AFC buys my gf $450 necklace


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Danger said:
What do you mean by pretend it didn't happen? So do you "not care" but somehow let her know you didn't like it?

Or do you never let her know that it bothered you?

Like I said, I'll just laugh at her for being easy. Seriously, I buy her Taco Bell food and a pack of smokes - he buys her diamonds. Even if he gets some pity-sex, the joke is still on both of them. Him for being so afc and her for degrading herself by sleeping with a clingy boring pushover afc.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2004
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so time to chime in,,, who is really the chump here? Everyone actually. I had a similar scenario this past year.. except i was the "AFC" spending lots of money... the idea was this gal should improve her life... she did not.. I kicked her out.. the end result is that now.. the daddy of her 4 yr old is in prison, she is 7 months pregnant AND in jail... and the guy who was laying the pipe ( just like bible is now) while i was footing the bill.. he is gonna be the new daddy .. and yes she is a knockout.. and a major player.... but me the AFC.. sure I spent money.. but I also REFUSED to do anything more because the primary objective was for her to straighten her ways out...
So... I.. I lost money.. thats it.. so what I have plenty more...
she... she is in jail..... and pregnant of course
the daddy of her first kid.... he is in prison...
the guy who was laying her.. while i was footing the bill to improve herself.... well he has the whole mess to worry about the rest of his life.

oh... and yes.. i knew that the gal was sleeping around with the new babies daddy.. but i also knew she was seeing other guys as well.. so bible... even though you will not admit it.. she is playing you.. just in a different way than the AFC that you are criticizing.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
I like how for the last 5 pages it's like we've been listening to Steve Irwin talk about how his animal is perfectly harmless....right before he gets a barb through his chest.

You act like as long as wild wolf goes wherever it wants to but comes back from time to time to eat on your porch it's ok.

Cut the bullsh!t, bible because my Sharingan can see right through it. You remind me of my sister and her ex boyfriend. You go through constant cycles of making each other jealous over and over again until the sex gets boring or just don't feel like talking at times. You don't respect each other but yet you still feel strongly for her. Hence you're pulling out crap that women do; you don't make her anxious in a positive way but you make her feel flat out jealous. She pulls the exact same thing on you. One minute you're in control the next she has you posting "she didn't call me!"!?

This isn't anything to brag about since you really DON'T have her under control.

You're only one entree on the menu.

In my opinion I really think you should kill it. You're strong enough to keep your self respect and walk, right? You have my support.

Ghost of LastManStanding said:
Hors love everyone and no one!!! Say NO TO HORS!!!!


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
ThunderMaverick said:
I like how for the last 5 pages it's like we've been listening to Steve Irwin talk about how his animal is perfectly harmless....right before he gets a barb through his chest.

You act like as long as wild wolf goes wherever it wants to but comes back from time to time to eat on your porch it's ok.

Cut the bullsh!t, bible because my Sharingan can see right through it. You remind me of my sister and her ex boyfriend. You go through constant cycles of making each other jealous over and over again until the sex gets boring or just don't feel like talking at times. You don't respect each other but yet you still feel strongly for her. Hence you're pulling out crap that women do; you don't make her anxious in a positive way but you make her feel flat out jealous. She pulls the exact same thing on you. One minute you're in control the next she has you posting "she didn't call me!"!?

This isn't anything to brag about since you really DON'T have her under control.

You're only one entree on the menu.

In my opinion I really think you should kill it. You're strong enough to keep your self respect and walk, right? You have my support.
This is the smartest post I have ever seen from you! Rep points!

I didn't know you had it in you!

:proud and blubbery:


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score

When have I NOT said sh!t like this?

...don't answer that.

:rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:

Faded Image

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, NC
This girl has the wool pulled over your eyes.

She's playing this guy and she's telling you all about it. Do you actually believe it?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Danger said:
I suppose I need to ask the question in a better way. When she does something you don't like. You said usually you just ignore it. I'm not clear on what you do the other times.

Can you give an example?
Unfortunately, yes, yes I can.

She just called. She went home Friday night with a random one night stand, an ex of an ex friend of hers. It was *not* the AFC who bought her the necklace. But she obviously had sex with him, or else she would have pointed out that she did not.

I answered the phone, "hey, I remember you...sorta"

"It's only been a couple of days. Isn't this how we do things?"

"And you are calling to see if I'm mad at you."

"Oh please, you have no right to be mad at me. You have a gf."

And she's right - she does have me there. Then I talked to her for a while, like I always do. I did not express any disappointment, anger, anxiety, or jealousy at her having the ons. I did tease her about getting back at the ex-friend who's ex-bf it was. I told her that now she would have another poor guy calling her all the time. She agreed, 'yeah, probably so.' And I did laugh at the fact that the afc has still not gotten laid. My ego aside, that is pretty funny.

