Bold brah. You mad?C-quenced said:Equal =/= Identical. I don't know if you were clever enough to figure it out but I thought I should just lay it out there for you just in case it's beyond your scope of understanding. I know feminists tend to struggle with this simple concept.
When did I say identical kid? Can you read? I said mutual respect and a relationship where I dont need to always lead a chick. Shes not my child, I have no children. And I dont need to control a woman and tell her what to do and who to be friends with. Reading comprehension is fundamental. Maybe you should go back to primary school if those skills still escape you.
Pathetic how you dudes on here call anything you disagree with feminist. All I ever do is tell dudes how they should behave as to retain their own self respect while also respecting women. Some of you constantly talk about how crappy my opinions are, but I am not the one bitxching about women constantly, and I am not the bitter one. So whos methods tend to work better?
No offense but you sound like a f*cking b!tch. You should be the last person in this place trying to tell people what a man is all about. Keep your opinions to yourself. I dare you to try and point out the last time I attempted to define masculinity. So much for "we all define what a man is"I don't recall giving my opinion to others in order for you to form an opinion about it in the first place.
More personal attacks. Lmao. Learn to attack the post not the poster you scrub. I am the b!tch? I am not the one complaining about women due to a lack of poon like the lot of you. You can keep your opinion to yourself if all you can do is add insults too them. It shows that you emotional men cannot stick to the talking points.
Dude the whole point of this website is defining how real men should behave. By posting on this website at all, you contribute to it. Are you daft? And yeah, I shouldnt be telling others what being a man is all aboutYeah I mean its not like I dont do well with girls
I should just cry moar like some of the dudes here and advocate moving out of the country. If I did that most of you wouldnt be whining at me. Dudes just mad cus I am going against the pathetic groupthink of this board.
This place has fallen far.
boldedAlexDP said:@sexysuave:
The French generally do not care much for Americans. Some Italians don't either, although there are others who seem to be absolutely fascinated by the country. But go to Florence or Naples and you will be treated like dirt. That being said though, in all honesty I look down on the grand majority of Americans I've met in my life. They seem to lack any sense of culture whatsoever, are poorly educated even if they graduated from some expensive college, are insanely fat and are very rude in restaurants and bars. The American tourist is not a nice guy and I understand why some Europeans don't want him near them.
Wait wait. You want to talk about american behavior when those places you mentioned treat americans like crap due to stereotypes? Especially if you are not white, Italy and Spain can be insanely racist. My best friends uncle is a contractor for bridge work and left a 2 year job in Spain after 4 months because the racism was so bad.
And its funny how Europeans always boast about US race relations being bad when theirs are WAY worse than ours. I mean when do our sports leagues need anti racism commercials like FIFA has to do. Its sad watching european football with some of those fascist azz fans sometimes. Ronaldo is white Portuguese and is still called monkey at away games and given death chants. All because he is a bit little dark and albeit the best player in the world according to many. Haterz gon' hate.
This is weird, because at the same time there are things about America that are very fascinating and I can think of at least 10 reasons why I'd like to visit it, hell, I'd even like to live there for a year or two. I feel it's a country of extremes. Would I kill to live there though? No, of course I wouldn't.
There are also reasons Europe has much more appeal to me and I couldn't imagine living the rest of my life in the USA. One huge reason is that I am very much disgusted with obesity. I think it's gross and I can't even look at fat people stuffing themselves. Furthermore the few American women I've met have been very full of themselves and only seemed to be into me, because I was "so European", whatever the hell that means. No, give me a Belgian, French, Italian, Dutch or German girl any day of the week.
I agree Americans need to watch the weight, however, I have met some very stuck up European girls in NY who were on holiday and they expect to be chased around and having their ass kissed. Solely for being european they think that makes them hot sh!t
I can't speak for the nation as a whole, but I can imagine how it would be more difficult to get with quality women in the USA. On the other hand, it seems to be much easier to become a quality man yourself.. Given the fact you're up against fat retards, it should not be that hard.
One thing I have noticed though is Europeans tend to be pretentious as hell. Tourists do not speak to a nation as a whole. Hell you think I am gonna let a few rude as tourists make me think a whole nation is blind. The fact that you can come to NYC and bring your home culture and transforms neighborhoods shows you that Americans can be very open culturally and love meeting different people.
But hey, ill let Euros keep hating on the US. Even in recession we are one of, if not the greatest nation to live in on the planet. People still come here in droves for a new and better life. So quit hating. Every place has its good and bad.