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  1. M

    Arnold's "True" Workout System for Size

    Tim Ferriss' stuff is garbage.
  2. M

    Whipping myself back into shape - getting thin.

    What is your height, weight, bodyfat% if possible, activity level and current fitness regime? Cardio can help, but at the end of the day, it is all about the diet.
  3. M

    Importance of Diet

    You cannot out train a bad diet.
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    woman in love with me. paying for my ticket to visit her overseas! what do i do!?

    I really dislike using memes, but is this real life?
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    Better than everyone else.

    Your body cannot tell the difference if 100g of carbohydrates comes from a Big Mac, or roasted potatoes. It is the macros at the end of the day.
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    MM in Their 30's

    Pretty much. I know this from first hand experience. Stop b1tching people!
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    Dropping fatpercentage whilst maintaining muscle mass

    What is your height and weight? It doesn't look lke you are eating enough protein, which is why your results haven't been spectacular. When an un-trained person starts going to the gym, they will generally gain muscle mass and lose fat (noob gains/honeymoon period).
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    I really wish my coach would discover the red pill and consume it.

    D1ckless, the both of them. Look at it this way, less "competition" for you.
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    A fkced up Hollywood-movie-like situation

    So when is this show gonna be aired?
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    Why do guys, men have to better themselves, improve themselves, more than women do?

    This message is hidden because Ihateinitiatingalot7 is on your ignore list. Don't know about you guys, but I hate reading posts by whiny people such as this.
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    Lance Armstrong

    Most professional athletes use performance enhancing drugs, you would be naive to think otherwise. Armstrong probably pissed the wrong person off, hence why they are making an example of him. It's political.
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    What do you usually take post work-out and why?

    You don't really need dextrose unless you are an athlete that is going to be training again in a couple of hours. Spend the extra money on food.
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    How To Gain Weight: 5 Simple Steps

    Do you play any sports? What are your reasons for doing 100m dash, HIIT and swimming? I would say to focus on one goal, instead of wanting to lose fat and gain strength at the same time. While it is possible to do both, it will be difficult because you will need to lower calories to lose fat...
  14. M

    How To Gain Weight: 5 Simple Steps

    Ok, at your current weight, you would roughly need between 2548(Sedentary)-2912(Active) calories per day just to maintain. I can also give you a macronutrient breakdown IF you tell me what your goals are? It would also be helpful if you could post your actual training routine.
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    How To Gain Weight: 5 Simple Steps

    1. Milk is good for underweight teenagers because it's cheap (cost wise, not quality wise) protein and calories, and easy to consume. 2. No, you will still gain weight even without using whey protein. At the end of the day, excess calories is what determines whether you gain weight or not, it...
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    This guy makes me do things I dont like

    Another classic post that deserves to be bumped. Ok, I'm done with resurrecting 6 year old threads.
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    My girl have left me for her sweet friend

    For some reason I thought about this guy, have to bump this thread.
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    what measures the "league" a man is in?