Feminism Will Fail


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2009
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Do not under any circumstances listen to this whole video. This woman goes on and on....

But.....2 points:

1) I find it interesting that there are women on youtube saying bad things about feminism, such as feminism will fail.
2) I also love the part in the video at the beginning, where the woman says while she has had terrible things done to her by men, none of it compares to what women have done to her. Hmmm.....Women who are sick of other women's crap. What are the odds of that?

Nice to see an honest woman for once who actually means what she says and says what she means.

Is feminism slowly crumbling? Thoughts?


The first minute and a half of this one are funny too:



Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Dear BMP,
No Feminism In the Western Worldwill not fail,well as long as the Moslem Hordes can be kept at Bay LOL...But the viciousness of Women towards Men is more than matched by their nastiness to each other...My Sister was a Student of Germaine Greer,one of the Architects of this modern movement...She Assures me this Daughter of Satan reserved the most evil of her venom for the pretty young females in her classes!


Jun 23, 2014
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Feminism as a concept has succeeded, but what will happen is that it will be one of the contributors to the failure of society. When I say feminism has succeeded, the movement got what it wanted:

- Women can work and do more than just cook, clean and make babies.

- Patriarchy is seen as an evil today while matriarchy is promoted as something good.

- Men are oppressed to the point where in order to progress in this society, you are going to HAVE to become some sort of a male feminist.

- Women are screwing men over through the legal system left and right.

- Men are bowing down to women for the CHANCE to get a piece of their time.

- The education system has changed.

- Society has moved to the Center-Left as a whole, and soon to be totally on the Left.

Feminism got everything it wanted.


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
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First woman is a self-absorbed drama queen nutjob type despite the pretty face. Guys should watch that video to learn signs of red flags. Second woman makes good points, but is a very obvious Jenna Marbles wannabe seeking to build youtube views, so who knows how sincere she is. If you want to see one of the women who is driving feminists out of their gourd, watch some of Karen Straughan's youtube stuff. They are long, dry, in an academic tone sometimes, and she can ramble, but it's killer stuff, pure feminist kryptonite spoken better by Ms. Straughan than other detractors. Guys who are interested in the topic of feminism should view and support women and men like her.



To the topic, the net is beginning to deconstruct feminism, but there's a LONG way to go because we live in a culture that has accepted all the many lies of feminism in total without any criticism or academic scrutiny whatsoever for 50 years. We also have a MSM that has pounded the memes into peoples' heads for 50 years. The first step is getting people to understand that feminism has nothing to do with "equality for women," never did, but is just another form of socialist-Marxist cultural upheaval and control mechanism invented totally in the 60s by communists, that has been magnificently successful. We aren't there yet, but things are MUCH better than in the 90s, when feminism peaked.

The new danger from feminism will be it morphing into a superficially more tolerant and warm-fuzzy exterior with the same old stale bogus tenets underneath. Prevent this by speaking out against feminism and feminists as discriminatory hate-mongers and cultural solipsists at every opportunity.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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Feminism exists due to economic and technological developments more than ideological reasons. Women weren't "liberated" from the home because some privileged Western women came up with the idea of feminism; it was made possible by modern technology that makes housework/cooking etc. only a part time job. Whereas most occupations were dangerous and physically taxing, most now consist of sitting at a desk in an air conditioned building.

In times of peace and prosperity, feminine values tend to become more prevalent. Unfortunately, the current prosperity of the West is anything but guaranteed. Debt is soaring, the middle class is being gutted and the economic dominance of the West is being challenged. Once the gravy train ends, society will become more "red pill."

No more free housing and healthcare for broke single mothers.

No more government money to fund worthless degrees like women's studies.

No more easy credit to fund a lifestyle beyond one's means.

No more bull**** jobs made possible by our countries' tremendous wealth.

No more big daddy government to provide the services that would have otherwise required a man.

I believe that in then coming years, we will see a great equalization in terms of the world economy. Many Asian countries' economies will grow and they will claim a larger piece of the pie. That means harder times for the West. This will bring about a resurgence of more traditional gender roles....not out of some great epiphany, but out of necessity.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 7, 2011
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Honestly I hate to say it. All its gonna take is one war really thats all. The only reason united states got out of the depression was because we went to ww2 and manufacturing so many goods for soldiers and then boom we have about 95% population working which of course drove economy up by leap in bounds.

