I have a new oneitis brewing in my mind, can't shake her,

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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and, she's Russian. I just met her today. She's not even a citizen, but, as I was talking to her, I started falling for her. It doesn't hurt that she drop-dead HB10 gorgeous, but it's her conscienciousness that pulled me in. She is so thoughtful, for such a hot chick. She calls herself "dumb" or "stupid." I just nod, or no comment. I haven't FELT this kind of attraction to a woman since my last oneitis 3 to 4 years ago.

She played with her hair a lot. She KNEW how to act girly. She plays the piano. She enjoys the finer things in life, and loves being here, and doesn't like Russia in comparison.

As we were talking, I started kinda tearing up with love for her, but tears weren't rolling, just on the brink. She could tell that I was feeling overwhelming love for her. How could I not? She was so beautiful and, I guess, adorable.

She asked to see me again tomorrow, but I told her I couldn't because I can't. I have other plans. But I will try to definitely see her next week again.

While I don't ever think that a woman is "out of my league," she certainly pushes the limit on those thoughts, but we got along, and I just FEEL that she's meant for me, or is FOR ME. We just fit, mentally, and certainly physically.

She's gotta be hit on by ALL guys both American and Russian. That's why I didn't "hit" on her today, I just played it VERY cool, and smiled and looked upon her with loving eyes, as if, I was her father.

Should I marry her? if given the opportunity. She doesn't have much longer in this country.


Don Juan
Apr 14, 2009
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Poonani Maker said:
and, she's Russian. I just met her today. She's not even a citizen, but, as I was talking to her, I started falling for her. It doesn't hurt that she drop-dead HB10 gorgeous, but it's her conscienciousness that pulled me in. She is so thoughtful, for such a hot chick. She calls herself "dumb" or "stupid." I just nod, or no comment. I haven't FELT this kind of attraction to a woman since my last oneitis 3 to 4 years ago.

She played with her hair a lot. She KNEW how to act girly. She plays the piano. She enjoys the finer things in life, and loves being here, and doesn't like Russia in comparison.

As we were talking, I started kinda tearing up with love for her, but tears weren't rolling, just on the brink. She could tell that I was feeling overwhelming love for her. How could I not? She was so beautiful and, I guess, adorable.

She asked to see me again tomorrow, but I told her I couldn't because I can't. I have other plans. But I will try to definitely see her next week again.

While I don't ever think that a woman is "out of my league," she certainly pushes the limit on those thoughts, but we got along, and I just FEEL that she's meant for me, or is FOR ME. We just fit, mentally, and certainly physically.

She's gotta be hit on by ALL guys both American and Russian. That's why I didn't "hit" on her today, I just played it VERY cool, and smiled and looked upon her with loving eyes, as if, I was her father.

Should I marry her? if given the opportunity. She doesn't have much longer in this country.
Dude, I don't know what to say..........

The feelings you described are EXACTLY the feelings I have for this girl I'm in love with. I can't believe I even ran across this post!

The best part is, we are actually dating right now, which makes it that much better.

Dude, I may not have that much experience, if ANY at all. But if she's feeling the same way your feeling for her, I say go for it. I can't even BEGIN to think of anything better than this!

Go for it, man. Seriously. That is fvucking awesome!


King Turi

Senior Don Juan
Apr 29, 2009
Reaction score
Jesus christ dude get your head together.

You don't just fall for someone the day you met them and you don't marry them to keep them in the country.

Play it cool and you'll get a root man, seems like she might be interested.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
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Poonani Maker said:
As we were talking, I started kinda tearing up with love for her, but tears weren't rolling, just on the brink.
This post is also tearing me up, for totally different reasons.

She could tell that I was feeling overwhelming love for her. How could I not? She was so beautiful and, I guess, adorable.
You don't "love" her, it's lust. You just met her. You haven't even kissed her.

