My childhood coach in my sport is 35 years old, and he is one of the most important people in my life.
He first started working with me when I was 8 years old. He has stuck by me through the sh1ttiest of sh1t, even when the sh1t came from my adolescent antics. He knows me better than my parents and is the kind of guy who'd drop whatever he's doing to help me if I needed it, no questions asked.
In the last year or so, we've begun to interact more and more like adult-to-adult, slowly changing our relationship from player-coach/mentor-mentee to friend-friend/older brother-younger brother. I've been glimpsing more and more of his personal life, I've unfortunately realized he is suffering from many aspects of living life plugged in to the matrix.
6 months ago his 25 year old ex (who he says is super hot and cool as sh1t) re-initiated contact with him, they start back up. By september apparently they're exclusive.
I hadn't known anything about their relationship until a few weeks ago when I had a conversation with him, and the way he described the relationship, all those dreaded signs we know of were there...sentences that began with:
"The time that I spend with her is incredible, but..."
"She's very attractive and is constantly getting attention from other guys..."
"The amount of time that I actually get to spend with her is so little..."
"Do I think she's a horrible person for cancelling plans all the time? No..."
Just how it happens, the day after we talked, he goes on facebook and sees that she's changed her profile pic to one of her and a different ex-boyfriend of hers. So my friend cuts contact with her and doesn't hear from her either.
A few days ago, I learn that he had bought her a bunch of airline miles for xmas...
Fwcking sucks.
At least he found a way of getting his miles back lol, he was able to somehow switch them back over to himself and is using them to take a vacay this week before she gets to use them lol.
I really, really wish he could somehow discover and swallow the red pill. He's the kind of guy who'll always be upbeat and social in any situation and know how to act and be quick with the jokes, but I know he's feeling some hopelessness with the women. It doesn't help that, in his own words, he "Doesn't try, and the only people he dates are the people who approach him first."
I've told him a little about my own exploits in the world of pickup...I can tell he's supportive but doesn't really believe in the cause. The few times I hint at, even jokingly, getting him into pickup stuff or when I mention some fundamental red pill concepts he is resistant or will respond "That's not my belief system."
He's been through hell and back as a man, has a very strong but kind personality, and I know he'd KILL it if he tried.
It doesn't help either that he's always been the teacher, and me preaching to him would be uncomfortable for both of us as it strays far outside what we're used to in our relationship. Plus, I'm not qualified yet to be preaching =)
He first started working with me when I was 8 years old. He has stuck by me through the sh1ttiest of sh1t, even when the sh1t came from my adolescent antics. He knows me better than my parents and is the kind of guy who'd drop whatever he's doing to help me if I needed it, no questions asked.
In the last year or so, we've begun to interact more and more like adult-to-adult, slowly changing our relationship from player-coach/mentor-mentee to friend-friend/older brother-younger brother. I've been glimpsing more and more of his personal life, I've unfortunately realized he is suffering from many aspects of living life plugged in to the matrix.
6 months ago his 25 year old ex (who he says is super hot and cool as sh1t) re-initiated contact with him, they start back up. By september apparently they're exclusive.
I hadn't known anything about their relationship until a few weeks ago when I had a conversation with him, and the way he described the relationship, all those dreaded signs we know of were there...sentences that began with:
"The time that I spend with her is incredible, but..."
"She's very attractive and is constantly getting attention from other guys..."
"The amount of time that I actually get to spend with her is so little..."
"Do I think she's a horrible person for cancelling plans all the time? No..."
Just how it happens, the day after we talked, he goes on facebook and sees that she's changed her profile pic to one of her and a different ex-boyfriend of hers. So my friend cuts contact with her and doesn't hear from her either.
A few days ago, I learn that he had bought her a bunch of airline miles for xmas...
Fwcking sucks.
At least he found a way of getting his miles back lol, he was able to somehow switch them back over to himself and is using them to take a vacay this week before she gets to use them lol.
I really, really wish he could somehow discover and swallow the red pill. He's the kind of guy who'll always be upbeat and social in any situation and know how to act and be quick with the jokes, but I know he's feeling some hopelessness with the women. It doesn't help that, in his own words, he "Doesn't try, and the only people he dates are the people who approach him first."
I've told him a little about my own exploits in the world of pickup...I can tell he's supportive but doesn't really believe in the cause. The few times I hint at, even jokingly, getting him into pickup stuff or when I mention some fundamental red pill concepts he is resistant or will respond "That's not my belief system."
He's been through hell and back as a man, has a very strong but kind personality, and I know he'd KILL it if he tried.
It doesn't help either that he's always been the teacher, and me preaching to him would be uncomfortable for both of us as it strays far outside what we're used to in our relationship. Plus, I'm not qualified yet to be preaching =)