You guys hate for feminism i think its piece bs and crap as well but the anger is a little misplace. The reason feminism still exist is because we as men haven't given them true equality. Hear me out for most part women are still protected as they always been with men rushing to their aid make sure they're safe and unharmed. We still cater to their emotional bs. If we as men treated women like we treat other men. Meaning dog eat dog and only the strongest survive mentality that most have with each other. obviously we work together if goal meet ours as well.

Then feminism would fold on itself because for once in their life they are really equal and now ACCOUNTABLE. As stand right now a women can say my husband is not making enough for the family and thats why i left them. When her own feminist dribble would say she should get a job make her own money. I say throw out to world to see how really is without a protective veil.

on a side note some of the realest females i met has been the ones i been military with. because they see how the world really is and realize they dont have it so bad in the States.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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crazyboy said:
Honestly I hate to say it. All its gonna take is one war really thats all. The only reason united states got out of the depression was because we went to ww2 and manufacturing so many goods for soldiers and then boom we have about 95% population working which of course drove economy up by leap in bounds.

You guys hate for feminism i think its piece bs and crap as well but the anger is a little misplace. The reason feminism still exist is because we as men haven't given them true equality. Hear me out for most part women are still protected as they always been with men rushing to their aid make sure they're safe and unharmed. We still cater to their emotional bs. If we as men treated women like we treat other men. Meaning dog eat dog and only the strongest survive mentality that most have with each other. obviously we work together if goal meet ours as well.

Then feminism would fold on itself because for once in their life they are really equal and now ACCOUNTABLE. As stand right now a women can say my husband is not making enough for the family and thats why i left them. When her own feminist dribble would say she should get a job make her own money. I say throw out to world to see how really is without a protective veil.

on a side note some of the realest females i met has been the ones i been military with. because they see how the world really is and realize they dont have it so bad in the States.



Senior Don Juan
Mar 7, 2011
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YawataNoKami said:
nope just look at history. or im post to say all women suck. feminism is awful oh let rant about why women suck. Generally weak men have problem with women being disrespectful and rude. women treat me well the only time i get "bad" behavior is when im being jackass self then it generally warrant because i provoke it. but do you have anything to offer or just another weak man hiding by cpu saying women suck another few cases false rape and of course every man favorited divorce rape. Also you got rape in divorce because she didnt work or have her own source income thats why make these women get a job and let her make more money than you. guess what when i divorce happens whoever makes the most haves to pay out.

sigh why do i still speak you dudes. it must be the boredom. women are complicated maybe cuz im somewhat attractive dude i have easier time or talk to women she me signs of interest. But not every woman is a she demon for hades.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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crazyboy said:
Honestly I hate to say it. All its gonna take is one war really thats all. The only reason united states got out of the depression was because we went to ww2 and manufacturing so many goods for soldiers and then boom we have about 95% population working which of course drove economy up by leap in bounds.

You guys hate for feminism i think its piece bs and crap as well but the anger is a little misplace. The reason feminism still exist is because we as men haven't given them true equality. Hear me out for most part women are still protected as they always been with men rushing to their aid make sure they're safe and unharmed. We still cater to their emotional bs. If we as men treated women like we treat other men. Meaning dog eat dog and only the strongest survive mentality that most have with each other. obviously we work together if goal meet ours as well.

Then feminism would fold on itself because for once in their life they are really equal and now ACCOUNTABLE. As stand right now a women can say my husband is not making enough for the family and thats why i left them. When her own feminist dribble would say she should get a job make her own money. I say throw out to world to see how really is without a protective veil.

on a side note some of the realest females i met has been the ones i been military with. because they see how the world really is and realize they dont have it so bad in the States.
I worked for 3 years in the family court system and (the family court system) is crooked, like a Ponzi scheme to make money off fathers.Over the last 40 years, as the domestic violence and divorce industries have grown, a perverse system has developed in response to female initiated allegations of abuse in which the accuser is rewarded.Divorce and custody disputes spawn false rape and abuse claims in order for the woman to gain the upper hand in the family court system.

And how are women rewarded for making false allegations?
They get attention. The person they hate is punished. They receive social approval. We all hate abusers and pedophiles, right? Look at that courageous woman who’s fighting to protect her child! Female false accusers may also receive free legal representation, welfare payments, free counseling and other support services and support from family, friends and neighbors — in other words, even more attention.

Feminists tell us that women are oppressed in all of the Western Democracies, even though these democracies cater to their every whim.Feminists tell us that “Feminism is for equality” while quoting a dictionary, without realizing that the actions of its members mean more than a definition.