Should I marry her? if given the opportunity. She doesn't have much longer in this country.
NO! Do not marry her. You've just met her. It's oneitis. She is NO DIFFERENT to any other woman you have been attracted to - despite what your oneitis is making you think You haven't even kissed her. You haven't been physical with her. I don't think you've even touched her.

You need to do two things:

1. Go out and meet other women. Meet them, and have sex with them.

2. Have sex with this woman, SOON (you need to kiss her the next time you see her, at the very least), because you say she is attractive. She then goes back to Russia, and you forget about her.


Don Juan
Jun 7, 2008
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Being russian myself I can add that our women are way WAY more girly and feminin than American/West European girls. I dont understand the reason for that though.
However, by the age of 26-27 even our "extremely" feminin become strong and *****y ;)
I'm a russian living in Belgium and see our women being chased by nearly everyone around..


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
Well I know that feeling, I am guilty of falling for these kinds of girls really really quickly. But it's a crush. We think it's love at first because there are so few real feminine women here anymore. Just a few days ago I had this incredible crush on this Israeli woman. Her accent was so damn cute and the way she moved was really feminine. Unfortunately she is 30 years old (wow) and it didn't get past a lot of smiling/eye contact/flirting. I did get her number, but it was for professional purposes, not a date.

I've gotta pull myself together with these foreign women. I get crushes on them a lot...


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
yes you should marry her, buy her a house and become her b.itch!
good job learning something on this forum after 1,000+ posts!


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
Well, I'm glad he posted this because this is a problem I have had since forever, and that is that no matter how much I practice not being attached to outcome, etc. there are certain girls that just turn me into mush inside and cause all kinds of irrational behavior. Usually foreign.

In those cases should you fight the feeling or just go with it? In my case, I saw her, exchanged eye contact/smiles, but when I actually went up to her to talk, I didn't know what to say and it came out sounding really lame. I think I said, "What country is your accent from?"

But we talked for about 10 minutes, so I'm glad I approached her, but it was just so much less effective than it could have been.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 5, 2004
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We need to be interested in women to maintain some sort of relationship but if you think about what you're saying and feeling objectively, what would you say if it were another person and not coolguy64?

You're jumping into this (emotionally) too quick. I found myself interested in a new girl recently but I'm not thinking about marriage or anything like that.

Girls can be very interesting people if we let ourselves get caught up in them. It's also not a good place to be in. You don't want to be emotionally dependent on a person, especially if you consider that no relationship is guaranteed to succeed.

See her a few more times, and play it cool like the DJ philosophy tells us.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
My chick is serbian...

God how I hate them. Dude I know how you feel. Every girl I fall for I get a little bit stronger and a little bit better with women. Oneitis starts to break.... and...

And then one comes along that ups the game. F**K.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
I see what you're sayin, but sometimes I just feel like I've gotta take action, as a man, before some rich 50 year old dude comes along and snaps her up. She came across, to me, as a very proficient TEASE, in the sense, that, her body movements, gestures, no matter how minimal or detailed, were all precisely placed, as would a practiced Russian Olympic gymnast or concert violinist would perform. She spoke of how difficult school in Russia was, how us Americans just take a few college courses and then go home, but in Russia, they go 8-5 and then are pulverized with homework and have NO life outside of school. That's why she says she loves it here, and is sad that she'll have to go home.

But she was never really 'sad' yesterday, just cheery, lovable, and happy, which, I think, is a contradiciton to what she was saying. She seemed to be real critical of Americans, Ukrainians, etc., but hates Russia and wants to live here :rolleyes:


Senior Don Juan
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
Am I the only one that finds it monstrously retarded that we have 12 million illegals in this country and the educated and hardworking eastern europeans have to go home?

Had a buddy in college shipped back after he graduated. AFTER. HE. GRADUATED.

Makes me want to go join the minute men or something crazy. Playing by the rules and getting screwed over for it pisses me off.


