Dealing with guys trying to get w my sister


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
Ok, so me and my sister are a year apart, and are really close compared to most bro and sis. By most people's standards, my sister is considered pretty. She's a sophomore and I'm a junior. A lot of guys try to hit on her, and act all perverted and ****, and it's been pissing her off because she isn't a ***** or anything close, and that's how they're treating her. Dealing with these guys is the problem. I'm tall, but I'm not strong at all really. i don't work out, i'm not athletic. I'm just average. People don't view me as intimidating, but most everyone likes me. I haven't been in a fight since 8th grade, and i don't plan on being in one again. I've pretty much grown up handling things with being witty or a smartass.

There's pretty much only one kid harassing my sister. I don't care if guys flirt with her but this kid is like staring at her boobs, and talking about his ****, and trying to draw stuff on her boobs. That kind of stuff really pisses me off. My sister doesn't want my dad handling it because my dad is the complete opposite of me, and is really strong, and still in good shape, and would raise hell up at the school, and that's not what i want. I know i can handle something stupid like this, i just hate conflict. I don't want to get in a fight over this. I just want him to stop.

What should I do about this?


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
She's going to talk to the teacher about it, and if he keeps doing it then i'll handle it.
I just really don't want my dad handling it. He would probably kill that guy, and i'm being serious..


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
This is the real world and unfortunatly there'll be AFC's talking sh*te to people. Your sister will deal with it herself. If she has high standards that sort of talk will only turn her off the guy more.

It was the same with my sister before. Some idiots rinning up the house and hanging up. Such AFCs! lol But harmless..


Jul 30, 2003
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maybe you should be more like your dad and less like your mom.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
he is a good role model.. I know he is. I look up to him a lot, but i always use to try to be like him instead of who i am. He's much more alpha than me, but he's even told me that he raised me to be different from him. He had a tough life, harder than i can imagine, and I'm really privileged, and I think he's probably been hardened by the world.

A lot of the reason i'm here is because of my identity crisis. I know who i am, i just don't know if i like who i am. It's like i look at my dad, and then i look at me, and I wonder why i can't be like that. I've grown up always having a dad whose better than me at everything. He really is my hero and all, even though that sounds cliche, but i've tried so hard to separate myself from him because i know I won't ever be him, so i might as well not set myself up for failure.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Guys will always try to get with your sister, learn to deal with it. Some will be smooth and some will be crude but as long as they don't sexually assualt your sister then its up to her to handle this just like us guys handle rejections.

When your sister gets older and goes to college it will be a whole other story and you or your father won't be there to protect her.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
Orange County
I would seriously put this guy who is messing with your sister in his place. No matter how big he is, I wouldn't be able to let that sh!t slide. You don't have to fight, and I recommend avoiding it, but you should definitely confront this guy. You have to learn to stand up for the meek, and in this case your sister.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
DJDamage said:
Guys will always try to get with your sister, learn to deal with it. Some will be smooth and some will be crude but as long as they don't sexually assualt your sister then its up to her to handle this just like us guys handle rejections.

When your sister gets older and goes to college it will be a whole other story and you or your father won't be there to protect her.
Yep she has to learn independence and how to deal with this stuff on her own just like any other woman.

We are not noble knights here learning to save the damsel in distress be it our sister or some broad we are dating.

Being a noble knight is AFC territory.

Our job is not to protect the meek.

Our job is to protect ourselves and if we desire to help others that is best done by teaching them to help themselves so what your sister needs is your advice not your intervention and if intervention is needed leave it up the school to handle it. Its their job anyway and it keeps you out of trouble.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
Reaction score
Get a concealed weapons permit. I once had a guy bothering a female family member. I approached him, put a handgun to his stomach and told him I would kill him just for the fun of it.

Da Realist

Master Don Juan
Sep 1, 2005
Reaction score
Memphis, TN
Don't worry about your strength or what your dad would do. Stand up to him if he's disrespecting your sister. Standing up for her isn't coddling her because seeing you do it will make her want to stand up for herself.

I've got an older sister and I've had to kick a dude out because he wouldn't leave. I didn't lay a finger on him, but I wasn't far from it. He left and I haven't heard anything since. So forget that talk about about not defending your sister. If it gets over her head, time for big brother step in. There is nothing unmanly about taking up for family.

Joe Stud

Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2009
Reaction score
Upstate NY
DJDamage said:
Guys will always try to get with your sister, learn to deal with it. Some will be smooth and some will be crude but as long as they don't sexually assualt your sister then its up to her to handle this just like us guys handle rejections.

When your sister gets older and goes to college it will be a whole other story and you or your father won't be there to protect her.
This Gent is right on.

Here's what you do with the guy: go to him and ask him if you can speak with him man to man. Then, even put your arm around him if you know him well enough. And say something like this: "look Jeff, my sis is beautiful. Guys always hit on her. But it's the ones who are respectful who score more points. rudeness isnt the way to her heart, and you put me on the spot because I am required to protect her. Do me, and yourself a favor, and just be nice to her. You may not get a date with her, but it will help you in the future. And Jeff, if you were in my shoes, you would be doing the same thing, right?" You will also possibly make a friend out of him


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
I just get really sick of it. My friends always give me a hard time about my sister, and it just gets old really quick. Some of the stuff they say is okay, but a lot of the times they take it overboard and i want to knock them out. I wouldn't talk about a friends' sister that way, so why do they


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Jokerlsk said:
I just get really sick of it. My friends always give me a hard time about my sister, and it just gets old really quick. Some of the stuff they say is okay, but a lot of the times they take it overboard and i want to knock them out. I wouldn't talk about a friends' sister that way, so why do they
Time to find new friends.

If you tolerate disrespectful people in your life guess what?

Thats all that you'll have to call friends and thats no way to live for a man whose got any self respect.

Give these animals one last good talking to about it but if they mess up again...




Its as simple as that.

You guys on Sosuave tend to love making life harder than it has to be when its really simple.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Jokerlsk said:
I just get really sick of it. My friends always give me a hard time about my sister, and it just gets old really quick. Some of the stuff they say is okay, but a lot of the times they take it overboard and i want to knock them out. I wouldn't talk about a friends' sister that way, so why do they
Well then its your friends who are the problem trying to egg you on.

Your friends should mind their own business and if they can't then you should stop being their friend.

Look I never had a sister and I don't pretend to know what it feels like knowing some slimeball is trying to get into her pants. But I have been eyeballed (Robert De Niro style) by plenty of girls brothers many times but I did not let it bother me and whether the girls liked me or hated me (mostly hate after the relationship was over heh) they never send out their brothers after me.

If your sister never asked you for your help, then it means she is dealing with this on her own and doesn't need your help because you might do more harm then good.