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  1. C

    I did Mistake #5 in the 10 top mistakes! What do I do now???

    Iran. And its interesting you say that because MOST of our Persian friends that we've known since I was a kid got married in like 2 weeks and the funny part is that 20, 30, 40, even 50 YEARS later, they are STILL in love! That blows me away! Sina
  2. C

    I did Mistake #5 in the 10 top mistakes! What do I do now???

    Haha. Well I did get her. So now I need to get my seduction skills up a few notches and find those "sweet spots" to turn her on. But yeah I was serious. I'm in a position where failure is NOT an option for me anymore. If I want a girl, I'm gonna get her and if I REALLY like her, I'm gonna...
  3. C

    I did Mistake #5 in the 10 top mistakes! What do I do now???

    First of all, OK, THIS is driving me nuts! LOL I keep reading these AFC and OP abbreviations. What the heck do they stand for? Secondly, Thank You! CaptainJ, I appreciate the response you gave me and your really motivating me to dig deeper into the DJ Bible. I have been reading off and...
  4. C

    I have a new oneitis brewing in my mind, can't shake her,

    Dude, I don't know what to say.......... The feelings you described are EXACTLY the feelings I have for this girl I'm in love with. I can't believe I even ran across this post! The best part is, we are actually dating right now, which makes it that much better. Dude, I may not have...
  5. C

    I did Mistake #5 in the 10 top mistakes! What do I do now???

    Damn man! Thank you for that advice! You just gave me a whole new perspective on gifts and the whole reciprocation of feelings. The reason why I said I loved her was because when I met her, it literally was a love at first sight moment and I was just so energetic and so happy to the point...
  6. C

    I did Mistake #5 in the 10 top mistakes! What do I do now???

    Exactly my point. Well here's my take on it. **** happens because you SAY it happens. Your thoughts and actions create your reality. This is precisely why I'm NOT focused on "what is" but what I INTEND them to be. I'm always looking inside myself to find out what I need to improve on so I...
  7. C

    I did Mistake #5 in the 10 top mistakes! What do I do now???

    I am SO GLAD I did NOT listen to you! Because I just followed my heart and left it at that. We are now dating and we are SO HAPPY! It's just crazy. Somehow I KNEW she was gonna come around. I just knew it. Not something I can explain, either. So, there you go. Later!
  8. C

    I did Mistake #5 in the 10 top mistakes! What do I do now???

    Things are AMAZING between us! She did get scared with the letter in the beginning but when we went out a few nights ago, all I can say is WOW! We were cracking each other up to the point where we were both crying! We went to the music shop (I play keyboards) and played her some stuff I wrote...
  9. C

    I did Mistake #5 in the 10 top mistakes! What do I do now???

    UPDATE! I caller her. And Guess What? I GOT A DATE! SHE SAID YES!!!!! So HA! There you have it! Let's just say that I knew EXACTLY what to say out of PURE Intuition! Zero Chance? HA! How's 100% Chance? Later! Sina
  10. C

    I did Mistake #5 in the 10 top mistakes! What do I do now???

    And that's precisely what I'm doing now. No calls, no contacts, nothing........until I feel confident enough to go up to her again EXPECTING her to say yes when I ask her out on a date. I can't tell you how powerful the stuff I'm doing is! It's like I woke up this morning, feeling SO FREAKIN'...
  11. C

    I did Mistake #5 in the 10 top mistakes! What do I do now???

    HEY! How was I supposed to know that??? Go easy on me, man! lol Yes I am a romantic kind of guy, and I saw the Top 10 Most Dangerous Mistakes TODAY at the site. I had NO idea it was a bad idea to do that. I was just following what I thought was the best thing to do. That's it. This week, I am...
  12. C

    I did Mistake #5 in the 10 top mistakes! What do I do now???

    You got me REAL excited here! This is AWESOME! Thank You! Sina
  13. C

    I did Mistake #5 in the 10 top mistakes! What do I do now???

    Done. I'm doing it now. This is EXACTLY what I've been looking for! Perfect! Thank You! Sina
  14. C

    I did Mistake #5 in the 10 top mistakes! What do I do now???

    By the way, where do I find the DJ Bible?
  15. C

    I did Mistake #5 in the 10 top mistakes! What do I do now???

    I'm 24. My name is Sina and this is my first time here. I can use all the help I can get, cause I KNOW I still have a chance with her, I just want to find a way to regain that trust with her and if that means having to wait 2 weeks to call then that's what I'm gonna do.
  16. C

    I did Mistake #5 in the 10 top mistakes! What do I do now???

    I haven't called her at all. And I'm not planning to do so until I've improved myself or I change my subconscious beliefs so when she see's me again, she'll see something new in me. We are in the same business and I don't see her everyday (which is a good thing), just at the local meetings we...
  17. C

    I did Mistake #5 in the 10 top mistakes! What do I do now???

    So here's the thing: I met her last week on Sunday. And on Wednesday, I wrote her a letter stating how I felt about her because when I met her on Sunday, it was a love at first sight moment for me. I got to spend a couple hours talking to her and right afterwards, when she said bye to me...