A Question for the Older Players Here


Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
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Things are exactly the same
Same amount of girls getting ass cheek tattoos with their lovers name in 2021 and in 1980.

80% of guys receiving transactional sex and 20% receiving validational sex.

If anything, it’s a little easier now because a) there is less competition (men in general are less dominant/alpha than previous eras) and b) there is less stigma around pre marital sex (to the detriment of mental health and wider society - but that’s another convo).

Guys attracting HOT girls in 2021 aren’t using online dating, so the fact that everyone in this thread mentions the internet tells me most guys here have no idea what they’re talking about. The cool crowd under the age of 25 use social media as nothing more than a popularity contest. Girls that use OLD tend be to 26+ and are looking for something serious or are just too unattractive/socially awkward to get men in the real world. Men resorting to the internet to find sex are seen as desperate - equally in 2021 in 1998…
The alpha turning up to the club with 4 model tier hotties on his arm did not meet them on ****ing tinder.

If any of you guys landed one, just ONE, popular 8+ girlfriend (an 8 would be attractive enough to be a published model)…you would gain so much status amongst women (her friends, her friends friends, her cousins and colleagues etc - women TALK), that you wouldn’t need to worry about finding another hot girlfriend for another 3 years. They would find you.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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Let's step into a time machine. Let's go to any high school prior to 2005. Watch the body language of how people interacted.

If you don't like the music, then you know what to do with the volume.

No social media, no cell phones. Some might have had analog phones or pagers. People were open about having standards so in school there were physical fitness tests, teachers would call you out and make fun of you, etc. Parents would beat their kids to some degree more often when they got in trouble. Communication was more straight forward. People were expected to be a lot more fit emotionally and physically. Single moms were not the norm.

As far as dating goes, like I said it is like comparing apples to oranges. Back then you had to go up to the girl and ask her out and/or get her phone number. Basically it was all either daygame or social circle game. There were greater expectations on performance of game (social skills) on men and women. Women either showed that like she liked you through her body language, or were more direct in letting you know that she did not like you, which was nice because you didn't waste your time. Her family or social circle were clock blockers just like they are today. Simping did not exist any where near as bad as it does now; women did not have that princess mentality like they do now. Casual sex happened, but the focus was much more towards LTR's.

LTR's were much more common, but you had to have better social skills than young people do today. The best thing I can tell you is to get off the social media and do things that put you in a position where you have to communicate with people face to face in a social setting. Unfortunately most under 30 are so socially incompetent that in a sense it really isn't getting the same kind of practice that I had growing up.


Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
Reaction score

Let's step into a time machine. Let's go to any high school prior to 2005. Watch the body language of how people interacted.

If you don't like the music, then you know what to do with the volume.

No social media, no cell phones. Some might have had analog phones or pagers. People were open about having standards so in school there were physical fitness tests, teachers would call you out and make fun of you, etc. Parents would beat their kids to some degree more often when they got in trouble. Communication was more straight forward. People were expected to be a lot more fit emotionally and physically. Single moms were not the norm.

As far as dating goes, like I said it is like comparing apples to oranges. Back then you had to go up to the girl and ask her out and/or get her phone number. Basically it was all either daygame or social circle game. There were greater expectations on performance of game (social skills) on men and women. Women either showed that like she liked you through her body language, or were more direct in letting you know that she did not like you, which was nice because you didn't waste your time. Her family or social circle were clock blockers just like they are today. Simping did not exist any where near as bad as it does now; women did not have that princess mentality like they do now. Casual sex happened, but the focus was much more towards LTR's.

LTR's were much more common, but you had to have better social skills than young people do today. The best thing I can tell you is to get off the social media and do things that put you in a position where you have to communicate with people face to face in a social setting. Unfortunately most under 30 are so socially incompetent that in a sense it really isn't getting the same kind of practice that I had growing up.

I don’t see much difference compared to today.

