Search results

  1. L

    Women so desperate for babies they are turning to "natural insemination" donors

    Are you going to trust these broads to not seek child support? It's not that hard to hire a private investigator. If any of them end up filing for state support (and many if not most single mothers will), the state will demand that they identify the father. If the woman can't identify you, it's...
  2. L

    Women don't like jerks, they like guys in spite of being a jerk

    Take a look at chimps and gorillas. Who gets all the females? The nice, sweet ape that is accommodating to everyone, or the big bad silverback that will kick your ass for even looking at him wrong? We evolved in very different circumstances from what we live in now. Back then, being tough...
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    Women don't like jerks, they like guys in spite of being a jerk

    Well said. Repped. A lot of guys are also labelled jerks by Betas. Heck, I've been guilty of the same thing. Back before I discovered this site, I used to dote on a girl. I'd help her out with whatever she needed, listened attentively to whatever she said and gave away my time for nothing...
  4. L

    Women don't like jerks, they like guys in spite of being a jerk

    Most jerks possess attractive qualities: they are self-assured, they don't supplicate, they are more invested in themselves then women and they are not afraid to put a woman in her place. You don't have to be a jerk to possess these qualities, but jerks are attractive to women because they have...
  5. L

    How to immunize against beauty?

    "Law 36: Disdain things you cannot have, Ignoring them is the best revenge. By acknowledging a petty problem you give it existence and credibility. The more attention you pay an enemy, the stronger you make him; and a small mistake is often made worse and more visible when you try to fix it. It...
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    Feminism Will Fail

    Feminism exists due to economic and technological developments more than ideological reasons. Women weren't "liberated" from the home because some privileged Western women came up with the idea of feminism; it was made possible by modern technology that makes housework/cooking etc. only a part...
  7. L

    Do good women exist?

    There are around 3.5 billion females on this planet. I'm sure that some of them are good, high quality women. Unfortunately in this day and age, narcissism is rampant and the cultural restraints on female hypergamy have been removed....especially in the West. But even here in America, there...
  8. L

    Dates: On the Cheap

    Don't call it a date, just ask the girl to hangout. I usually just say that she should join me for drinks. Setup a later time so that dinner is off the table. Either she pays for her own drinks or you alternate paying for each round. I've found this setup makes the same night pull a lot easier too.
  9. L

    how to maintain plates while in a commited relationship

    You just need to stay outgoing and social. Let women know that you have a girlfriend and show your girlfriend you have options (don't say it explicitly of course). Basically, the aim is to constantly be in touch with attractive women. If your current relationship goes south, you'll have a number...
  10. L

    Dating Divorced Women (with no kids)

    Relationship miles are like highway miles while c0ck carousel miles are like city miles. One might be better than the other, but high mileage is still not desirable. A woman who was in a long term relationship (8 years) invested a great deal emotionally in her man. She will never be the same...
  11. L

    Persist or pull out?

    She's cheated on her boyfriend, is playing games and states that she feels depressed....automatic low priority plate status. You played it right. If she's down to hang later then great, if not just focus on other prospects.
  12. L

    Dating Divorced Women (with no kids)

    Some thoughts that come to mind: -This woman broke her wedding vows, which is a major red flag that should be investigated thoroughly. You're only hearing one side of the story. It's possible that she dumped the ex-husband due to plain old hypergamy and she is giving you her rationalizations...
  13. L

    :) Briffault's Law

    I'm sure that during more primitive times, society was run by the biggest, strongest and fastest. But for at least many centuries now, that hasn't necessarily been the case. At least for the past several centuries, societies have mostly been run by older, wealthy, connected and cunning men...
  14. L

    :) Briffault's Law

    Boilermaker is correct in that, biologically speaking, the egg is far more valuable than sperm. Women are born with every oocyte they'll ever have and at most they have a few hundred. On the other hand, most men produce millions of sperm per day. A man can bust a nut and that's his minimal...
  15. L

    See this is some bull**** right here

    Right on. Besides that, there are also evolutionary and biological reasons why it's terrible for a girl to be a slut. For starters, reliable birth control is a relatively recent invention. For most of human history, a girl sleeping around carried potentially devastating consequences. Next...
  16. L

    How to drop a plate?

    There's no easy way to go about it if she's into you. Just make it quick and to the point. Something like, "I've really enjoyed our time together, but I don't see this going anywhere." Be available to talk on the phone for a week or so, but then fade away.
  17. L

    Dealing with stress...

    Get a good massage. It can work wonders.
  18. L

    new guy, wife treats me like ****

    Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Even though you think you're certain that she's not cheating, there's a good chance you are not thinking rationally about all the facts. You have obviously invested a lot into this relationship and you have admitted you're an're not going...
  19. L

    Alpha/ Beta stuff is largely wrong

    Remember, Alphas come in many different flavors: Dr. B is 60 years old. He originally came to the US as an immigrant from a poor country. He became a leading authority in his particular field. Today he rakes in a sh*tload of money, has many people working under him, and everywhere he walks in...
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    Is it common for a wife with previous kids to nag her new husband to adopt her kids?

    It's an attempt by both women to lock down their beta bucks. The fact that both men are even in relationships with these women shows that they failed way before they got to where they are.