Winter BC WEEK 3

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
Week 3! If I forgot anyone please PM me.

Al Mohsetax
Violent V
Sir Shinra

Go DJs, gogogo!

If anyone is interesting in sharing e-mail, aim, icq, msn, whatever, you may post it right here.

This week goes until next thursday evening. That should be enough time for you to finish the exercises.

Now, it's your responsibility to complete every week on time. You have to:
- Do the reading
- Complete the exercises
- Write a Report at the end of the week
You may:
- Listen to the music (recommended to get into the mood )
- Report any time during the week in this thread
- Ask questions in this thread
- Give tips
If you learn anything new that you think is valuable to others, you are encouraged to post this inside the Tips-Section.

In your Report at the end of the week please state if you were successful completing the week or not. If yes, I am going to move your name to the next week. If no you can either stop or give yourself more time. However, I am not going to take care of you anymore in terms of moving you name further. You have to organise yourself then but can still use this thread.

That's about it as general information goes.

The link to the BC one more time:
or word Version:

There you will find each weeks reading material, music picks and exercises. I am just going to repeat the exercises in short form in this threads.


1) Ten 2 to 10 min conversations with HBs.

Good luck DJs!
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Sir Shinra

Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Seoul, Korea
Hey, sorry I'm a bit late with my report (it's now posted on the week 2 thread)

Count me in for this week.


New Member
Nov 30, 2008
Reaction score
me to, I just got back from my vacation so I'm a tad late.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Week 3 :)

Go to a club and i'll piss all over this in about an hour or two. Day street convs gonna be a ***** for me :rock: . Fingers crossed that I go out Sat night.

One more thing I just bought Call of Duty 5 I fall in love with new computer games not going to let that ruin this for me tho.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
It's call of duty: world at war (or whatever it's called), which is still call of duty "4", not call of duty 5. ;)


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2008
Reaction score
ok lads,im in trouble,i went out tonight,i did not do what i supoused to do,i was AFC....i ****ing hate that,i tried to talk to about 50 plus girls tonight,but i got burn,i got 1 ****ing phone no,but i talked about 3 bartendes girls,which was fun,but did not get me any where except quic drinks and i was talkink to cops like 30minutes and taxi drivers


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2008
Reaction score
i hate that,i was a ***** tonight,i tried to be playfull,but im just not good...i had conversations but when it does matter i chicken out,what the **** going out tommorow.during a day and im gona do this otherwice im gona hate my self of being a ****in *****


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2008
Reaction score
ok another think i was talking to hb 9.5 outside the bar she offered me drink and i went "no thanks,i dont want ur herpes"whit a big smile on my face,she went balistick, so i had some fries,spice,very nice,she tried to talk bouncers to not to let me in,but i already takt to them so it was cool,she was just a *****:eek:)i also met girl with name stevie,i went to far with ****ie+funny,she lik


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2008
Reaction score
she liked that at first,but than she just gave a finger i gave her two fingers and told to grow up or stay at home,then another girl just spiled bear on me because i was to offensive,but i was laughing my ass off,saying its all action she is going to get tonight,i was a jerk tonight,and i dont give a ****,it was fun,i stole lolypops from girls,i triped them,i puld their hair,i caled them they came from 80tie:eek:)


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2008
Reaction score
loads of them were dressed in green,so i asked them if they ar greenpees and what the **** are they doing here,and i said im not interested in that kind of ****,i talked to a few lesbiens as well:eek:)i gues it was not that bad night,it was fun,but i didnot bring anythink home,becouse im ****ing *****....


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2008
Reaction score
another think i found out tonight was when u poin to a girl and call her over than 8of10 will come to u and talk to u,no matter what,they wana know what the **** is going on,i just asked if they fetch all the time and if they ar despered:eek:)fun as **** hot *****ies throving facies,one told me to keep my jaw closed,i said awery time i c a slut i open my mouth she hate that,i 5o8em that

Sir Shinra

Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Seoul, Korea
Quick question.

If I approach a girl in a bar and start a conversation with her... her sister chimes in (who is cuter and seemed more interested anyway) the conversation, and I leave with both their phone numbers, does that count as one conversation or two?

Same if I approach a group of 2 or 3 women. 1 conversation or 2/3?

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
It's up to you. What I usually do is count all of them so I at least reached the goal and then try more without to pressure to get enough results. Remember, the more you do, the better you'll get!

Sir Shinra

Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Seoul, Korea
I'm at 8/10 right now. It's Christmas Eve and I'm having a crisis of conscience... in other words, hitting on HBs in public (mostly on crowded trains) is starting to make me look and feel kinda pervy, I think. I'll make sure my last two convos happen in an area I won't come back to for awhile.

On the upside, I did manage to arrange a 'coffee date' with an HB7, though it turned out terribly. She was shy and would hardly say anything, or even look at me. She was so scared, I think, that she brought her friend along with her (who, while nowhere near as attractive, was far more interesting, I think. I got her number after the encounter. Probably a really bad idea.)