Girls today will show you clearly if they like you or not - if you actually pay attention rather than project. Is she asking you questions? Replying fast? Is she genuinely interested in you? Is she keen to meet up for a date? She likes you. If she’s giving you short answers, only talking about herself and not easy to get on a date then she doesn’t. If she’s giving you a mix of the two, she’s leading you on as an orbiter. Nothing has changed.

With regards to ‘entitlement’. Women have always had orbiters. The hot girls would always have one or two orbiters at any given time following them around for YEARS. The orbiter would do anything she wanted - carry her bag, drive her to the gym, help her study for exams, even help with rent money etc. Having Instagram followers etc is just modern day equivalent. The order of magnitude is the same, if anything women would rather have the orbiter that would follow them around in reality than a cheap message or follower on Instagram.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
I don’t see much difference compared to today.

Girls today will show you clearly if they like you or not - if you actually pay attention rather than project. Is she asking you questions? Replying fast? Is she genuinely interested in you? Is she keen to meet up for a date? She likes you. If she’s giving you short answers, only talking about herself and not easy to get on a date then she doesn’t. If she’s giving you a mix of the two, she’s leading you on as an orbiter. Nothing has changed.

With regards to ‘entitlement’. Women have always had orbiters. The hot girls would always have one or two orbiters at any given time following them around for YEARS. The orbiter would do anything she wanted - carry her bag, drive her to the gym, help her study for exams, even help with rent money etc. Having Instagram followers etc is just modern day equivalent. The order of magnitude is the same, if anything women would rather have the orbiter that would follow them around in reality than a cheap message or follower on Instagram.
When I say direct, I mean face to face communication.

When I was growing up, women did not have the orbiters like they do today. Orbiters existed, but they were rare. Certainly didn't have orbiters on social media.


Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
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When I say direct, I mean face to face communication.

When I was growing up, women did not have the orbiters like they do today. Orbiters existed, but they were rare. Certainly didn't have orbiters on social media.
Then you never knew any hot girls.
The cheerleader types had more orbiters back then than now…
Most women were getting properly courted for the first date by high value men. Now alphas just invite them for Netflix and Chill or will split the tab for drinks.
Digital low value Instagram orbiters mean nothing to women. Women are on IG for OTHER women, not for you.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
Then you never new any hot girls.
The cheerleader types had more orbiters back then than now…
Digital low value orbiters mean nothing to women.
I don't know about that...

The sources of the differences are the modes of communication and some differences of generational values. There was no texting game, etc.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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I was having a Conversation with my father this morning, he mentioned that today's men have it much easier when it comes to dating and That i have no excuse not to be bringing home a new girl every week.

He said back in the day they didn't have smartphones so they had to memorise girls numbers and when they called them up it was a 50/50 gamble on wether or not their father would be the one to pick up. He said he always had to think fast and get the fathers permission to ask his daughter out.

He mentioned that with online dating it should be super easy for men today, my father hasn't dated for a while since he hot married in the 80s.

I'm just wondering if the older players here can shed some light, was it really harder back then or the same or easier?

Same. Except Tinder made things better.


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
Reaction score
You often read articles about how stastically, young men are having less sex than ever before so just based on that i'd assume he's wrong?

I feel like the smarthphone and even the internet changed the landscape a fair bit. It's true that you have access and potential dates with so many girls now literally at the tip of your fingers, but with that, the girls dating options (as well as their entitlement levels and just how they view the world as they now all have thousands of 'fans') have massively changed so it's a moving puzzle

I think back to when I was a kid and I remember my various friends had older brothers who were always smashing tonnes of different girls.

But when I got to the same age as them 'bigger brothers' there seems to just be a tiny minority of dudes (basically the handsome popular guys) who were getting laid a tonne. The rest fighting for scraps

In my dads day and stuff, he used to basically be told 'if you want a girl, just wear a suit and you'll get laid' kind of thing!! haha

I guess in general, people are less social and more closed off to strangers. Not so friendly. Dating apps help solve that issue, but it only really solves if for the small percentage of guys who every girl swipes right on and who didn't need it in the first place and would still have been fine.

