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  1. L

    Beta Providers

    The Beta Provider is the man who is only with a woman because he can provide for her. To take the textbook example, a girl grows up ****ing high school jocks, frat boys and then random club guys. Then she gets to be 28-32 and sees that her friends have started to get hitched. Now she finds...
  2. L

    Different values: When is it worth the effort?

    I think trying to convert an atheist to a theist or vice versa is usually a fool's errand. One either comes to a lack of belief or a belief in something on their own. It seems that this believing in God thing is quite important to you. Otherwise, why would you want to convince her to come to...
  3. L

    Where do you draw the line of Game in a LTR?

    Keep improving your SMV no matter what. Keep working out, dressing well and be a sociable man. You will have social proof by being a leader among both men and women. Also, your GF/wife will see how other women will look at you. In fact, other women will tell her how lucky she is. There's no need...
  4. L

    Why did Trump say Fiorina was "beautiful"?

    It was her sh*tty decision to buy Compaq. That's her mess. While it was a tough time in the business, HP did far worse than its competitors (IBM, Dell etc.). Stock plunged 50% and profits didn't go up. She did help herself to a much higher salary though. The day she got fired, HP's value...
  5. L

    Women like to eat out too much

    This is why you should date girls who are into cooking. Of course this seems to be rare these days but they are out there. And I don't just mean girls who'll quickly whip something up. I'm talking about the kind who love to try new recipes that they know you'll love. A girl always goes up at...
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    When a woman uses terms of endearment it comes off as friendly and sweet....adding a "personal touch." When a man uses such terms it comes off as creepy unless of course the man happens to be attractive.
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    looks vs personality

    I've seen some of the leaked nude celebrity pictures from the Fappening etc. and honestly, when these A-list actresses and models weren't in their makeup and nice clothes, they weren't that much more attractive than some of the women I've slept with. Even Kate Upton didn't look that fine when...
  8. L

    looks vs personality

    Unfortunately, it's rare to find a very attractive female who doesn't have a bit of an attitude. They have tons of options all the time. On the flip side, it's not easy to lock down an extremely in demand man either. The only way to keep a 10 is to be a 10 yourself. Keep in mind that a lot...
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    article: Tinder and the Dawn of the “Dating Apocalypse”

    That sounds like a very low yield. Have you read up on Tinder game? Have you optimized your pics? Where do you live? I'm not saying I'm cleaning up on Tinder....far from it. But it's been good for 1-2 lays a month.
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    article: Tinder and the Dawn of the “Dating Apocalypse”

    As usual, all the blame is placed on men and the women are all innocent little snowflakes. It takes two to tango and they are just as responsible for the current state of affairs.
  11. L

    Good reconnection text

    I stole this one from Jeffy from RSD: "I feel like we are growing apart." Depending on the girl, you can also add a ";)" or ":p" emoticon. It's worked pretty well for me.
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    How to end it?

    If she really meant a lot to you, meet her in person, cut to the chase quickly and leave. If she didn't mean a whole lot, just do it over the phone and save yourself the hour and half round trip plus the tears and anger that will inevitably follow. Like others have said, you don't have to be...
  13. L

    took me 45 years of looking to find her

    OP, how did you find this woman? Did you meet her online or did you meet her after you went to Thailand?
  14. L

    How to have a successful marriage in 2015 in the USA

    As I said, Tenacity, I am not advocating marriage. I am not married and have no plans to get married in the near future. But there are some who see benefits to getting married. You're not going to get far in certain elite circles without marriage. For example, try being a successful politician...
  15. L

    Why is wanting "too much" sex an issue to the point of breaking up?

    You're not running enough dread game. They think they have you hooked and they can tone down the sex. I guarantee they wouldn't feel that way if they were very concerned that they were going to lose you to someone hotter than them. Never get complacent. Keep working out, keep pursuing excellence...
  16. L

    How to have a successful marriage in 2015 in the USA

    I agree that a pre-nup isn't insurance but it can minimize the damage. The problem is that for most husbands, if the wife walks its a nuclear-level disaster. After losing 50% of your assets, alimony and child support, you're in big big trouble. Every divorce will sting, but an iron clad pre-nup...
  17. L

    How to have a successful marriage in 2015 in the USA

    Any man who marries for regular sex in this day and age is incredibly stupid. There are some advantages to marriage. A 2 parent (heterosexual) household is the best arrangement for raising children. There are some tax incentives. Also, certain social circles (the more elite ones) require a man...
  18. L

    Juggling multiple women without lying

    Keep it vague. When the "what are we?" talk comes up give her a very open-ended answer. That way you leave open the possibility that it could lead to something down the road (you're not lying, if this girl really knocks your socks off you might just keep her). "Babe, I love what we got going...
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    Born Again Virgins

    There is no such thing as a "reclaimed virgin." Either a person is a virgin or not. Now this woman claims she has had a 4 year interlude from sex. Of course, there is no way for you to verify this short of doing some serious digging into her past. Chances are she was a slvt in the past and...