who are openly bisexual. (Excludeing quicky one nighters)
If they werent all devils, we wouldnt need "game" to begine with.
I can dig it

Strelok said:
1st I was talking about the picture that guys give about american women (the object of the topic) as I said in this same post up yours (now its me asking you if you have reading comprehension problems) im not american and I can sleep very deeply with my gf, I in fact have no idea of what it mean "to walk on eggshels" when dealing with women and my knowledge of sh1t tests is very low due to my low experience with them.

My apologies




Don Juan
Jul 11, 2011
Reaction score
I haven't read everything here, but Solomon is right from what I've seen.

We live in a finger pointing society where everyone is more than happy to point at everything before themselves.


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races

In defense of dads.

Not many commercials on American TV that promote father/daughters... most are bumbling idiot dads doing something retarded while smart American mom corrects him and shakes her head. We all know what kind of message this communicates and it has been talked about time and again on the forums.

Who do you think comes up with these commercials? American Men? Doubt it.

(The one with english subtitles is closer to the bottom)

I don't understand how you lot can tolerate living in a country that hates you because of your sex, but that's your game.


I'll be here in China where the law protects men.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
LiveFreeX said:

In defense of dads.

Not many commercials on American TV that promote father/daughters... most are bumbling idiot dads doing something retarded while smart American mom corrects him and shakes her head. We all know what kind of message this communicates and it has been talked about time and again on the forums.

Who do you think comes up with these commercials? American Men? Doubt it.

(The one with english subtitles is closer to the bottom)

I don't understand how you lot can tolerate living in a country that hates you because of your sex, but that's your game.


I'll be here in China where the law protects men.
Cry moar?

Come on dude, You cant complain about media portrayals of men as if women, dont get the same crap. Men enjoy privileges way above women in most societies, if not all of them, in the world. Especially in the Western world.

As a Black man, I have to wonder why I have never seen brothers complain about stuff like this. I have never heard brothers sit and say how horrible women are, or about the bias we face, or about mens rights or any of that nonsense. And when I think about it I have never heard anything by caucasian cats speak about this.

I think its a cultural difference, because black men seem to hold a better frame in my opinion than a lot of people. It seems we do not analyze women or overthink as much as some people. We tend to just have a "if you cause drama you can keep it movin' b!tch" attitude.

But thats just what Ive seen.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
Jaylan said:
Cry moar?

Come on dude, You cant complain about media portrayals of men as if women, dont get the same crap. Men enjoy privileges way above women in most societies, if not all of them, in the world. Especially in the Western world.

As a Black man, I have to wonder why I have never seen brothers complain about stuff like this.
I have never heard brothers sit and say how horrible women are, or about the bias we face, or about mens rights or any of that nonsense. And when I think about it I have never heard anything by caucasian cats speak about this.

I think its a cultural difference, because black men seem to hold a better frame in my opinion than a lot of people. It seems we do not analyze women or overthink as much as some people. We tend to just have a "if you cause drama you can keep it movin' b!tch" attitude.

But thats just what Ive seen.
Next time you see a security system advertisment where the thief is a black man or a woman treating a black man as some stupid idiot who cannot get how a briefcase works let us know ;)

Next time a black man fail to get a job cause they had to fill a quota for whites I'll ask you about this, if you ask yourself why they dont complain about the post katrina damages in alaska probably its because they didnt suffer anything out of it not because they have better frame.

Just like its obvious to any man with an IQ of 50+ that black men suffer discrimination in the private work field, the same is obvious about media and the way they portray the average white man.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
Solomon said:
Sterlok what country you from?
I was born in one of the former socialist republics but last years its more the time I spent abroad than the time I spent at home.

I know western europe very well, especially the wealthy countries.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Strelok said:
Next time you see a security system advertisment where the thief is a black man or a woman treating a black man as some stupid idiot who cannot get how a briefcase works let us know ;)

Hmm actually Slomins adverts and similar companies always seem to use a typical guy with a ski mask as the theif. So i wouldn't know who the bad guy is by race. And I have never had a woman patronize me based on my skin color, though I have had males do it. In my experience I have found men to be more prejudiced than women when it comes to ethnicity.

Next time a black man fail to get a job cause they had to fill a quota for whites I'll ask you about this, if you ask yourself why they dont complain about the post katrina damages in alaska probably its because they didnt suffer anything out of it not because they have better frame.

Lol. funny argument. Really it is, because I usually lol whenever I read white dudes try and blame minority or female quotas on them not getting a job...completely ignoring the fact that maybe it had to do with them. Its kinda like how this forum is filled with dudes who always blame women.

Btw when I said "better frame" I meant that its rare as hell to find a black man who lets a trick get to him the same way I see other guys get bent out of shape. Unless its wifey, theres no need to stress a chick as much as some do on this forum. But I will say its a culture thing and not really a race thing. So I will rephrase, any guy I know that has been black or has been involved in black culture quite a bit, tends to have a "man, she just a broad " attitude when women upset them.

This goes for any race of guy. Since black culture tends to really focus on being masculine I would guess thats the result. I know my father always pummeled it into my head not to get a girl pregnant that I wasnt married to, not to spend money on chicks, and to not get jammed up with the law. Makes sense considering he was a lawyer whos seen a lot in his lifetime.

Just like its obvious to any man with an IQ of 50+ that black men suffer discrimination in the private work field, the same is obvious about media and the way they portray the average white man.

Are you really trying to compare the hardships of working black men to that of white guys in the media? I mean white guys get it easy in the media compared to other races of men, so give me a break. And even with the way you say the media portrays white men, white men still control the world. So cry moar?
Bold. *sigh*


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Jaylan said:
Cry moar?

Come on dude, You cant complain about media portrayals of men as if women, dont get the same crap. Men enjoy privileges way above women in most societies, if not all of them, in the world. Especially in the Western world.

As a Black man, I have to wonder why I have never seen brothers complain about stuff like this. I have never heard brothers sit and say how horrible women are, or about the bias we face, or about mens rights or any of that nonsense. And when I think about it I have never heard anything by caucasian cats speak about this.

I think its a cultural difference, because black men seem to hold a better frame in my opinion than a lot of people. It seems we do not analyze women or overthink as much as some people. We tend to just have a "if you cause drama you can keep it movin' b!tch" attitude.

But thats just what Ive seen.

I'm a black man and I strongly disagree with all of this. In fact, I'm kind of offended by this type of generalization. Telling me that I have a better frame because of my culture is no different than telling me that I'm a criminal because of my culture. I'll let my actions define me, not my skin tone.

But I'm glad you said it.....because now they'll have to shut down this thread....which is about 8-pages past its usefulness.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
Jaylan said:
Bold. *sigh*
If you expect me to reply to you, stop with that BOLD stuff and reply as any other MAN in this forum, you're no special.
Im not gonna copy and paste to reply, already told you many times.