Of course I am less than happy about her having sex with someone else, but I'm not going to let her know that. If she did it to hurt me, then that would validate the behavior, and she'd be more likely to do it again. I'm ignoring what she did in that I am not giving it any sort of an emotional response. I'm not even avoiding her - that would make it obvious that I am hurt. If all I want her for is sex, which is what I do my best to convey, then all I have been denied is sex for a night or two. It was a ons, he's just another sad afc who will now start blowing up her phone every day. Her phone rings off the hook all day from competing AFCs, and I never call her. She calls me for sex on the nights that she does not have her kid, and we each do as we please. Nothing has changed about this deal of ours, because I am able to ignore my emotions over her - especially the destructive ones.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
It's ignoring, but not in the sense you can't talk about it at all. I let her tell me so she could see that I don't care that much, and I still make fun of her a little for it. To completely ignore it would be to pretend nothing happened at all, which would be transparent.
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
I answered the phone, "hey, I remember you...sorta"

HAHA that's great. I'm going to use it. This girl said she would call me "soon" and it's been almost a week. Now, go ahead and call woman I've got a surprise for you... thanks buddy.

As for your situation it seems like this woman started playing these games as soon as you started letting her know you spin plates. I don't think anything hurts a woman quite as much as knowing you are screwing around and she's not the only one. Even though they do it all the time.

When this woman I like thought I was spinning plates she was mine. Now that my AFC came out a little, she is nowhere to be seen. G0dammit, someone shoot this AFC and kill it for good.

Maybe this one is in revenge mode on you BB.... they are fragile man, your pate spinning fukked her up.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Yeah, it is revenge, I agree. She says I am the only guy to ever cheat on her, dump her, and treat her like I do. I am also the only one she keeps calling. She can't stand that I chose another girl over her. That has never happened and it drives her crazy. The sex is her way of feeling like she is still more desirable than my gf that I dumped her for. The ons is likely a sh!t test for me, as well as her revenge on me, as you pointed out. But if I don't turn afc, then I will keep getting my no-strings sex on the side.

This is not always fun, but overall, I can't complain. I've been having sex with two different women day to day, and sometimes twice in the same day for the past few months now. I'm not going to boo-hoo over a fb's ons that she probably already regrets.
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
Yeah, it is revenge, I agree. She says I am the only guy to ever cheat on her, dump her, and treat her like I do. I am also the only one she keeps calling. She can't stand that I chose another girl over her. That has never happened and it drives her crazy. The sex is her way of feeling like she is still more desirable than my gf that I dumped her for. The ons is likely a sh!t test for me, as well as her revenge on me, as you pointed out. But if I don't turn afc, then I will keep getting my no-strings sex on the side.

This is not always fun, but overall, I can't complain. I've been having sex with two different women day to day, and sometimes twice in the same day for the past few months now. I'm not going to boo-hoo over a fb's ons that she probably already regrets.

So she's fukking you, she's doing god knows what with that AFC, and taking home one night stands. And maybe more? Good job not getting serious with her bro, she sounds like trouble. Is this the norm for women these days?

There must be some good women left who don't **** 5 guys at a time.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score
I feel sorry for the guy, and you're a bit of a **** for making fun of the guy.
Some people just aren't that intelligent, or know how to get with women.
Guy works a tough job for average pay, and she's stringing him along.
And you, the ultimate alpha male of males, spinning plates and getting girls, making fun of a guy who could have been you 5 years ago, or 5 years from now, or now.
Excuse me for flaming, but that got on my nerves a bit.


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
Wow, I can't believe everybody is giving you props for this

I hate to say it, but you are twisted over this girl. Your ego just won't let you admit it. You mention all the guys she is spending time with and how much it doesn't bother you. If it doesn't bother you then why would you have started this thread in the first place? Your "main" plate is a girl that continues to have one night stands, spends time with other guys for money, and has an AFC baby daddy in the background. Sounds like you're really working your charm on her. You've known her for 10 years and been exclusive with her before, there is nothing wrong with admitting you have feelings for her. The only problem with having feelings for this girl is everybody else is all up in her or has been at one point. She's uncontrollable and that's why your ego keeps you worrying about what kind of reaction it is okay for you to have or whether she will spend the night with you so you'll know she's not with another guy. Also, I was hoping to see more about the second girl when I got halfway through the thread. I think you're addicted to pain, because in my opinion there is nothing DJ about bedding a girl that is being ridden more than a school bus. If I were you, I would make the second girl your first and pick up a couple more girls. Whatever you decide, good luck.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
And now he's not going to show her that he's really upset inside cause she'll think he's a chump. He's not telling her how he feels, or even DROP her (like he should) just to save face and look good in HER eyes.

