what measures the "league" a man is in?


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2011
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When someone wants to say that a girl is out of the a man's league, he/she will say "She is too hot for him."

Which makes me wonder, since girls dont 'judge' a man purely based on the way he looks, what will someone say when they want to say that a man is out of a girl's league?

Cos just being a confident a$$ isnt going to change the "league" of a man (basically, how society judges him in terms of his masculinity)

EDIT: I understand that there are some who says that "leagues" dont exist and that it only exists in the minds of the lazy, but if for example a girl's girlfriends keep telling her that she is too hot for you, its bound to get into her head.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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1) his physical genetic which is one of the main responsible of his look

2)his social position and dominance which are also influenced from his look

3)his achievements and wealth which depends on his ambition,determination and pain tolerance after abilities

4)his reputation among the group to which he belongs

Regarding confidence, its simply a byproduct of past success and positive feedbacks from others, there are no such things as "deciding to be more confident".

The first two points decide who score at high school, once adult all of them.

Despite being what most of the guys here dont wanna hear, your league depends mostly on your genetic and upbringing, hardly a short skinnyfat guy will have the confidence or means to become a top dog, being
mistreated and pushed down from his first day at school from both teachers and peers, let alone if he has been grown from women which messed up his character as well.
Instead a guy who happen to be tall and in shape by genetic will received positive feedbacks from early age which will push him even higher, in fact starting a positive loop.

Sure there are exception but I would say no more than 10% of the cases,also most of people who "climb leagues" do it riskfully with illegal or socially unaccepted means, the great equalizer
in the end is the amount of balls you have.


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2011
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Who Dares Win said:
1) his physical genetic which is one of the main responsible of his look

2)his social position and dominance which are also influenced from his look

3)his achievements and wealth which depends on his ambition,determination and pain tolerance after abilities

4)his reputation among the group to which he belongs

Regarding confidence, its simply a byproduct of past success and positive feedbacks from others, there are no such things as "deciding to be more confident".

The first two points decide who score at high school, once adult all of them.

Despite being what most of the guys here dont wanna hear, your league depends mostly on your genetic and upbringing, hardly a short skinnyfat guy will have the confidence or means to become a top dog, being
mistreated and pushed down from his first day at school from both teachers and peers, let alone if he has been grown from women which messed up his character as well.
Instead a guy who happen to be tall and in shape by genetic will received positive feedbacks from early age which will push him even higher, in fact starting a positive loop.

Sure there are exception but I would say no more than 10% of the cases,also most of people who "climb leagues" do it riskfully with illegal or socially unaccepted means, the great equalizer
in the end is the amount of balls you have.
Are you saying self improvement is useless?

i do know of many men who look average but still considered to be "way up there" yeah even back in high school. I do believe it has to do with their attitude.

Of course i know thats not you meant, just would like you to clarify your point :)

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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princesimba said:
Are you saying self improvement is useless?

i do know of many men who look average but still considered to be "way up there" yeah even back in high school. I do believe it has to do with their attitude.

Of course i know thats not you meant, just would like you to clarify your point :)
Think about those 4 points as a maximum coefficient they can push you.

Sure self improvement is important, hitting the gym and dressing cool has a huge impact on your league as much as getting a great job.
It can turn a lower league even into a main eventer.

However there are still some handicaps and advantages that are not dependant on you, your base look (height, shoulder widt example) or your core character, I think for a guy grown up with an afc father and a dominant mother and female teachers it takes really a lot of work to get rid of the psychological and emotional baggage coming from it, women can smeel fear and insecurity from miles and not only them.

The sci-fi movie gattaca is exagerated but its not that far from reality, except that we dont control our starting point.

This is really true especially when dealing with women, you see while men can give credit to an ugly guy if he works hard and keep his word, women most of the time wouldnt even have him as friend if he doesnt match certain look standards or his reputation is not good enough.

To make it simple, the final result of your league is probably 40% in your look , 50% in your work/self improvement and 10% casual factors as luck or one time opportunities which pushed u up.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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For men, nowadays, I would have to say it revolves around money. You get the money and it opens up doors for you in a way you can only dream. You think Trump could bag a hot model if he was a janitor? Bullʂhit. You go to the most exclusive parties, you get the best deals for making MORE money, you can vacation anywhere in the world, get the best medical treatment for your preggo girlfriend, take care of your entire family, the list is endless.