Women don't want equality, they want superiority.Women's selective equality is enabled by many men(white knights and manginas) and big daddy government. For women to have equality they would have to give up their protected status but we see that all they really wanted to do is get more protection to the point that they oppressed men with laws like VAWA and entitlement programs to help them get ahead of men in every area of society (except the dangerous ones of course).

Feminism (the feminism that matters, that is in power, in politics, in control of the media) demands that everybody STOP thinking critically and accept feminist dogma as gospel. The unfortunate effect is this: The powerful feminists (Hitlary and cronies)scream and wail about relatively minor issues (by abusing statistics and fabricating data), put sexist legislation into law (under threat of "losing the women's vote"), and publicly shame, humiliate, and marginalize men. When people cry foul, feminists cry, "NAFALT!" But it doesn't matter! Because instead of CURING YOUR CANCER, you're just apologizing for it. Actions speak louder than words.

If "feminism" is about bringing up women to the point of "equality" with men then, no woman, is a "feminist" today. All of them are misandrists. I am sick and tired of feminists, who lecture me about the principles of feminism. That is like saying that objects float in air if you drop it, when I clearly see it fall because of gravity. If you truly believe that feminism is about equality, there are no "feminists". Child custody usually favors women. Divorce and marriage laws favor women. Education favors women when certain laws were made to promote their education. Special discounts and scholarships are made privy only to women when men deserve them as well. Any sexual assault case favors women and always portrays them as the victims.

Working in the family court taught me a valuable lesson , never get married,never cohabitate.Just pump and dump. Ohh and Big Daddy Government does not care how alpha,beta,strong or weak you are............you are a man ; you will pay. Spend a week in family court, and you’ll see exactly what is real and tangible and lasting about women.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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For women to take over society, they are going to have to improve their financial skills and I don't see that happening. Because if you want any sort of power you need money. And I haven't seen one yet that impressed me with their money skills.

They aren't very good at analyzing. Hell they can't ever decide where to even eat, nor select the best guy from a line up of 100 on a dating site. How could a person who fails at that even possibly pick out potential investments?

They have no honor/respect. They treat their best friends like enemies. Women are not result driven. They don't want to fix anything, just biatch.

Out of all the women I've been friends with, acquainted with, dated, etc, the vast majority made horrible decisions when it came to handling their money. They are impulse shoppers, small picture thinkers, rarely invest, don't make purchases of lasting value, not risk takers. They constantly run to their daddy or some other guy to bail them out financially when they get in a bind as a result of their bad decisions. THey rarely admit fault.

A person like this will never control the masses. They don't have the skillsets to accomplish what it takes.

I often wonder what effect women in the work place has had on our economy. What if it the workplace environment was male based like it used to be? Would we be in a better position?


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Howiestern said:
For women to take over society, they are going to have to improve their financial skills and I don't see that happening.
All they have to do is control the men, which is what they do. None of this happens without male support. They have that support.

It's like me plowing the fields with a horse. I don't have to be strong, skilled, or anything really. I just hitch up the horse and let him do the work. You men are the horse.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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Pretty soon it's gonna be illegal to have sex with women. Lol


Senior Don Juan
Mar 7, 2011
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YawataNoKami said:
I worked for 3 years in the family court system and (the family court system) is crooked, like a Ponzi scheme to make money off fathers.Over the last 40 years, as the domestic violence and divorce industries have grown, a perverse system has developed in response to female initiated allegations of abuse in which the accuser is rewarded.Divorce and custody disputes spawn false rape and abuse claims in order for the woman to gain the upper hand in the family court system.

And how are women rewarded for making false allegations?
They get attention. The person they hate is punished. They receive social approval. We all hate abusers and pedophiles, right? Look at that courageous woman who’s fighting to protect her child! Female false accusers may also receive free legal representation, welfare payments, free counseling and other support services and support from family, friends and neighbors — in other words, even more attention.

Feminists tell us that women are oppressed in all of the Western Democracies, even though these democracies cater to their every whim.Feminists tell us that “Feminism is for equality” while quoting a dictionary, without realizing that the actions of its members mean more than a definition.

Women don't want equality, they want superiority.Women's selective equality is enabled by many men(white knights and manginas) and big daddy government. For women to have equality they would have to give up their protected status but we see that all they really wanted to do is get more protection to the point that they oppressed men with laws like VAWA and entitlement programs to help them get ahead of men in every area of society (except the dangerous ones of course).