Oooh boy if you aren't between a rock and a hard place...

Why do you care so much about what she thinks?

"She has this AFC who buys her stuff!! He's an AFC!!(yet she sleeps with him, and more than once. TRUST ME!"

"She had a one night stand with some AFC!! Duuuh, but she still has sex with me!! (aaand she fu*ks an AFC. F*CKS. This AFC puts his c0ck inside her too."

"But he's only getting it once! I get it all the time!!"

Sure, after she's done with her AFCs and ONS and she cancels on you from time to time to fill the AFC's request.

Listen, if I'm an AFC around your hor of a plate, do you think I'll be able to eat her p*ssy too? :D

Put in a good word for me! Tell her I'll devote all of my time to her! I'm just tryin' to get laid here.

I'm kicking your head in Bible, because you're trying to tell us you have this feral cat of a woman under your control. YOU DON'T.


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO
This girl is just ****ing with you to try and make you jealous because she doesn't have any cards left to play. Next she'll just escalate it to a gangbang. You have no power since she knows about your gf. You just need to cut this b1tch off... otherwise will end up kissing her and have some other dudes pubes in your mouth.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
No more head kicking is required. The slvtty one and I are on the outs, more so than ever since we first hooked up six months ago. It seems that the ons has become her new bf.

I called her last night around 10. Then she texts me at 1:30 am "I saw you called." So I call her. She does not pick up. Then she texts me back, "sorry, but I could not possibly talk right now, but, um, xoxoxoxoxoxo." Meaning that she is fvcking the new guy and had to call to tell me about it. That is the greatest disrespect I've *ever* gotten out of her. I was pissed, but did not respond. Getting mad only makes her feel validated. I see all the guys here on sosuave wanting to tell off their ex, and I always tell them not to. Here, I followed my own advice, no contact since then, and I plan on never calling her again.

She told me who the new guy was. I've met him before, hung out once or twice, but don't remember him at all. He was the bf of one of her friends back then. Her friend was a giant pillhead, so was slvtty girl. She used to eat a dozen Xanax a day. She has gotten back more into pills lately, and I am almost certain that this guy must have some good pills to be feeding her, or else she would not be around him this much.

Today, I spent the day with the other girl, who it now seems has been promoted to my only gf. It's odd to only have one girl. But we had great sex, she did my laundry and cooked me dinner, and then we had sex again. I like this girl, and she is crazy about me.


Don Juan
Mar 9, 2008
Reaction score
dopexile said:
This girl is just ****ing with you to try and make you jealous because she doesn't have any cards left to play. Next she'll just escalate it to a gangbang. You have no power since she knows about your gf. You just need to cut this b1tch off... otherwise will end up kissing her and have some other dudes pubes in your mouth.

Damn, that's one hell of a visual.

Just my $.02:

No one needs drama, so why let this bother you? I'm not gonna say forget about this chick but christ almighty what a situation...I swear. If you are interested solely in sex then you win because you're in no short supply from what I hear. But I wouldn't go farther because as others have already stated, she seems okay stringing guys along. Not a quality I'd find appealing.

And S*** f*** and damn this guy is off his rocker....$450 for a gift...???


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
Bible_Belt said:
He's been married three times already; his wives evidently got bored of his AFC niceness.
At least the guy got to "hit" what he wanted to though.

The guy's got a terrible case of AFCness though. Ouch. *cringes*


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
I like this girl, and she is crazy about me.
Nice girls that are crazy about you are the tops.

You mentioned earlier in the thread you were thinking about dumping her that night of the meet the parents dinner.

Even if she does come around for you, I don't think I could share one of my plates with 3, 4, or 5 dudes.

Whatever you decide though, good luck!


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
thanks Andromax

edger said:
At least the guy got to "hit" what he wanted to though.

No! No, he didn't! It is a completely different guy she is with now, and the necklace-buying AFC never did have sex with her. Honestly, I was kind of worried about that for a while. It was like up was down for a minute, if necklace guy could buy her, but she and I are actually very honest with each other; she was calling to tell me about having sex with one guy - there's no reason to deny having it with another guy. She even said that she made him bring her food yesterday. I asked incredulously - "And this guy still has not gotten any?" She laughed and says that he won't. But that makes sense, and enforces what all of us know. I don't care that much about losing this girl, but it was important to me to know to whom, mostly to see if love could be bought. So far, even with a slvtty chick, it can't. At least not with money - Vicotin and Xanax might be a different story.
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