Latinoman said:
So...deny the Father ALL contact from the child...but ALLOW the mother to continue to have contact?
What kind of sh_it is that?
Temporarily, yes. It's in both Ireland's AND Alec's best interest to cut contact for AWHILE. Alec needs to go to counseling to deal with his anger and bitterness towards Kim AND especially his anger issue. Father and child NEED a cooling-off period. If he does not back off or the court does not force him to back off he WILL destroy his relationship with his daughter permanently.
He will push and try to force his child to cater to HIS wants while entirely ignoring how she feels and what is best for her...if the court doesn't step in.
I'm not suggesting the court cut all contact permanently at this point. I'm suggesting they cut contact for 6 months and tell Alec they will review things in 6 months...and make suggestions about what he should do to regain visitation. Until he can show that he has addressed his anger, bitterness, need to control others and can take responsibility for what he has been doing wrong rather than blame his ex for HIS behavior he should not see his daughter.
If the court does this and he does what they tell him he must to see his daughter or speak to her again then he is putting his child first. If he refuses then he is putting himself first and the court should tack on another 6 months.
That's the only way this child is going to be able to live in peace. This is about the CHILD, not about Alec or Kim.
If he doesn't fix his issues now and the court doesn't protect his daughter from his abuse then his relationship with her will be horrible. She will resent him, despise him, will not be pleasant for him to see, etc.
When that girl turns 18 she will never see or speak to her father again if he continues the way he's going.