Feminism (the feminism that matters, that is in power, in politics, in control of the media) demands that everybody STOP thinking critically and accept feminist dogma as gospel. The unfortunate effect is this: The powerful feminists (Hitlary and cronies)scream and wail about relatively minor issues (by abusing statistics and fabricating data), put sexist legislation into law (under threat of "losing the women's vote"), and publicly shame, humiliate, and marginalize men. When people cry foul, feminists cry, "NAFALT!" But it doesn't matter! Because instead of CURING YOUR CANCER, you're just apologizing for it. Actions speak louder than words.

If "feminism" is about bringing up women to the point of "equality" with men then, no woman, is a "feminist" today. All of them are misandrists. I am sick and tired of feminists, who lecture me about the principles of feminism. That is like saying that objects float in air if you drop it, when I clearly see it fall because of gravity. If you truly believe that feminism is about equality, there are no "feminists". Child custody usually favors women. Divorce and marriage laws favor women. Education favors women when certain laws were made to promote their education. Special discounts and scholarships are made privy only to women when men deserve them as well. Any sexual assault case favors women and always portrays them as the victims.

Working in the family court taught me a valuable lesson , never get married,never cohabitate.Just pump and dump. Ohh and Big Daddy Government does not care how alpha,beta,strong or weak you are............you are a man ; you will pay. Spend a week in family court, and you’ll see exactly what is real and tangible and lasting about women.
well way again to misconstrue my statement by given them true equality i meant making them have they same accountability as men. but im glad you got that of your chest and make you feel better. I dont need family court to tell that some women viscous little gold diggers but then again you agrue just like woman woo its me. So you're not doing anything to help . Education really doesn't favor women but the what rest you said was true ill give you that. Also never said I like feminism either. we can either debate fact or emotion right you're debating you emotions.

It doesn't matter how good-looking you are, how romantic you are, how funny you are... or anything else. If she doesn't have something INVESTED in you and the relationship, preferably quite a LOT invested, she'll dump you, without even the slightest hesitation, as soon as someone a little more "interesting" comes along.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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mrRuckus said:
All they have to do is control the men, which is what they do. None of this happens without male support. They have that support.

It's like me plowing the fields with a horse. I don't have to be strong, skilled, or anything really. I just hitch up the horse and let him do the work. You men are the horse.
And what happens when you don't manage your harvest profits very well and are unable to buy seed to plant a new crop? And what happens when you can't afford feed for your horse? Power and control never last if you aren't smart with your money.

Remember these companies:

Bear Stearns
Lehman Brothers

They all had power and control and even dominated their markets. Eventually they all failed due to poor financial skills.

As you can see theres a little more to it than hitching up your horse so he can do all the work. Or hiring a bunch of employees to do all the work.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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crazyboy said:
well way again to misconstrue my statement by given them true equality i meant making them have they same accountability as men. but im glad you got that of your chest and make you feel better. I dont need family court to tell that some women viscous little gold diggers but then again you agrue just like woman woo its me. So you're not doing anything to help . Education really doesn't favor women but the what rest you said was true ill give you that. Also never said I like feminism either. we can either debate fact or emotion right you're debating you emotions.
Do you really believe that?

Three words for you "YesMeansYes"


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2014
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mrRuckus said:
All they have to do is control the men, which is what they do. None of this happens without male support. They have that support.

It's like me plowing the fields with a horse. I don't have to be strong, skilled, or anything really. I just hitch up the horse and let him do the work. You men are the horse.
Very True! Men have bowed down and gave women the power. If they will quit doing that things will go back to normal. Most women don't even want the power. My grandmother till this day believes that the men eat first! Women and kids eat last.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 7, 2011
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YawataNoKami said:
Do you really believe that?

Three words for you "YesMeansYes"
yesmeansyes or whatever that bs refer to sex not education. if you talking about false rape allegation then i agree but again education doesnt favor them. are they trying to get more women into math and science sure. but thats not really working. There are may be more women going to college but there getting bs degree which nobody care about. Men may take up trade or armed service so not every man going college anyway. But men make the higher % when talking about degrees that get you paid.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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crazyboy said:
yesmeansyes or whatever that bs refer to sex not education. if you talking about false rape allegation then i agree but again education doesnt favor them. are they trying to get more women into math and science sure. but thats not really working. There are may be more women going to college but there getting bs degree which nobody care about. Men may take up trade or armed service so not every man going college anyway. But men make the higher % when talking about degrees that get you paid.
Do you have white knight syndrome? Rhetorical question.
No amount of education can overcome liberal stupidity.A lot of people who think they are oppressed are really just very whiny.Thread close for me.

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
