Hopefully losing my v-card on New Years Eve...help me prepare!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA and State College, PA
So I'm hosting a small party, probably around 15-20 people, on New Years Eve, at my lake house in the middle of nowhere in Pennsylvania. There will be liquor, some beer, weed, I might buy a foldable pong table...my female friends are hooking me up with a girl and she seems like she'll be down to fuck. Here's the story thus far, my questions are somewhat general so you can skip to there if you want.

On Monday evening these two girls I know introduced me to their friend, who will be coming to the party...basically they're trying to hook me up with her. It was me, three dudes, three girls, and this girl. For most of the night I didn't make any advances, and a couple of times she and her friends went into a huddle and then one of them would tell me "Make a move! She wants it! What are you doing!"

In my defense we were smoking weed, which made us both a bit more quiet, and I found it awkward to make advances on a girl when her friends kept looking at us and giving a thumbs up, making jokes, etc. as I'm not used to being set up with a girl like that.

So eventually I move in close, stroke her leg a little bit, she reciprocates, we go up to my room and make out...I'm inexperienced and kinda bad at it...she still seemed pretty turned on...when I reached down her pants she stopped me and said "Not tonight" which makes me think "New years!" :yes: ...i think her friends wanted her to leave soon and that may be why. Eventually we hear my dad home downstairs so we stop, some of my friends leave, leaving me, her, my friend, and her friend, who have been hooking up since Saturday. We cuddle and watch Pulp Fiction (I forget why they were able to stay out that late all of a sudden, Pulp Fiction's like three hours long!). Eventually my friend and I drive her and her friend home, we kiss, she says "See you on New Years :) " and we leave.

New Years:
So it's been hinted at by her, and stated outright by her friends with no objections from her, that we'e gonna fuck on New Years Eve. **** yeah dude. I did a ****ty job on Monday, it's probably obvious to her that I'm a virgin, but whatever, my best friend is fucking her best friend on New Years (and already has once) and I am to hook up with this girl...it's New Years and quite possibly half the attendees including her best friend will be fucking, so she'll likely be DTF.


--What kind of condoms should I get? Do those Trojan Ecstasys feel even a little bit like there's "nothing there"?
-Should I do it without one if she lets me? If the sensation is that much better and there's a very small chance she has an STD maybe it's worth it just for my first time?
--How can I kiss her better/turn her on more next time?
--Should I get her phone number from her friend and text her beforehand? I feel like I don't know her very well...I think both of us are just in it for the sex but I feel weird not even having her number.
--Will I run into any problems with taking her bra off? You just pinch in the middle of the back strap and then release?
--Any other suggestions to make this night an epic success?


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
A lot of your problems can be solved using google. Any condom will do, dont try to do it without one. Relax and have fun. If you only think about how she's feeling you wont have that much fun. As for turning her on, go for kissing her neck...always works like a charm for me.

Search online for all your questions, trust me if you use the search button or google you will find the answers.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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Exhumed said:
--What kind of condoms should I get? Do those Trojan Ecstasys feel even a little bit like there's "nothing there"?

Just get something reputable

-Should I do it without one if she lets me? If the sensation is that much better and there's a very small chance she has an STD maybe it's worth it just for my first time?

USE A CONDOM!!!! You arent experienced enough to pull out at the right time, anyway. Dont risk it!

--How can I kiss her better/turn her on more next time?

Spend a lot of time on foreplay. It only took me about four times of sex before I figured out how to give them multiple o's every single time. Just pay attention. Let her guide you if you need to. If she knows your a virgin, tell her to help you turn her on. If you're hiding it, play it off like you're drunk, but DONT GET TOO DRUNK!!!!!

--Should I get her phone number from her friend and text her beforehand? I feel like I don't know her very well...I think both of us are just in it for the sex but I feel weird not even having her number.

Get her number afterwards. Who gives a shyt?

--Will I run into any problems with taking her bra off? You just pinch in the middle of the back strap and then release?

Its not as simple as that. Some kinds are harder. Some are hooks, so you pull each side towards each other, and it comes off easy. Some kinds have a plastic piece, with a locking mechanism thing that is like a hinge, where you pinch it, then one side goes up, and one side goes down. There are probably Youtubes about taking bras off, out there. I suggest looking for some.