Personally, i'm ok just playing the numbers game on cold appproach. If I approach enough cute girls I tend to eventually find one who thinks i'm good looking, and from that point I tend to have enough game to seal the deal most of the time. It's a slog, but it's life
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Willie Naylor

Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
You often read articles about how stastically, young men are having less sex than ever before so just based on that i'd assume he's wrong?

I feel like the smarthphone and even the internet changed the landscape a fair bit. It's true that you have access and potential dates with so many girls now literally at the tip of your fingers, but with that, the girls dating options (as well as their entitlement levels and just how they view the world as they now all have thousands of 'fans') have massively changed so it's a moving puzzle

I think back to when I was a kid and I remember my various friends had older brothers who were always smashing tonnes of different girls.

But when I got to the same age as them 'bigger brothers' there seems to just be a tiny minority of dudes (basically the handsome popular guys) who were getting laid a tonne. The rest fighting for scraps

In my dads day and stuff, he used to basically be told 'if you want a girl, just wear a suit and you'll get laid' kind of thing!! haha

I guess in general, people are less social and more closed off to strangers. Dating apps help solve that issue, but it only really solves if for the guys who every girl swipes on and who didn't need it in the first place.

Personally, i'm ok just playing the numbers game on cold appproach. If I approach enough cute girls I tend to eventually find one who thinks i'm good looking, and from that point I tend to have enough game to seal the deal most of the time. It's a slog, but it's life
I know he's fictional, but there are very few guys like Don Draper around today.

Women of today would love a guy like that. The #1 quality in a man that women crave is an unapologetic IDGAF attitude.

For example, if your girl asks you to go shoe shopping with her, the typical modern man would respond with "Sure babe," even though he has absolutely no interest in sitting there for 3 hours while she tries on every shoe in the store.

The response should be, "I'm not going shoe shopping with you. I'm a man. Respect my b@lls, woman."


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I'm just wondering if the older players here can shed some light, was it really harder back then or the same or easier?
I'd say in general most things were easier.

In my commentary, I'll be comparing the game I ran 1997-2003 to 2010-present. Fall 1997 was my freshman year of high school. I got my first cell phone in the 2nd half of 2003.

This got me thinking… I was hooking up and calling girls before everybody had a cell phone. I had to call their house and ask for them when their parents answered and same when they called my house. This would be like 5th grade into early high school.

I remember talking to girls all night until our parents made us get off the phone.

If a girl didn’t want to talk to you she had to get her mom or dad (or brother or somebody) to cover for her and say she wasn’t there or something. And at the age where the f*ck could she be? She was either home or at soccer practice.

A lot easier these days to ignore, ghost, manipulate etc
@RickPound - It seems like we had similar experiences. I am 38.

In thinking about high school, getting phone numbers wasn't that important. I could track down everyone I needed to track down in person. My high school also published a student directory at the beginning of the year with everyone's contact information. This was mostly the landline house numbers for every student. We all knew that. In theory, we could ask for contact information beyond that. You could get an email address or an AOL Instant Messanger screen name if you wanted to. It wasn't that necessary.

I remember a couple of times being anxious to call girls in high school when I called the landline. In my senior year of high school, 2000-2001, almost no one had cell phones. Some parents did, but I can't recall any students in my senior year class having a cell phone. When I called the landline, perhaps I had to speak to a parent. You also had to think about leaving a voice message on an answering machine that could get played out loud by a parent. Now, I can't even remember the last time I left a voicemail for a woman prior to putting my penis in her. In the early stages now, if you want to talk on a woman on the phone, you can set up a convenient time to voice talk via text message. That's not a regular occurrence but not that out of the norm.

Men who went to all boys high schools in that era (1997-2001) would have to carry a pen and a small notepad to dances with girls who attended the all girls high schools if they wanted to get phone numbers.

