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  1. S

    Dealing with guys trying to get w my sister

    Why can't your sister deal with it?
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    The reasons why it is so difficult to date decent women

    I think you're ****ing crazy. Honestly. PEOPLE don't go out of their way to say "I don't need the opposite sex." How many women have you met that are even remotely like that? DEFINITELY not a majority. The only people that think are THE PEOPLE ON THIS FORUM.
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    Evverrydaay is exaaaactly the saaame....

    Seriously, this ****'s boring. I am taking AP Physics AP Bio AP CA AP Statistics and 2 days a week I have a 2 hour calculus class in the evenings. Now I know I will get no sympathy from those of you who did engineering or math, but **** this sucks. I wake up at 6:30, spend time...
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    Woman gets rejected on fox news

    Holy **** That Girl Was HOT AS HELL. Holy. ****.
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    so my first day didnt go as planned

    Your school's already started? That sucks...
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    Dealing with Verbal banter and dishing back

    In Secrets of the Alpha Man, Carlos Xuma has a bunch of good exercises for improving humor/wit.
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    sweating a lot.

    Don't waste your time. Just get certain-dri. I know you're probably thinking that because drysol is a prescription and certain-dri isn't, that drysol must be more effective, but certain-dri stops underarm sweat PERIOD. There's nothing more that can be done.
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    I want to join a band. Bass or Regular?

    Eff that. NOBODY has an inherent feel for the guitar. Clapton and Hendrix and everybody are great because they PRACTICED AN ASSLOAD. That's it. Also, you're making excuses and limiting beliefs etc. Anyways, if you can play guitar, you can play bass. Always. If you can play bass, you will...
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    Removing the Dancing Monkey

    *courtesy lol*
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    sweating a lot.

    Dude, I had this problem. Prepare to eliminate it: Armpits: Product called certain-dri. It might sting the first time you use it (or it might start stinging the 20th time, like it did for me) but it is wonderous. It might take like 5 nights to work (you apply it at bedtime) but it is wonderous...
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    "Pretend" Value

    Oh, believe me, I could give half a **** about most of those people. It's just that this is a recurring theme, which means that it's not a fluke.
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    Removing the Dancing Monkey

    Yes... I have realized that I am indeed a dancing monkey. I didn't used to be, but then I turned up the expressions and tonality and energy up 100%, and I guess I confused being the center of attention and momentary insta-attraction with real value and alpha-ness. But could I get some advice...
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    "Pretend" Value

    I think I am a dancing monkey. Time to fix that.
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    Domestic Violence against Men

    In my family, my dad always started it...
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    What do I do if I have real problems?

    Hey guys I'm a high schooler, and I used to be utterly socially inept. I discovered pick-up about 3 years ago, and I'm vastly changed. I still have some social skill issues, but for the most part life is good. I've always had kind of like "mental breakdowns." For example, yesterday I was...
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    "Pretend" Value

    I think I'm the alpha of the group, but obviously I'm missing something here. I'm more alpha than any of the other guys, but maybe I'm not THE alpha. Definitely I talk to girls more than guys, but not in a "fruitcake" kind of way. I'm probably missing something blatantly obvious to most...
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    "Pretend" Value

    EDIT1: Nobody here knew me before the camp started. So they had no old ideas of me. All the guys think I'm pretty cool, I'm just not good friends with them. For example, if I were to go sit with some of them at lunch I would be the center of attention (not dancing monkey, I have purged...
  18. S

    "Pretend" Value

    Does this ever happen to you in a class? You'll be the most alpha, funny, talkative cool person there, but at the end of the day you don't really have any friends. I think my problem is like this: I used to be utterly socially incompetent. Then I observed in the classroom (because I...