I have a new oneitis brewing in my mind, can't shake her,

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
I have to ditto that, Darth, especially on the accent which just melted my eyes onto her, so intoxicating, and she knew she was having that effect on me of melting me into her.

Her fingers were so girlish, the way they curled and I brushed/bumped her hand accidentally at least 3 times as she reached for my pencil (actually hers that I was using). Those innocuous touches, I think, set her off on me too, so if you can make it look accidental, then you're golden. I've noticed this several times with all manner of women. Graze her boob, her arm, whatever, and you're in. She's thinking about you now. She can't help it.

She talked about American plays and lamented how few Americans know their own famous plays. I then muttered, "yeah, my mom likes plays" then she abruptly got up to go to the bathroom, came back, and said she needed to go. We were with each other for over 2 hours. As we were walking out of the coffee shop, she made it a point to ask me to meet her Today around 3:30, but I really couldn't as I have to meet with my church in about an hour, and then do martial arts later. I told her that next week on a Saturday would be great, no matter what really. That's when I'm free.

But if I get laid-off temporarily this week or next week, maybe I should contact her for lunch on a weekday?? I may have to drive another girl to the hospital in her town on Thursday, so I might just drop by then.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
Either way, you need to kiss her next time you see her, before she starts to see you as a friend.

Don't concentrate on her, go and meet some other women. Judging by your first post, you're very infatuated with her, and oneitis is never a plus when dealing with women.

Even if you think that what you have is different, it's not, it's just oneitis. You've just met her. You haven't even kissed her.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Ok, I'll see her this week again where she lives. I'm thinking about asking her to come to MY city, and I will give her a tour. How should I go about asking her, and should I tell her that I will come pick her up the next day or a week from the next day? She likes me, I think. This will be the best way to tell if she Really does like me, I think.

She was fascinated by another place I could take her and have been to many times, but can't take her until I'm ok'd by my boss to go there. It's only for the ridiculously rich. She would like to see it. But first, I'd like to take her to my town.

I'd like to show her where I work early in the morning, and then take her to my church, and then leave early, and take her to an intoxicating scenic place west of the city, and then downtown throughout the shops in the city, get something to eat, and then take her back home. I don't want her to see my place because it's a dump. I live poorly, because I'm saving up to buy a house, AND because, I'm not married, and only want to BUY a house when I get married, maybe.

IF the other girls I know saw this chick with ME, they'd cry, because, she's THAT drop-dead gorgeous.

The city she lives in is 6 or 7 times bigger than mine. Their downtown dwarfs mine, both tourist attractions though. But it's not really her city as she'll be sent back to Russia soon.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Acq said:
Being russian myself I can add that our women are way WAY more girly and feminin than American/West European girls. I dont understand the reason for that though.
However, by the age of 26-27 even our "extremely" feminin become strong and *****y ;)
I'm a russian living in Belgium and see our women being chased by nearly everyone around..
Dude, I'm belgian! which part are you from? I want hot, girly russian women :(

Betting antwerp
Acq said:
lol, asif America is such a desirable place to live for us - Europeans
It alwayse amuses me how the amercans think they're living the best live in the best part of the world :p and that everybody should (AKA must or will be killed) share their dream

Anyhow, I hope it works out for you poonani maker, can't give advice on the subject :)


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
Poonani Maker said:
Ok, I'll see her this week again where she lives. I'm thinking about asking her to come to MY city, and I will give her a tour. How should I go about asking her, and should I tell her that I will come pick her up the next day or a week from the next day? She likes me, I think. This will be the best way to tell if she Really does like me, I think.
Man, I know how you feel. You are totally obsessed with a massive crush. It is not love because you don't know her yet.

But please....act like a man and make some moves the very next time you see her- touch her. And don't be desperate.

DO NOT be desperate.