--Any other suggestions to make this night an epic success?
Its gonna be awkward no matter what. Just take your time, dont try to put the condom on before your ready! Have more than one condom in case something goes wrong. Take it slow, and let her lead you. Mirror her actions. Touch her the way she touches you for now. Dont come until she has. If you get close too early, just slow down. stop and pull out of you need to, whatever you gotta do. Try to save yourself for when she's about to come again, and try to do it together. Its not always easy, but thats the best. Pull out before you go soft, or risk losing the condom inside her. I've had to fish one out once.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
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Exhumed said:
--What kind of condoms should I get? Do those Trojan Ecstasys feel even a little bit like there's "nothing there"?
-Should I do it without one if she lets me? If the sensation is that much better and there's a very small chance she has an STD maybe it's worth it just for my first time?
--How can I kiss her better/turn her on more next time?
--Should I get her phone number from her friend and text her beforehand? I feel like I don't know her very well...I think both of us are just in it for the sex but I feel weird not even having her number.
--Will I run into any problems with taking her bra off? You just pinch in the middle of the back strap and then release?
--Any other suggestions to make this night an epic success?
1. Doesn't matter. Just get regular ones
2. they call me a "raw dog assassin" so......that should give you my view on the subject.
3. sorry, I cant really describe how to kiss a girl. just be a man and do everything that you enjoy. your enjoyment = most likely her enjoyment too. girls love passion.
4. if you dont have her number now, do not get it from a friend and do not text her beforehand. act normal when the party's going on, flirt with her a little but also do not be afraid to leave her by herself or with her friends while you go off and have a good time (drinking games, whatever). do not be afraid to flirt lightly with other girls, and do not be afraid if shes talking to other guys.
5. may have problems here...its definitely easier with 2 hands but if you do have problems just tell her while you guys are makin out "help me gettin this off"
6. question 5 shows me that you are thinkign a lot about this "experience". overthinking it. just let it flow, have a good time. remember this: shes obviously attracted to you if you guys already hooked up. so the only thing you can do to fúck it up is by your actions/behavior the night of. you want to come off as laid back, havin a blast with everyone. small suggestion: if you have been flirty with her throughout the night, and she ends up straying from the party to go to the bathroom or something, follow her so that when she gets out of the bathroom she sees you and its just you and her....ive had so many hookups going in/out from the bathroom. other than that, try to refrain from making out in public unless she really makes it known; some girls lookin to hookup dont really like that


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
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well, its nye. im headin out to my party, good luck bra with the chica. definitely update us


Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2009
Reaction score
Amsterdam, Netherlands
A skill that every man should have: Taking a bra off with just 1 hand

Ignore the buying her crap bull**** in the video and focus on how to undo a bra with one hand. Almost all the girls I've slept with absolutely love it when I undo their bra with just one hand. One of my former ****buddies moaned and grinded her groin against me if I did it. At one time she even told me to take it off while ****ing her.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA and State College, PA
I was so bad at kissing the first time that she bailed on the party. Nobody told me until I asked about it after I got there, presumably so I wouldn't get pissed off and not come or not bring any liquor.

All of my friends had rough crazy all night long sex with cute girls preselected by the fat *****y controlling one, and I would have too if I wasn't a terrible kisser, instead she didn't even show up to the party.

So basically regardless of my game or appearance I was held back by my inexperience, which was disappointing.

Maybe I can ask an unattractive female friend who thinks I'm cute to teach me properly?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 2, 2009
Reaction score
Have sum pride. Just read a book or something. Don't ask anyone anything.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA and State College, PA
I got played, it was embarrassing, I just think it's unfair, but that's life I guess. I'm not sure how reading a book would help...I need to get better at kissing, some hands-on experience would help.


Don Juan
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Exhumed said:
I got played, it was embarrassing, I just think it's unfair, but that's life I guess. I'm not sure how reading a book would help...I need to get better at kissing, some hands-on experience would help.
I recommend at least looking up "how to kiss" on google if you think it was that bad. I won't lie to you, I did.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
You're only 18. This is no big deal. Sometimes you've got to mess up several times before you get it right.

And how do you know you were "so bad at kissing?" Why take your own negative thoughts or her opinion as the "end all?" Try again.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA and State College, PA
Jhcl4000: Yeah I actually just did haha, right before I came back to look at this topic. I feel like it's not a concept that can be understood significantly better by reading up on how to do it though.
NewAndImproved: I mean she told all of her friends I was almost on par with the worst kisser she'd ever kissed...I'm not a pussy and I'm not about to give up here, but I should prrrobably get some practice.


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2008
Reaction score
SandHawk said:
A skill that every man should have: Taking a bra off with just 1 hand

Ignore the buying her crap bull**** in the video and focus on how to undo a bra with one hand. Almost all the girls I've slept with absolutely love it when I undo their bra with just one hand. One of my former ****buddies moaned and grinded her groin against me if I did it. At one time she even told me to take it off while ****ing her.
Lol chicks love when you do this.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA and State College, PA
Okay, so I just found out that the girl started drinking somewhere else and passed out before she could even come to the party, I guess that makes her less of a b!tch but I still didn't get laid. Oh well. Next time.

Fat controlling ***** friend told me it was because I was a bad kisser...the girl probably did tell all her friends I was a bad kisser but maybe she did intend to fuck me anyways. Doesn't matter now, that's all the thought I intend to put towards this incident.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
Exhumed, forget about what they said about kissing. The fact of the matter is you're an AFC and she probably realised that and got turned off.

The girl is not a b!tch for not liking you. Why should she? You're an AFC and didn't create those good feelings in her. If you don't like a girl it doesn't mean you're a bast*rd. She does sound like a low quality girl though so no loss.

You're also young so don't be making it out to be a big deal. Its all part of your learning experiance.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
Reaction score
whatever, shít happens bra. maybe SHE is just the terrible kisser. ive had some girls not know JACK SHÍT about kissin


Don Juan
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
If it makes you feel any better, my NYE sucked ass. Went to a party with a friend and there were a total of 3 girls there. One was my friends G/F and not attractive to me, the other possibly single and gross, the third fvckable for sure but also has a B/F and he was at the party.


Don Juan
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Exhumed: my NYE wasnt much better. My girl bailed on ME, ended up staying out with my guys all paired up.

As for kissing, you learn to kiss by kissing. There is no magic there. I learnt to kiss from one sex-crazy girl who didn't bothered how well i kissed. I would suggest you do the same!!! The internet will give you tips and tricks but it won't teach you how to keep your mouth and move closer. So go out there, find a girl and teach urself how to kiss.