Undeniable Truths About Women:
1. Women are all different, different personalities, different levels of education, different in appearance, different aspirations in life because they are different people..........HOWEVER......
No matter what a womens personality, economic, religous, academic background is....they ALL are physically attracted to the same type of guy. Hence the 10% of guys do 90% of the phucking rule.
2. A womens response mechanism as far as attraction goes is as follows, almost like a layer of tests that must be passed.
A. Women looks at face, if she likes face, she looks at body, clothes, style.
B. Women looks at body, if she likes body, clothes style and face she pays attention to your personality. (Just like us guys).
C. Women judges personality to see if you fit into CAD or DAD category. CAD category is the guy she wants to phuck, DAD category is the guy she wants to bring to her company Christmas party and say hey look at the catch I got.
In order to get to C, you must first pass A then B....then hopefully be categorized as a CAD and not DAD.
3. A women needs two types of men in her life. Her lover and her provider.....her lover is the CAD personality type and her provider is the DAD personality type.
4. Women are publically politically correct and privately dirty very dirty. A women will never say publically what gets her ***** wet and her heart pounding and her blood pumping with butterflies. You wont here her say "Yah that hot arrogant jerk who doesnt give me the time of day is what I want"...NO NO NO they will say "I want a nice sweet guy who understands me". However privately they are hornier than we would ever believe...you know the whole porn industry is built around women who are getting phucked...think about that for a second...we may be watching it, but THEY are doing it. They are just as dirty if not dirtier than us.
This all fits together rather perfectly to be honest with you....and now I am going to tell you what makes you pass these tests.
The first test you need to pass is the face test
A. All facial parts must be in correct place with no deviations or asymmetrical features such as crooked teeth, crooked nose, no facial deformalities such as cleft lip and palate or anything else that makes you noticebly different.
B. Little to no facial fat. You can lose this fat with excercise.
Next you need to pass the body clothes style test
A. You must not look fat.
B. You must not look skinny
C. In other words you have to look proportional (Proportional none workout looking body could put you in DAD zone) (Proportional workout ripped, cut looking body could put you in CAD zone).
D. Wear stylish clothes (Suits, Blazers, golf shirts, clean cut khakis put you in the DAD zone or could) (Leather Jackets, chains, tattoos, cooler none proffessional clothes puts you in the CAD zone).
E. Facial hair I dont put much stock in that, but little to none is likely more attractive than lots of facial hair.
F. Dont underestimate the power of tattoos (provided you have a cut muscular body). Women love tattoos on muscular dudes.
E. I am going to get flamed for saying this but guys with glasses are much more likely to be in DAD zone than guys without glasses....so if you want to be in the CAD zone you should be wearing contacts.
F. Typically short good looking guys are DADs and taller good looking guys are CADS.
Personality breakdown, what makes a CAD and what makes a DAD
- Talks with a point to be made
- Is socially very adept when he is funny it is funny, he isnt trying to be anything he is not to be honest, he is just naturally funny, ****y, laid back and knows how to be bad.
- A CAD does not sit there wondering what a girl thinks or post messages on a
message board wondering about what some girls actions meant.
- Is often labelled, a player, badboy, threatning, cool, ****y, arrogant...he really does not try to be any of this....he is just who he is.
- Knows how to talk dirty to a girl and does not even try to make female friends, girls always know when he is in the room and who he is. Please note, if this is done by a dude who is not a CAD there are two things that can happen...if the dude does not pass the physical test he is a creep if he talks that way, if a dude does pass the physical test but comes off like a DAD, if he talks dirty and stuff...the girl will just find it out of character and a turnoff because she does not perceive him to be like that.
-Is out there lifiting weights, playing sports, doing stuff with his buddies and girls just seem to follow it around, he is not out there looking.
-A girl wants to sleep with a CAD like crazy, but knows that he wont make a good long term partner...hence the reason why girls need two guys in their lives.
-The DAD is essentially the nice guy who has passed the looks test.
-He is a guy that a girl will date, want to marry and want to have kids with
-He probably has a good job, is clean cut and dresses classy
-He is a stand up guy, solid and honest
-I think you all know the point I am making
This whole thing loops around back to the point that 10% of guys do 90% of the phucking....MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT BOYS even if a girl is in a relationship with a guy who is the DAD type, she is still craving the CAD type...I have talked to many women before who were in relationships where they were not that sexually attracted to their partner and were cheating on them with some CAD type.
So there you have it....we are screened for having any potential to begin with, then we are segregated into two different categories based on how we keep our bodies, style and personality.
This sums it up and simplifies it. It all fits together.
-Young Stallion