What girl wouldn't overlook a guy's crooked nose or bald spot to have such a life? Many would pass of course, but the bulk would get with him at ****tail hour if it was the last thing they'll do. Status, power, options, freedom all comes from the almighty dollar. Of course you can't be a 100% aʂʂhole either.

That's my opinion.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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Thats easy: dont listen to what people say, or let them categorize you. Everyone has an opinion, and thinks they know everything, but they only speak for themselves. **** 'em, and dont go around seeking people's approval, or believing their bull****. Dont share rejections or failures with them, either. Dont let anyone hold you back, or tell you what you can or cant achieve. Most people who talk **** are simply projecting their own insecurities out on you. They cant get something, so they say you cant. And dont be pushed around, acting insecure and of low self-esteem, etc, as that just makes you an easy target for bullying.

Everyone is an individual with different tastes and standards, so there really are no leagues. Its only the fake, insecure, status-obsessed losers who talk about this ****, anyway. And most of them havent achieved jack ****, and just focus on everyone else instead. They dont know anything.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2012
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Status for the most part is well known. You have many guys with a great job and high salary that are socially inept. And they can get a beautiful woman. (Probably not hook ups) Thing is that this same woman has likely dated many other types of men.

On average those four things will give you many more options and higher status.

It depends on whether your talking casual dating and hookups or a serious LTR. Because women take two different approaches. You can have this high status PHD with a high salary, and good reputation, she thinking relationship. It won't have pzzy falling in his lap. They're thinking....long term. (Unless the guy has game)

Now you have a good looking, fresh dude, who knows how to have fun and talk. This woman could very well be ready to rip his close off and fk him there and then. It's all about the moment. She could be all about fun and hook ups with this guy (See no long term potential) while she's waiting to bait the guy above :)

And also depends on culture. Women from other countries don't place as much of a high value on income. And looks generally matter less to most women than how you carry yourself. Just my 2 cents.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
1. Your Physical fitness.

2. Your Financial fitness.

3. Your Social fitness.

Your confidence is not going to raise any of these stats. And women worry about how much of these things you have IN THE NOW, not the future. Nobody knows what a future alpha male looks like. But at the end of the day, you've gotta approach.

Case closed.


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2013
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Alberta, Canada
nismo-4 said:
1. Your Physical fitness.

2. Your Financial fitness.

3. Your Social fitness.

Your confidence is not going to raise any of these stats. And women worry about how much of these things you have IN THE NOW, not the future. Nobody knows what a future alpha male looks like. But at the end of the day, you've gotta approach.

Case closed.
Confidence is a core competitance within all three of those stats you listed...


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2011
Reaction score
nismo-4 said:
1. Your Physical fitness.

2. Your Financial fitness.

3. Your Social fitness.

Your confidence is not going to raise any of these stats. And women worry about how much of these things you have IN THE NOW, not the future. Nobody knows what a future alpha male looks like. But at the end of the day, you've gotta approach.

Case closed.
So if theres a man who wins me in all 3 of these stats, i automatically have no chance when placed beside him unless i work harder?

See there have been cases of this happening to me but at the end of the day i still seem to be "the catch" and not that guy simply because my attitude is different.

Im not trying to make a point here, Im just a bit confused now to be honest lol.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
I actually have no clue.

Walking around the mall, I see the beautiful women walking around hand in hand with what considered an ugly man.

This is pretty disheartening considering I put so much fvcking effort in my confidence.
I'm considered a good looking guy.. I've been told time and time again by beautiful women.

But hell maybe these wh0res have been lying to me since grade 8.

I seem to make out with hot b!tches in club pretty often but as god is my witness I can't get a girlfriend.

I sometimes envy these ugly looking men, because that where the women seem to flock to for relationships. Maybe because they dont have any competition I just don't fvcking know.

Just don't say as an ugly looking guy you can't get a girlfriend.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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nismo-4 said:
1. Your Physical fitness.

2. Your Financial fitness.

3. Your Social fitness.

Your confidence is not going to raise any of these stats.
Yeah, at some point you have to have something to be confident about.

Regarding #3, aside from looks, money, and power, have you ever noticed how some people are just good with people? There may be one person in a group who are just very easy to talk to, even when you first meet them. They have a way of making a connection with you, where you feel like you have known them a long while and are immediately comfortable with them.

I'm sure we've all met someone like that. But I doubt if a person like that would bother coming to a forum like this.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2011
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Land of slow.
This reminds me of a familiar combination of money, power, and finally after those two have been achieved only then can you get the women. Scarface was a brilliant movie. Ode to the Tony Montana lifestyle.