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    Success With Online Dating

    LOL!!! that's crazy!!!!
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    yes!!! i finally cold approached

    damn that was pretty smooth!!!
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    How to ask out a totally random chick???

    thanks for the advice...I do appreciate it
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    How to ask out a totally random chick???

    wow you're a pretentious ****. Not only that but you criticize my typing while you can't even spell typing.
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    How to ask out a totally random chick???

    k well for a next time how could I have handled the situation?
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    How to ask out a totally random chick???

    are u kidding me? I'm asking for some genuine advice and this is how you respond? HS? I'm a college graduate dude. You don't have to be condescending
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    How to ask out a totally random chick???

    So I took my aunt and cousin to the health clinic to get my cousins immunizations done. The receptionist was a hot latina who I made small talk with. My aunt was right there so I didn't really do much but even if she wasn't there I don't think i would've asked her out. My ? is this: How do I...
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    good job not begging! I commend you for that. Dude get over this! Just move on, learn from whatever mistakes were made, and simply live your life. The only person you need is yourself.
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    are they conceited or looking for approval?

    we live in a narcissistic society and most women aren't comfortable with themselves and are looking for approval by any means. But that would definitely irritate me
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    What i learned tonight

    listen to your mom!
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    Whats the deal....

    I would be VERY cautious of this one. There's more to it..i almost guarantee it
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    Any tips to last longer in bed?

    when I got my wisdom teeth out I was on pain meds and I lasted a pretty long time!!! Didn't put two and two together till a couple days later.
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    Need advice on what to do about my BPD X-GF...

    last 3 posts put things in perspective for me! I made an appointment earlier today to speak to a counselor just to maybe help me make sense of the situation. I appreciate everyone's advice...I will certainly try my best to make the best decision possible. I will keep everyone updated!
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    Need advice on what to do about my BPD X-GF...

    so in everyone's opinion there is no hope of a successful relationship with a woman who is bi-polar? It seems that there must be people out there who can work things out? no? I'm NOT with her at the moment...I simply talked to her. It's the betrayal that gets me. It feels like I got...
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    Need advice on what to do about my BPD X-GF...

    ok a couple more things that I might not have mentioned: 1) She hasn't been taking her medicine...she thought maybe she could be off of it but it's obvious she can't. We talked and she said she is going to resume taking her meds. 2) She said that she is going to make lifestyle changes (ie...
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    Need advice on what to do about my BPD X-GF...

    EDIT: She's not BDP...she's BI Polar...sorry I didn't really realize the lingo on this forum Ok, this might be a bit long but I need to explain this for you guys to understand. I started seeing a woman about 2 months ago....she is my friends X-gf. They broke up early last year so it's been a...