quick update for those of you missing the beastmode
Yesterday legs
60kg x 20
80kg x 12
100kg x 8
120kg x 5
130kg x 3
140kg x 2
140kg x 2
60 x 12
80 x 8
90 x 6
seated calves
3 sets 20 cant remember weight
leg press
100kg x 12
120kg x 12
standing calves
4 sets 12 @ 88kg
bloody good workout.
Today Chest
bar x 12
60kg x 5
100kg x 5 (rep pauses 1 second at the bottom)
120kg x 3 (rep pauses)
130kg x 2 clean
135kg x 1 clean - nice haven't been near max in a while, but shoulders and elbows are now fully healed
120kg x 3 clean
100 x 5 rep pauses
100 x 5 rep pauses
100kg x 4 rep pauses
100kg x 4 loong rep pauses
100kg x 3 then another x 3 in quick succession with long pauses - I pressed when my buddy called it - good bloody effort!
Cable Fly
36kg each side x 12
then dropset to failure for another 3 sets starting at 36 and squeezing all effort out
triceps for a few sets and then dropsets x 2 - totally badass pump
down to
incline press
91kg x 12
thirty second rest then
91kg x 5 dropset!!! 70kg x 3
set 1 - 1 pushup :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: I was totally fvcked
set 2 - 25 pushups
set 3 - 20 pushups
beast mode turned to hunger
more updates coming soon