I got a buddy who went to asian and Colombia for the first time in his life 2 years ago. He is in his mid40's very attractive guy even for his age (no diddy)> The guy mentioned to me the quality of women blew his mind away in Colombia for example he was on a date with a woman and she asked him for permission to go to the bathroom. In America a woman might be already halfway to the bathroom before she tells you lol
The most interesting part was he told me he felt "Overwhelmed" with all the matches he was getting on dating apps. In Asia/Colombia he was matching with 6 s-8's regularly in America he gets a lot of 3s-4s. Maybe for some, the grass is greener on the other side?
I day gamed in China and I say the quality there is definitely higher than London and the US - you also get respect a lot more for being a westerner there- I don't see this as "victim hood" I see it as just analysing which market is the best for a man to be in. Of course some degree of daygame skills and seduction is required to optimise results- it will always be the case but in general you have to work a lot less hard to get a lot more in Asia and Latin America than you have to do in Western European , Canadian, American and Australia.
Having dated Australian, British, Canadian, American , Chinese, Taiwanese, Brazilian girls I'd say most defiantly I felt most valued with Taiwanese, Chinese and Brazilian women- The Australians, Americans and Canadians seemingly came with a lot more baggage , nagged alot more and all together were more masculine compared to women from more traditional societies like Taiwan and Brazil. Once you date women from said countries its borderline impossible to go back to the western girls.