Women are reactive by nature. If the man handles the divorce well, she is likely to do the same. Child custody is no exception to this rule. As I explained in one of my posts...my ex husband handled it terribly, went into court taking a combative stance. I honestly did not want to fight...I just wanted out of the marriage and to be done with it. I didn't want our children to hate their father and not have a relationship with him. I just wanted him to be able to keep his anger and bitterness out of his relationship with his kids. He couldn't do that. He put in me a position where I had to defend myself against his ridiculous accusations in court. He kept filing one motion after another based on his anger and bitterness...not on reality.DJDamage said:Not to excuse his behaviour but there are two sides to this story and his wife also used the child against him so its not one parent that is messed up but two. His wife used a private phone message and leaked it to the media in order to say FU back to Alec and also to gain favour in future court custody battle. Now this was a bitter divorce and part of the problem is that women who have custody of children out of a bad divorce are notorious in bad mouthing the ex husband to the child and brain wash them to think their way. Kim best revenge is to brain wash the child to hate Alec so much that she wouldn't ever want to see him again and thus Kim wins and the child end up losing.
My 7 year old's father was just the opposite...and we have never had any problems at all. He never too a combative stance at all. We sat down and talked like adults. He told me what his concerns were and how he has seen his friends go through hell in child support and custody and visitation issues. I told him about how my ex behaved and how he gave me no choice but to fight with him even though I didn't want to. I asked him to trust me and follow my lead during our case manager meeting before any court hearings. He did trust me and behaved in the way I suggested. We never even had to go to court or go in front of a judge. It took all of an hour to sort out the details 7 years ago and we have never been back to the court house since.
As for "brainwashing"...kids aren't stupid and in the end, the kids figure out what's true and what's not. Most of the accusations of brainwashing are insecurity on the part of the person throwing around that accusation. As soon as those accusations come out, often it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy because the one accusing thinks they are "countering" the supposed brainwashing by saying bad things about the other parent. That ends up turning off the kids and they begin to pull away from the parent making the accusations.
I let one of my sons live with his father because our son wanted to try that. He was with his father for a year. Over that time, his father tried to keep our son from visiting with me and his siblings. My ex was trying to "get even" with what he thought was me being unfair. Although it hurt a great deal to not get time with my son, I was not going to behave badly and make the situation worse. I called my son once in awhile, but for the most part I let him know that it was up to him the level of contact he wanted to have. He called almost daily and wanted to visit badly. His father wanted me to beg and fight for visitation and I refused to do that. In the end, our son got angry with his father for not allowing him to visit. My ex had no choice but to let him visit because our son made living with him a nightmare until his father needed a break so bad he dropped him off. This is how non-custodial parents need to act. Nip this control game in the bud and don't let it hurt your kids.
Again...it does NOT matter how miserable either parent is with each other or what they are doing that is mean, unfair or rotten...you do NOT take it out on your child. period.