The important point is doesn't matter how frustrated he is with his ex wife. It doesn't matter how many people pulled his chain or made things difficult for him. That's his DAUGHTER he said all the crap to - the same daughter he claims to love so much that he'll fight for 6 years for custody.
I read through some of the history and it reminds me a great deal of what I went through during my own divorce. Bottom ex husband has never gotten over me leaving him and is very bitter. He has absolutely no self-control whatsoever and to compensate for that he felt compelled to try to control me...and later our children. He's incapable of handling any close interpersonal relationship. After I left him, he tried to control me through our children, through the courts, even trying to start problems within my extended family. Everytime he saw or talked to our children he would spend the entire time ranting about how I kidnapped them and left him and how big of a victim he was. Our oldest daughter was old enough to remember how he was when we lived with he alienated her pretty quickly. She knew he was lying. I never brought up their father at all. They would bring him up and question me about the things he had said to them. I would say "Your father loves you very much and is just angry right now. That's not how it really happened, but it's probably just the anger talking. The next time he starts saying stuff like that just tell him it hurts you when he does it and ask him to please stop it."
Fast forward to when my daughter was the same age as Alec Baldwin's daughter...she had a friend over and didn't want to talk to him on the phone one time...and he called several times a week and she always talked to him, even when she didn't want to. I asked her to talk to him for a couple of minutes just to explain why she didn't want to talk this time. He called her an idiot, insulted her friend, called her a ***** and told her she was just like me. After that, it all went downhill. Fast forward a couple of more fiance' and a man my kids adored died. Her father called as soon as he heard of my fiance's death. He KNEW our children loved him very much and were grieving a loss. Know what he told our 13 year old daughter? He said that the day my fiance' died was the happiest day of his life and he was celebrating that he died. That was the day she began to hate her father. The boys took longer to hate him...but they had become annoyed with his behavior and had lost all respect for him. Our oldest son started hating his father after his father started all kinds of problems between my son and his uncle...made wild and untrue accusations and then cut off all contact with our son after the mess he had caused for him. A year later he showed up in our town and expected our son to just see him and act like nothing had happened. He was 15 at the time and in high school. His father started showing up at his school insisting on seeing our son, embarrassing him to no end. Our son wrote him a letter asking his father to leave him alone, and he needed time to get over what had happened. His father began stalking him at school and trying to force our son to see him. He filed a motion accusing me of not allowing our son to see him, lol. We went to court and the guardian ad litem told the court that it was my son who didn't want to see his father and that I had not influenced him at all...and that I had actually told my son that if he wanted to see his father he was up to him. The judge granted my son's request through the guardian that he not be forced to have any contact with his father unless he chose it.
So my ex was down to only one of his kids speaking to him. I felt bad and our youngest son has Oppositional Defiant Disorder and can be difficult to deal with at times. Upheaval like my ex moving to the state and harassing our other son led to the ODD flaring up. I asked our younger son if he wanted to try living with his father for awhile. He said he did so I let him. His father refused to let our son visit and see his siblings even though our son wanted to visit. All he did all day, every day was rant about me. During one of these tirades our son told him off, saying he was sick of his father's whining all the time. His father physically assaulted him and landed in jail. I got a phone call from the Vermont State Police to come pick up my son. We went to court to get a restraining order and eventually got the same set up as my older son did. My younger son's lawyer was extremely impressed with how intelligent, clear and concise he was about where he stood.
Alec Baldwin is doing the same thing to his daughter that my ex did to his kids...and I can guarantee you that the girl didn't pick up the phone because the conversations with him are always hurtful to her. Just like my ex husband, he hates his ex more than he loves his kid.