Domestic Violence against Men


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2008
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The truth is coming out slowly but surely. In this article it is revealed that most Domestic Violence is initiated by the woman Not the man.

some nuggets to get you started:

The "for worst" clause should be taken out of the marriage ceremony;
Woods, a former construction worker, suffered disabling work-related injuries early in his marriage. He says:
"The violence really began in our family about 10 days after Ruth realized that she had all the power [financially]. I knew I had to get my kids out. I called the largest domestic violence shelter agency in Sacramento County several times. They told me, 'Men are perpetrators of domestic violence; women are victims of domestic violence,' and hung up.
Often times the man is provoked;
The most recent large-scale study of DV was conducted by Center for Disease Control and Prevention researchers and published in the American Journal of Public Health. The study, which surveyed 11,000 men and women, found that according to both men's and women's accounts, 50 percent of the violence in their relationships was reciprocal (involving both parties). In those cases, the women were more likely to have been the first to strike. Moreover, when the violence was one-sided, both women and men said that women were the perpetrators about 70 percent of the time.
Gentle creatures;
Women often compensate for their lack of physical strength by employing weapons and the element of surprise -- just as David Woods' wife did, and just as recently murdered former NFL star Steve McNair's girlfriend allegedly did.
No way out;
Men often don't want to leave their wives because this would leave their children unprotected in the hands of an abuser. If the men choose to take their children away from the home, when they're found, the children are likely to be taken away and given to the mother, and the men might be arrested for abducting their children. Moreover, they would possibly lose custody of their children in the divorce anyway, again leaving their children in harm's way.
Definitely a different picture than what we've been fed by mainstream media all of our lives isn't it.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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slaog said:
All the more reason to choose your partner wisely. Another example of masculine women controlling feminine men.

All the more reason not to be a feminine man.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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South Dakota
I want you guys to THINK about weather your dad actually started it or not. You may have seen the first blow,but your mom may have been working on him for hours before it came to that. My grandmother had that going on-then she could throw out the victim card[she was actually a piece of work-hated her sons-when my dad was born, she said"another D@mn boy,you name him"] If thats what she thought of her male childern,how did she treat her husband?


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
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Wine Country, Ca
There are people (female and male) who get off on pushing buttons and torturing others. This article breaks my heart because it's not fair that anyone can get away with causing harm (mental or physical) without paying for it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
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South Carolina, USA
Domestic Violence is such a broad term. Be more specific with what you mean by that if you want to evoke pity. Some women kind of choose to be in certain environments where they know there are certain risks, but because they are getting something that they value, they will proceed with taking the risk.


Jul 28, 2009
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North America, probably an airport
Powerlessness Corrupts

My ex-wife 'popped' me a couple of times. It wasn't as though she could actually hurt me (I'm former Navy UDT, 6'4"). The second time, she got me pretty good before I pushed her arms to her sides. Luckily for me she never got the scissors out when I was sleeping.

Most violence comes from a sense of powerlessness (excepting human predators of which there are many). And I think that domestic violence certainly stems from this.

Domestic violence should not be tolerated by anyone for any reason at any time. Research says that domestic violence unanswered escalates quickly.

Besides it is a form of disrespect that neither men nor women should tolerate.

Call the cops. Get her out. They are either sick or worse. This kind of stuff should never be tolerated by someone with any sense of self-esteem.



Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2007
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My dad was a victim of domestic violence by my step mother.. He got arrested at least 3-4 times cause my stepmother would punch him and throw things then call the police. Her kids would all say my dad pushed her and then she'd try to get me to say that too. She'd pull b1tch moves and my dad would be the one being taken to jail.. Oh ya she was invincible, if my dad would have tried to kick her out, she would have destroyed him legally.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
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And people wonder how the Scott Petersons of the world and guys like the one that shot up the gym get created. Men are not treated fair and equal in society and eventually some guys will be driven over the edge. Instead of looking at why they did and giving men the help they need so it doesn't come to that what the manginas and feminazis would have happen is create more programs for "victim" women and laws created to protect women specifically. Oh, wait, they already did (eg VAWA).


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2007
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sodbuster said:
I want you guys to THINK about weather your dad actually started it or not. You may have seen the first blow,but your mom may have been working on him for hours before it came to that. My grandmother had that going on-then she could throw out the victim card[she was actually a piece of work-hated her sons-when my dad was born, she said"another D@mn boy,you name him"] If thats what she thought of her male childern,how did she treat her husband?
Come on, you're saying that there aren't men with anger issues? Coupled with low self esteem and insecurity it can make for a real explosive combination. It's been on in my dad's family for generations, and I know what genes I've inherited and have to control. If battering a woman is the only way to deal with her and her mental abuse that you can think of, then you're a *****. My probably biased opinion.

I'm not saying the violence against men isn't a serious problem, indeed, it can be devastating, and I know one case where wife made her husband's life into a living hell. I'm sure you guys know of more. Importance of selecting a life partner once again shows up, and it's useful for both sides.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
this year, hud made us add a new clause in our leases about victims of domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. the clause is termed "violence against women act".
i immediately looked at my boss when she gave these lease addendums to me to have the residents sign and said "what do they want us to do?"
she said if it is a couple that resides together and she can prove by police report that domestic violence has occurred, we have to keep her as a resident and evict him. if it is a new applicant, we have to make sure she has proper police reports and epos, and then we can overlook things that might give her a bad reference because of the violence, since she is the victim.

so i said, "its the women that are mean around here and start the crap. they beat up on the guys all the time. what will we do when they are the victims?"

she said she thought we should be fair and in that case, we would evict the women if the men had their police reports and epos. however, men usually do not go out and get epos and police reports when they are the victims. they usually just keep silent about it.


Feb 10, 2005
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penkitten said:
however, men usually do not go out and get epos and police reports when they are the victims. they usually just keep silent about it.
You could place any thing detrimental to men in there and they just keep silent about it. And if they complain it falls on deaf ears. It's part of the social convention even enforced by other men that men can't protest unfair/unjust treatment which clearly violates rights in the constitution.

The violence against women act was from the Clinton administration. The biggest feminist collaborator ever to hold office. After that, a woman could make any and every guy a "stalker" or abuser with a point of the finger, and his rights to habitate in his own home or free movement to school or work or wherever could be yanked away without even the burden of preponderant evidence.

Luthor Rex

Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2006
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the great beyond
Danger said:
Good post......which do you think is more damaging, physical abuse or mental abuse?
Cuts and broken bones heal, but mental abuse is the gift that keeps on giving.