Master Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
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man yea sure you got that Israeli's number for "professional" purposes... well then you should get personal while seeming professional with her then, that's real game.

as for one-itis problems I just use it to demonstrate or inspire me to do creative and selfless things for her, it's exciting for me. But if I were to give em something that they would want I would tell her that she'd have to be nice to me to get it. I go with any feeling that she might bring out or effect. I don't tell her I let the happiness, sadness, dissappointment show completely maybe even exagerrated, a little acting doesn't hurt. There's a reason why she's inspired all these types of emotions in you. maybe to show you how important your life is, maybe to bring you a message of hope, confidence, an increase of faith in yourself .. ur life is a story...you created it with her, everybody read it and liked it.

other one itis might not be as severe and not drive you to want to do these types of things. those are the ones that'll be easier and faster to throw away.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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xdreamz said:
man yea sure you got that Israeli's number for "professional" purposes... well then you should get personal while seeming professional with her then, that's real game.
Lol...well actually she was part of a group, i won't get into the whole thing, but and after I had talked to her (quite a while after) I asked the man in charge for the business card of the group and he gave it to me and then she broke in and said she would give me her number and the guy in charge told her that no, it was unnecessary, he had just given me their business card and she ignored him and gave out her contact info anyway....

But, she probably wasn't serious, was she? because she's over 10 years older than I am.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
prairiedog24 said:
Am I the only one that finds it monstrously retarded that we have 12 million illegals in this country and the educated and hardworking eastern europeans have to go home?

Had a buddy in college shipped back after he graduated. AFTER. HE. GRADUATED.

Makes me want to go join the minute men or something crazy. Playing by the rules and getting screwed over for it pisses me off.
Yeah. It's retarded and it makes me angry. And now they want to legalize all the Hispanics...AGAIN. Their argument? "Well, we can't just send them all back!" Yet, they have no problem sending European/Asian immigrants back.

Tell me if you join the minute men, I'll join you. Pisses me off too.


Master Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
How was her body language? her eyes? any touching?

i think that it isn't that she's interested..that it sounds like an over enthusiastic employee maybe trying to get business or something. but then I met some really friendly workers before that posed that they wanted to share information about their business or school but it was pretty obvious that she was interested by the unconscious signals or attention or the hidden communications that you notice.


Don Juan
Jun 7, 2008
Reaction score
lol, asif America is such a desirable place to live for us - Europeans ;)


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
xdreamz said:
How was her body language? her eyes? any touching?

i think that it isn't that she's interested..that it sounds like an over enthusiastic employee maybe trying to get business or something. but then I met some really friendly workers before that posed that they wanted to share information about their business or school but it was pretty obvious that she was interested by the unconscious signals or attention or the hidden communications that you figure out.
No, they weren't trying to get business, they weren't really a business...

Yes, there was a LOT of smiling and deep eye contact when I talked with her. Also, when we were talking, she voluntarily gave me info, like feeling embarrassed that she was so old, when she really didn't look old at all..Also, I was standing in a group outside and she walked by and said how nice it was to meet me, and shook my hand, and then kind of brushed my fingers for an extra second or so after I thought we were going to let go, and then asked if she would see me again, and I said I hope so.

You know now that I go through it like this the answer seems pretty obvious, but I'm nervous to do anything in case that wasn't her intention. I'm only 19.

Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread...
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Master Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
yea, I was getting a lot of interest from an older lady last night like 15 years older. I still tried out some lines on her made her laugh a bit so that was a bit of fun. but then i was like "she's too old!" can't waste any breath on her. Mostly I like girls around my age or look around my age like most people.It has to do with your taste, like only when ur older u get more taste for older ladies. but that doesn't mean I haven't seen some milfs or cougars around so when that happens then thats a special situation. it's all up to you and your preferences.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
It was her accent. So so so so cute.

And just how she moved and dressed and looked....she was a lady, but had a wide eyed, girlish quality.

I better stop now before I start sounding really mushy,lol. Get a grip, Darth.