In college, I had the pen and small notepad thing going for off campus, private residence parties. If I got a woman's number in class, after class, or randomly walking campus between classes, there was always a pen and paper in my backpack. I also had a tape recorder to record class content and could record a girl saying her number. That could eliminate the chance I incorrectly wrote a number. I still had the tape recorder until after I got my first cell phone, which was years before the first smartphones. You could digitally enter numbers on the first basic phone I got in 2003 and was using in 2004 when I was turned 21 and first got out to bars/nightclubs.

The only occasions where I might have to memorize a phone number would be...

  • if I got a girl's number at the gym or some extracurricular club activity.
  • if I was walking campus to the student union to eat or at the student union without my backpack. This was possible at night or on weekends.
These types of occasions were rare though.

As far as dating goes, like I said it is like comparing apples to oranges. Back then you had to go up to the girl and ask her out and/or get her phone number. Basically it was all either daygame or social circle game. There were greater expectations on performance of game (social skills) on men and women. Women either showed that like she liked you through her body language, or were more direct in letting you know that she did not like you, which was nice because you didn't waste your time. Her family or social circle were clock blockers just like they are today. Simping did not exist any where near as bad as it does now; women did not have that princess mentality like they do now. Casual sex happened, but the focus was much more towards LTR's.

LTR's were much more common, but you had to have better social skills than young people do today. The best thing I can tell you is to get off the social media and do things that put you in a position where you have to communicate with people face to face in a social setting. Unfortunately most under 30 are so socially incompetent that in a sense it really isn't getting the same kind of practice that I had growing up.
High school was all daygame for me. I changed high schools after sophomore year. I began junior year with a drivers license, a car, no girlfriend, and no friends. My mom was strict and wouldn't let me go to parties at night with no parental supervision. She could sniff it when I was attempting to attend such parties. One could have done night game at unsupervised parties in high school. Mom's policy was silly. All she did was delay stuff for me. By the start of my freshman year, I was going to parties with no supervision. In May 2001 as a high school senior, I could not handle those parties but in August 2001 as a freshman, I could while making my own decisions. Such bullshiit.

Either in high school or college, you had to ask women out in person. From 1999-2004, my age cohort wasn't using Match.com, PlentyofFish, or OkCupid all that much. There were older singles in their mid-20s to mid-30s doing that stuff in that era, but for me, being 16-21 at the time, it was non-existent.

I would agree that women were better at displaying interest in the form of body language in the late 90s/early 2000s than from 2005-beyond, especially 2010-present. The last vestiges of that were present in the 2nd half of the 2000s.

By the early 2000s, the writing was already on the wall about declining social skills. While I was in college (2001-02 to 2004-05), AOL Instant Messenger was coming up big and that was a bit of a predecessor to texting. It was common for college students to use it.

I remember 2003, when I was likely a sophomore though it could have been my junior year. I remember being in the gym and starting to see the hottest women all wearing earbuds with their new iPods (first gen iPods were October 2001) or older Sony Walkman Sports (Google it). Still, about 75% of women weren't wearing any personal music device at the gym. I miss that.

I do agree that LTRs were more of a thing than casual sex. Casual sex happened plenty when I was in undergrad. Dorm rooms were the worst for that. College dorm rooms are essnetially the size of prison cells and you had a roommate. It was possible to have a situation where one roommate was asleep and one was bringing home a likely one night stand at 1-3 AM. The already asleep roommate would be awakened, and either have to stay in the room, or get dressed in darkness, go out of the room to a common area in the dorm or outside to walk the streets and wait it out. Sometimes this happened in the cold of January, unless you went to the University of Miami and January at 2 AM is fine temperature wise.

I don't know why anyone thought dorms were a good idea. At my school, most got apartments after freshman year. In apartments, you might have a 2-3 bedroom apartment with 1-2 other roomates. Some students even got their own one bedroom apartment. Sex became more private.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2020
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The phone number one is big, people my age don't even know their own number at all. It's hard for me to even imagine a world without social media since i grew up with it.

But i do agree that social media has killed peoples social skills, I'm amazed at how insular people have become.

