The idea of feminism, and it's historical progression, has to make a guy wonder.
We hear about "False Flag" operations of the past, and seen huge change come afterwards. Gulf of Tonkin? What if...
What if, a bunch of rich, male only, country-club members sat around in the clubhouse one evening (long ago) after their rounds. Suddenly, one cigar smoking gent laments out loud:
"My wife actually had the nerve to start complaining to me the first thing when I walked in the door after work about how she was stuck at home all day, bored, watching tv. I wish there was a way to trick women into switching places! How about THEY go to work and WE stay home all day? How can we go about doing that?"
Seriously, think about it. On some back lot in Hollywood in a street setting, they filmed an army of women burning their bras, carrying their signs, and yelling, then showed it on daytime television to women stuck at home doing laundry
...would it even need to be a real event?
Really. Take a step back and consider propaganda in our modern times. If the US can launch a missile at it's own pentagon to erase the financial records of a "unaccountable loss of 2.3 TRILLION dollars" and call it a terrorist plane attack, what else could we act out and broadcast as real? Can you discount the idea that "War of the Worlds" produced an amazing amount of psy-ops feedback? They had the nation fooled without trying, what if they really tried?
A woman without a job is actually pretty rare. Think about it. Use logic. The idea is crazy awesome, and ultra-scary at the same time.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it, ladies. The idea of feminism will, indeed, fall. But it's too late, ladies, you're armpits deep in debt from school and shackled to your beloved job as a debt slave ...just as equally as men.
...or unequally as men, because men seem to have a flair for finance that women don't. Ooops, did I mention that studies have proven time and again that single females are the best consumers?
Were they the "best consumers" before, or after they had their own jobs and own money?
There's a chick-or-egg argument for you, eh?