America lowers men's self esteem


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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I'm very Anglo looking (English), how would I likely fare in Eastern Europe?
You would kill it in the Carribean, Sub Saharan Africa, Latina America and Asia. I dont think you will stand out enough to kill it in slavic nations. I may be wrong though.

I used to live in the Carribean and white dudes did well.


Don Juan
May 5, 2018
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I think a lot of people will disagree with you on this. There are many guys who check all the boxes that are important to women and still have very few opportunities.
That's why we can say that's something is wrong in the current dating market. Women are completely illogical these days.
geographically its just hard to be appreciated as a man in the west. -

having doing daygame in China, Kazakstan and Saudi comparing the reactions to London it was just far easier in south east asia than it was in London. Hoeflation is real in the west- I see my female cousins in America being treated like Princesses despite not being much themselves beauty wise compared to women of the east they also treat their men with far less respect. The east we have hoedisinflation where I see very average western men with women they absolutely wouldn't be able to get in the west.


Don Juan
May 5, 2018
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Not to mention all the guys who keep whining about the inequality and unfairness of it all. Please stop the whining and complaining, that is like gossiping, something for women.

You want to be a man? You will have to learn how to deal with adversity.

And not by making yourself into a victim.
blanket statements like this whilst in theory seem correct there is also time management aspect involved too

Compared doing daygame to London To Shanghai I was able to get as many lays in Shanghai as I was in London with 3 times less approaching , with more enjoyable dates and women who had all in all a better loving more caring attitude than the women I dated in Western cities.

Men's SMV matters a lot in the position they are in with the quality of men around them - if they are scarce asset they will be treated better- a lot of men's dating problems can be solved to some degree by meeting women in different areas and they will save a lot of time and get a lot more success where they are valued.


Don Juan
May 5, 2018
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I don't disagree that the dating market sucks and is probably the worst its ever been. But I stand firm that if you check the majority of the boxes that are important to women, you will have plenty of opportunity. I can't feel sorry for the guys that aren't willing to put the work in. Its not like the competition is fierce to be in the top 30% of men that have the best chances with women.
it's the worst its been in the west whilst being the best time to be alive in south east Asia as a white man with decent smv you can slay pretty well.

Young working class men in western countries probably suffer the most as they might not be able to move to Asia or don't have the maturity to figure out the grass is greener in other nations. Men in the west are very naive and due to hoeflation probably aren't self aware of their value in other nations