So many older folk i talk to mention how their children just lock themselves in their rooms all day everyday.
Let me give you and the younger guys some perspective on what things were like pre social media. I graduated high school in the late late 90's

All you had for internet was one desktop computer at home, probably in a common area, with AOL that you used to "look something up". There was nothing social about it really. If you had friends online you were probably a bit of a recluse.

We basically lived in our cars, with our friends. Every day after school me and my 5 best friends would all meet up at someones parents house (who would leave us alone) and then figure out what we were going to do for the day/night. We'd sit around and bullsh*t, maybe smoke some weed and eventually someone would inevitably say "so what are we doing?". Then we would pack ourselves in a car and end up going to various places, other peoples houses, restaurants and yes, the mall (which was full of chicks our age). As a group we met tons of girls that way.

This was basically every single day. The amount of driving around we did was mind-blowing. I drove 30k miles per year just hanging with my boys. Gas was $1.50-2.00/gallon. Needless to say, we were surrounded by people constantly and we were always trying to go wherever the girls were. I was an awkward kid but I very quickly got socialized by spending all my waking hours in that environment. I can only imagine how many kids stay awkward because they don't feel the need to spend time with humans, since you can sit at home and have fake friends these days.

Fast forward to 2004. Even when MySpace came out it wasn't sh*t. It was not on your phone so you had to boot up your clunky POS windows computer. It was useless mostly. Even texting was pretty difficult up until that time since phones didn't have a Qwerty layout. Blackberry basically invented/popularized texting around 2005-ish. Texting itself had a huge effect on dating, good and bad. Good thing was that it gave us a great tool for logistics. The bad side is that it enabled girls to get "free attention" and waste your time for hours/days/weeks without ever having to put out. It was essentially the beginning of the same issue that people complain about OLD today. Time wasters.

Social life before late-2000's overall consisted of meeting people at various bars, often on the same day every week ($1/beer night - Ladies night etc). Going to the same bar the same day of the week was a great way to meet and get to know groups of new people. For a long time I went to one particular dive bar every Sunday and eventually I could just show up there by myself and know practically everyone. I would actually spend 10-15 minutes just saying goodbye to everyone before I would leave.

All the way through about 2007 my friends and I mainly communicated via big group emails. Enter Facebook...the rest is history

One other important thing I'd like to add. Back in the day, when high school was over...the drama from high school was OVER. You didn't have to see any of those people you didn't want to. Now it seems like everyone's social media connected whether you want to be or not. High school never ends, in a way.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
Reaction score
I know he's fictional, but there are very few guys like Don Draper around today.

Women of today would love a guy like that. The #1 quality in a man that women crave is an unapologetic IDGAF attitude.
And he's handsome AF (no homo).


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Let me give you and the younger guys some perspective on what things were like pre social media. I graduated high school in the late late 90's

I can only imagine how many kids stay awkward because they don't feel the need to spend time with humans, since you can sit at home and have fake friends these days.
I'm guessing you are Class of 1999 by your listed age.

There were weird, socially uncalibrated people in my era of high school (1997-2001). I think you could see the direction where things were going back then but I don't think anyone could have forecast a lot of the elements that happened in the 20 years since I finished high school.

Fake, online social networks have been a thing now since at least 2004. You didn't even need to spend time with humans pre-pandemic.

Fast forward to 2004. Even when MySpace came out it wasn't sh*t. It was not on your phone so you had to boot up your clunky POS windows computer. It was useless mostly. Even texting was pretty difficult up until that time since phones didn't have a Qwerty layout. Blackberry basically invented/popularized texting around 2005-ish. Texting itself had a huge effect on dating, good and bad. Good thing was that it gave us a great tool for logistics. The bad side is that it enabled girls to get "free attention" and waste your time for hours/days/weeks without ever having to put out. It was essentially the beginning of the same issue that people complain about OLD today. Time wasters.

