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  1. N

    my girlfriend just asked me why does she always have to say "i love you" first.

    Usually in this case i will simply tell her 'bt you know i do' if she insist on the wordings i go off explaining to her how the words does nt convey my true feeling since i believe that this generation has abused those 3 cute words a great deal and she would go all 'yeah thats true'. That gets...
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    How to act when a rival tries to run game on you in front of her?

    EJECT!!!!!! I wish i cud scream louder. He tries to make u look bad??? D'OH wtf are you still doing there. For christsake leave the scene, if u still want to game her, later on is the best time, If later on he is still with her, relax, gals get bored easily even if he is fun to be with. Step...
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    Going out is my probs!!!

    LOL...Plec07 and eaglez117 yeah guess it would work out that way. Am taking ur suggestions into execution and im open to more and more afterall i am not going out with a one-night-stand type or am aint dating 2 gals alone till enternity.
  4. N

    found out girlfriend cheated, would u do this?

    Inasmuch as i have read wat d masters have to say, the following is my candid opinion... The one thing with anger is that when i lose my cool it brings down my self worth and esteem. Cheating...yeah, happens at times, this should mean that you have to step up ur game, rem 'when your game is...
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    Hopefully losing my v-card on New Years me prepare!

    Exhumed: my NYE wasnt much better. My girl bailed on ME, ended up staying out with my guys all paired up. As for kissing, you learn to kiss by kissing. There is no magic there. I learnt to kiss from one sex-crazy girl who didn't bothered how well i kissed. I would suggest you do the same...
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    10 things NEVER to say to a woman

    You guys have just save a generation of AFC's
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    "Let me see your hand"

    Apart from swinging her round, you could take her hand and read it(palmistry), massaging it gently in the process(kino). It help build comfort btw you and her
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    Hopefully losing my v-card on New Years me prepare!

    So come back and let us know how things went...
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    Going out is my probs!!!

    I dnt mean 2 prove difficult bt my parent hav a 'no gal' rule!!!
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    Going out is my probs!!!

    Hello y'all, im a confident guy with no problem meeting girls but my problem is that i naturaly dont like taking girls out on dates(mainly because im not used to those environment). I'll welcome any advice on how to tackle this issue or any other way to sustain the chemistry. By the way HAPPY...
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    How often do you feel euphoric?

    D fact that you throw up if you dont smoke simply indicates addiction!!
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    having a little trouble

    I quite understand ur plight. As for communication skills, the trick is in listening and paying attention. Asking questions that are elaborate or ambiguous is better than yes/no answers. As for jokes, what i do is any silly statement becomes a joke. Misunderstanding statements is a great...