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    Girls Reject me after a few weeks ALL THE TIME!

    1. Sometimes you just meet someone you like who isnt looking for a relationship. Its a shame but it happens. 2. She was using you to make the guy jealous. 3. I think you we calling too much. I'm the same age as you and only recently got my first LTR. Things only changed for me when...
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    having higher energy that the girl

    I am travelling in South America at the moment and met a guy who I talked game with. He was saying that a guy also has to have more energy that the girl when talking to her. But couldnt this come across as being desperate?? I couldnt find any mention of this theory when doing a search. My...
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    hooking up while backpacking

    Im just about to go backpacking round South America and wondering if any DJs have advice? Stuff in my favour: girls far away from home, wanting an adventure and cut loose Stuff not in my favour: staying in hostels. Anyone has experience of this?
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    'Give me your number instead'

    I´ve gotta use that!
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    pick up artist vs internet dating

    Hey guys, It just seems to me as someone newly single that picking up girls in the street/bank/cafe is a way better strategy than internet dating. Say a reasonably attractive girl puts up a profile on dating site and lives in a reasonably big city. How many messages do you think she will...
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    leaving a girl wanting more at a party

    I think a lot of guys at parties are guilty of seeing a girl they like and zoning in on her and just talking to her endlessly. Therefore giving the girl way too much power and even if you have good chat, appearing desperate. Its just occurred to me how much better it would be to talk for say...
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    how to get ex back with DJ tips

    cheers for replies. I was def guiilty of thinking "ok, DJ tips were fine at start but now I dont have to worry". My female flatmate admitted that the whole Treat em mean, keep em keen does work and that I def shouldnt contact her as it gives her too much power. Going to do my own thing...
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    how to get ex back with DJ tips

    basically was using dj tips at start of relationship and it went great. Starting getting jealous/checking up on her etc and she has lost interest- How can I use DJ tips to attract her back? I realise I was on to a good thing before with this site´s advice so I want to know the...
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    íve re-wussed, ****!

    I have been using the general tips from the site and things been going great with new girlfriend as havent done usual routine of being clingy. BUT, recently started a long distance relationship. Basically last week I did something terrible and get really pissed of cos my girlfriend hadnt...
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    what is it with girls putting drunken pics on dating sites

    I like a drink as much as the next guy but its not the most flattering look, ha Does anyone else notice this? (I guess if girls get 10x messages than guys it doesnt really matter)
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    to add or not to add a girl on facebook?

    was that the highlight of your day? how the **** am I supposed to get this girl's number, pull it out my ass? I met her at a dance a few weeks back and dont have an opportunity to ask for her number. It was just a totally random meeting, its not like I see her on a regular basis. Sometimes...
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    to add or not to add a girl on facebook?

    Went to a ceilidh a few weeks back and met this girl who went to the same uni as me. Amusingly, I had asked her out a few years ago and got a knocked back but she "couldnt remember how she knew me". Anyways, we had a great dance and she actually complemented me on my dancing with the words...
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    one of my best friends thinks negative what should i do

    I'd say hang out with him as a mate but just filter out anything he says about girls! And dont head out with when out on the town. I once that the biggest negative stoner flatmate in uni who dragged me down to his loser level so I know the problem...
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    tips needed for first date

    ok, yeah one thing I was wondering is that basically I have a kung fu class at 7.30 and Im seeing her at 5. So would a jerk call it quits at 7, not apologize but simply explain they have somewhere to go?
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    tips needed for first date

    arranged to meet this girl from a dating website for coffee in a Spanish place this weekend. I'm new to DJ but a girl at a party at the weekend said I was "too nice" and basically quoted back for me everything that is said here. haha So any do's or don'ts for first date?
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    How do you increase perception?

    martial arts. I remember when I was really into training at the age of 18 no-one got a punch in. :up:
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    strength vs size

    thats the thing though, I dont see a need, personally. If I work a normal office job etc, where is the need? the thing that gets bandied about a lot is "if you are in a fight etc" - I did martial arts for a few years so dont need strength to defend myself also, I've been eating more, take...
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    strength vs size

    i have been doing stronglifts 5x5 for a few months now. Have noticed big reduction of gut but not that much increase in overall mass. Do many Don Juans subscribe to the "training for strength, not size" thing. Im beginning to have my doubts as at the end of the day I want to look good. I...
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    attributes to get women. Discuss.

    Ok, from looking at friends who have relationships/get women, and form goingover my past successes and failures, I've come up with a theory that to get women interested you have to have some of the following: 1. Muscles: welll, you dont have to be Arnie but at least look like you know where a...