I also got another HB7's phone number, even after she told me she had a boyfriend. She was so enthralled by our discussion that she missed her stop. She waited until I got off the train to change.

Still, with all the girls that have flaked on me since starting this project, I'm starting to see why people on this board say phone numbers are relatively useless. I have 2 more dates set up this week before I go on vacation to Japan, so we'll see how it turns out.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
I'm done now. I approached mostly average girls as they are easy to get into conversation with. And it was mostly static targets - only one of them was moving towards me and somehow I just stopped her and told her I thought she was beautiful (she was not the *****y beautiful kind, but the nice sweet kind, so I thought I can afford to make that kind of compliment). She was very surprised mostly because I did it very boldly (told her to stop) but didn't manage to keep this frame through the convo so eventually when asking her to go for a drink sometimes she said she was interested in somebody (that is the light version of the boyfriend excuse). I should have told her that's ok, I'm interested in somebody too - so you see - we have something in common or smth like that, next time.
Anyway what I think the first most important thing to learn from the last 3 weeks was TO ACT WHEN YOU FEEL FEAR - and to act with CONFIDENCE and ATTITUDE.
The next "revelation" for me was to "turn the tables" as to frame the questions and convo so that she is the one that has to convince you that SHE IS WORTH your time and attention. This is something that has been said A LOT on these boards, but you really get it only when you go through it yourself. Questions like: "So tell me, do you do anything special and exciting?" "I just wanted to see if you're as interesting as you are cute" are part of my DJ tools now.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
There is one problem that I have though: Most of the girls in the mall, on the streets etc are really dumb :) I really don't think that I'm a smart as* or smth, but most of them are too young and I don't even like them, I just approach them for the sake of the bootcamp. I need to find places where the smarter, interesting and classy chicks go. Bookstores is a place to start, I'm not very comfortable approaching chicks in stores, but I guess that's what the BC is about in the first place - getting out of the confort zone.

Sir Shinra

Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Seoul, Korea
Next stop Japan...

Finished. 12/10 conversations achieved. I just got back from a bar I frequent and talked to 2 HBs at once. They didn't seem interested, but it was nice to go over the target for once this week.

This is getting harder. Last week felt so much easier. I actually had an easier time talking to HB's even thoug that wasn't part of the assignment. This week, they all seemed so much colder. Maybe because it actually is physically colder outside? Nah, probably just the pressure of having to start conversations as part of my assignment and not just for bonus points.

More than half the conversations I started, I just couldn't keep going for more than 2 minutes. If they don't run away after 10 seconds, I just run out of things to say, and give up because their body language is obviously very disinterested, and I can tell they're just waiting for me to shut up and go away.
I'm getting all the assignments done, but I don't feel much improvement in my game or in my 'courage' to approach women. Really, I know I'm getting by on my looks. In fact, this week I had a girl approach ME twice, which, normally I'd be happy about, but I can't add that toward my tally, and I know it's not developing my pickup skills or hardening my resistance to rejection.

It also feels harder to keep the conversations going, and I have to fall back on boring 'where do you work? where are you from?' lines instead of interesting situational talk about real topics.

On the upside, I did get six phone numbers, and set up one date that went terribly. I have two more tomorrow. I'll report on how it goes. I also got one drunken kiss, but that's nothing to be proud of.

NOTE: Starting tomorrow, I will be in Japan for the next two weeks. My Japanese is far better than my Korean, so it will be an interesting change in scenery. On the downside, I'll have to throw away all the phone numbers I got here in Korea, and then throw away my Japanese numbers when I come back in 2 weeks.

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
You're doing good Sir Shinra, I guess a lot of people on this board would be happy to get six phone numbers and a kiss.

Now I DO suck right now^^. Wanted to do some more today and yesterday but all those christmas celebrations with family etc... I hadn't got time. So in the end I do meet the requierements of the assignement, but it's mostly girls the situation threw at me. So like girls at a ball when you simply have to ask them to dance, or someone you saw at work and meet again in the train so you just go and talk to them.

Next week is going to be hard for me as I finally have to do cold street approaches, otherwise I am not going to get enough rejections + numbers for week 5.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
A big fat "F" for me. Started out great. Went back to a hotel with a group girls sat night, talked to random girls in the street etc. Was well on my way! Then disaster strikes, I get the mother off all sicknesses. Been housebound since Tuesday, being sick every 30 min for about 2 days. Lost over a stone in weight not eaten in days . Only today was I able to force a protein shake down without puking it back up, so my body has at least some nutrition in it. Not cool man, not cool!

Prob have passed this week, due to the fact my friend getting in with the girls on sat night and getting the 3 of us an invite back to there hotel (the were about 7 of them). But in my mind I have failed this week as I only did id say half of the random approches on on my own.


Little Evolve never got to celebrate Christmas afterall