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  1. E

    My new routine, HELP :)

    Thanks so much for taking the time too give me advise. I'll update you how it went after 8 weeks
  2. E

    My new routine, HELP :)

    Sorry too be going on talked to a lot of people and come up with this. What you guys think? Monday Deadlifts 4 x 6-10 reps Weighted pullups 3 x f reps One arm DB rows 3 x 6-10 reps Reverse flys 3 x 6-10 reps Shrugs...
  3. E

    My new routine, HELP :)

    Just had a quick search 'Brad Pitt is approx. 5ft 11.5 and his weight for fight club was between 155-160lbs. That i am certain of, for troy i can only speculate, but considering my research i would consider rather accurate. Brad pitt bulked up for troy all around, also he had very dense...
  4. E

    Online Dating

    Original Message YOU sent on 5/27/2009 6:34:07 AM Just thought id drop you a line and say how pretty you look! If you send me a message and don't I reply don't be offended, Im never online. Peace.......... type of replys I get 'Hay thanx lol! i would comment on ur pic but as u...
  5. E

    My new routine, HELP :)

    You really think doing one of those programs will benifit me enough to do a routine differently too what i wanted too do? Iv been weight training for about 5 years now on and off. Can easy bench over my body weight, and i recon i could squat and deadlift 1.5 times more without strenght...
  6. E

    My new routine, HELP :)

    Well this is the first time iv done this and I want to run it by more experianced guys than myself to see if what I have picked is actually a good routine. And if there is anything iv missed out on or would be a really good idea to change/miss out or add. I sort of want peice of mind that my...
  7. E

    My new routine, HELP :)

    Hi Just want you guys to check out my routine and tell me if there is anyhting wrong before I actually start doing it. Usually train heavy but switched it around a bit for a change in the last five weeks. Been training 5 days a week light/lots of reps. Now I want to mix it up again and go...
  8. E

    I want a 6 pack

    thanks for the replys guys but its not really what I asked and looking for. GUys im not here to go on about diet body fat ratio's and the rest of my training. Just assume Im eating right and doing the right training. Im gettin great gains from what im doing and am not changing it. I just...
  9. E

    I want a 6 pack

    Im very lean work out 4 times a week with free weights. Over the winter iv neglected my abs. I want a full 6 pack by june/july, top 2 abs already show. Can some one tell me how i can get a 6 pack as soon as possible. Diet and body fat is good does not need to be changed Just need a...
  10. E

    Winter BC WEEK 3

    A big fat "F" for me. Started out great. Went back to a hotel with a group girls sat night, talked to random girls in the street etc. Was well on my way! Then disaster strikes, I get the mother off all sicknesses. Been housebound since Tuesday, being sick every 30 min for about 2 days. Lost over...
  11. E

    Winter BC WEEK 3

    Week 3 :) Go to a club and i'll piss all over this in about an hour or two. Day street convs gonna be a ***** for me :rock: . Fingers crossed that I go out Sat night. One more thing I just bought Call of Duty 5 I fall in love with new computer games not going to let that ruin this for me tho.
  12. E

    Winter BC WEEK 2

    Ok have finished this week about 10 min ago got my 10 conversations. All of them in the day around town. Has anyone else passed yet?
  13. E

    Red Flags

    NewAndImproved that post did nothing at all to help him and just wasted about 3 min of your life. I say noone should reply to his post from now on unless. He shows he's taking action and if he is, wipe the slate clean and give him all the help we can. If not just ignore him untill he goes away...
  14. E

    Winter BC WEEK 2

    Oh yeah thought id add this. When walking around trying to talk to strangers it reminded me of a friend I had when i was 14. He was a 100% natural lady killer even back then he would walk upto girls in the middle of the street and hit on them. I will always rememeber the time we were out...
  15. E

    Red Flags

    Mate get off all these damb stupid seduction sites, as you don't need them. Really work on getting your **** together. Get to the point where you think you have pushed this aspect of your life as far as it can go. The Rest for a bit then look for what you need to do next, its all about taking...
  16. E

    Red Flags

    Fix your physical things Clean you whole living area and car. Sort you all you clouths throw the crappy ones keep the good. Buy some good ones if you have enough money. Join a gym work out with weights 3 times a week. Train at home if you do not have enough money for the gym Eat like you...
  17. E

    Red Flags

    He's clearly in a rut and stuck in it. You have two choices Option 1 Forget about the past. Listen to the good advise you are getting. Take on board this advise. Go out there and DO. No matter the consiquences. Option 2 Take no action. Read all the information on the internet about this...
  18. E

    Winter BC WEEK 2

    Haha after writing that I want to go out right now :)
  19. E

    Winter BC WEEK 2

    Nearly done for this week. Going to take another trip to town tomorrow and try to finish off. Failing that im going out on Thursday night on my own and will have no option to talk to people as I will be on my own. I don't want to do this yet but if needs be thats my back up plan. All the guys...
  20. E

    Winter BC WEEK 2

    5/10 so far. All done in the day while out and around town. 5 more to go should have this done by the end of the week. Finding it a little hard talking to strangers but the more I do it the easier it will become I guess.