Social life before late-2000's overall consisted of meeting people at various bars, often on the same day every week ($1/beer night - Ladies night etc).
I like that you brought up MySpace. MySpace was huge in 2004-2006. Even at its peak, it never had the same impact as peak Facebook (around 2008-2010) or peak Instagram. I did get some dates from MySpace messaging though. I turned 21 in 2004 so it's a memorable year for me.

I remember texting on non-QWERTY layouts. Texting was good in 2004-2006 for communicating in loud nightclubs with basic messages. I didn't have a QWERTY keyboard phone at that time. My texting volume was low.

I went to a bar in the mid-2000s that had a Ladies Night. I haven't seen a Ladies Night anywhere in a long time. That seemed to have disappeared by the early 2010s.

There was one bar


Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
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There was no rationale male or easy access to material about gender dynamics before the internet

Most likely you would have got married early, ended up a beta chump with no power in the relationship

The internet has been good for proactive men


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
There was no rationale male or easy access to material about gender dynamics before the internet

Most likely you would have got married early, ended up a beta chump with no power in the relationship

The internet has been good for proactive men
Yes and no

The 2000's internet was the golden age of information, this forum is a remnant of that era. Men as a whole have been having the wool pulled over their eyes when it comes to the nature of women, increasingly decade by decade by the tools of manufactured consent.


Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2021
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Yes and no

The 2000's internet was the golden age of information, this forum is a remnant of that era. Men as a whole have been having the wool pulled over their eyes when it comes to the nature of women, increasingly decade by decade by the tools of manufactured consent.
You realise in the past men would openly die/risk their lives for women?
That chivalry is dying decade by decade

It sounds like a lot of men on this forum are struggling with getting genuine desire from women, complaining about the ‘golden days’ etc maybe I’m in the wrong place.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
You realise in the past men would openly die/risk their lives for women?
That chivalry is dying decade by decade

It sounds like a lot of men on this forum are struggling with getting genuine desire from women, complaining about the ‘golden days’ etc maybe I’m in the wrong place.
You're reading into something that's not there buddy. Chivalry dying does not mean that men have a deep understanding of the nature of women.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
complaining about the ‘golden days’ etc
If there ever was a "golden era", I never got to experience it. I entered the mating environment in the late 1990s as a teen. I detailed 1997-2003 (ages 14-20) earlier in this thread.

Since my 18th birthday, 9/11, The Great Recession, and COVID have happened. That's a lot to happen between ages 18-late 30s. At least 9/11 and The Great Recession didn't affect the general social atmosphere as much as COVID. Think about 2008-09. Even if you had employment and/or money issues then, you could still at least go to a bar or a grocery store without a mask on. That was an advantage. I want to steer the conversation away from macro level topics, but those macro level topics can affect the mating environment and can affect one's experience of the mating environment. I graduated from grad school in the 2007-08 school year, just as the worst recession since the Great Depression was going on. That affected my employment getting outcomes, which affected my SMV and experience of the sexual marketplace. For someone that had a job on January 1, 2008 and didn't face unemployment at all from 2008-2012, their experience of the sexual marketplace of that era would differ from mine.

I would say that the mating environment is worse now than it was in 2001 when I finished high school. I don't think the late 1990s/early 2000s was any great time overall. It's possible me for personally to look back on 2001-2006 with some fondness. I miss fewer women wearing earbuds in the gym. Swipe apps came into the equation in 2012, but dating websites were a thing in the 2000s. In the 2000s, women's inboxes on PlentyofFish and OkCupid were getting flooded. It wasn't unusual in 2009 for a woman to receive hundreds of messages in a week on those sites. That was essentially the precursor to what happened on swipe apps.

The smartphone invention made the mating environment worse in so many ways. The worst thing it did was make people not present in the moment. Women outdoors on walking/hiking paths have the smartphone and earbuds in. Women walking the streets even without earbuds are often immersed in their phones. Many times in the 2010s and beyond, there have been women in bars immersed in their smartphones. This makes approaches more difficult. That's not complaining, that is factual.