Winter BC WEEK 3

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
Alright guys, I hope you are not going to kill me for this but here is what we'll do:


I am going to repeat week 3. Why? Only two guys said they passed + myself but I am not satisfied with the results at all. I also know that with new years eve coming up and myself going to a club out of town this weekend, I could do the rejections there but any numbers I get would be useless, which is really bad for week 5. I also hope this will help Sir Shinra, because now he'll come back between week 4 and 5 (get new numbers then and date, week 5 is two weeks long) and not in between week 5 which would destroy your dating time table.

I strongly recommend to do another 10 conversations now for practice if you already passed, however, you could just sit back an relax, you're going to be in week 4 anyways.

Al out


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2008
Reaction score
Reppin' that 860 in Hartford, CT!
This is the perfect week to do week 3 again. I'm going out to the club this Sunday (Tomorrow's my b-day! YEAH! 12/27. I TURN 17, HUZZAH!). But yeah, I'm not going to get sh1tfaced this time lol.

Violent V

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
More than half the conversations I started, I just couldn't keep going for more than 2 minutes. If they don't run away after 10 seconds, I just run out of things to say, and give up because their body language is obviously very disinterested, and I can tell they're just waiting for me to shut up and go away.
Shinra it is clear that you are focusing on their body lang, what they are thinking, how they will react etc too much. This is putting you under pressure, making you run out of things to say and thus making everything feel awkward and forced= disinterest. Focus on fun and stop caring!

I'm getting all the assignments done, but I don't feel much improvement in my game or in my 'courage' to approach women. Really, I know I'm getting by on my looks. In fact, this week I had a girl approach ME twice, which, normally I'd be happy about, but I can't add that toward my tally, and I know it's not developing my pickup skills or hardening my resistance to rejection.
Stop putting yourself down so much! Of course you've improved- you are learning your rights and wrongs from each approach! Keep yourself motivated- the fact that you are at least approaching this week is helping your skills more than not approaching at all. Success comes after you're done failing.

Also The fact tht you are good looking and still creating disinterest with girls above proves to both of us that looks is not as important for guys as personality, confidence, charisma etc- but we already knew that right?

It also feels harder to keep the conversations going, and I have to fall back on boring 'where do you work? where are you from?' lines instead of interesting situational talk about real topics.
I have this same problem as well. My convos feel more like interviews. And i know the solution: Again, stop caring and just focus on having fun!

Al Moh,

It makes sense to extend this week and week 4 further- it is in my opinion the hardest weeks of boot camp. Once you get past this stage I imagine it
gets a lot simpler as we have pushed ourselves over our fears.

I really didn't do anything this last week- I was at home for half the week on xmas holiday, and i haven't worked out at either so my confidence was very down, and approach anxiety was overwhelming.....

good to hear its been extended, gives me another opportunity to try crack this nut...


Senior Don Juan
Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
Man, I think its both good and bad that you repeat this week, but its your thread and your rules.

Anyway I'll be glad to do another 10 convos.


rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Not going to lie guys from experience, if u really wanted to do week 3 u would of done it, i was stuck here for like i think 3 months in my first dj bootcamp. So i am just warning u, if u don't make the effort u won't change. U got to dig deep a lot a lot deeper than this time. If u want to stay here continue what ur doing, if not take that HUGE MOTHER ****ING STEP FORWARD. But don't b dissapointed u have done very well to get this far and u guys have come back a bit, but its fine its not what u done in the past FORGET THAT, look at urself right now and remember its what u do in the present. Not ill leave it to the next day and go out clubs and get them, that talk will keep u here for another 3 months trust me, say that and u might has well quit. So analyse ur situation look at ur problem and go out there and solve it. And don't stop attacking ur problem till u get to week 4.

U either solve ur problem or u don't theres no i will do it later, because that will come in the u havn't solved it pile.

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Sir Shinra

Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Seoul, Korea
Eh? Redo?

I finished week 4... a day early. 10/10 rejections "achieved" (?) I am happy.

I also got 4 phone numbers. A bit less than before, but I wasn't aiming for success.

Now I come to report my 'victory,' surprised to hear that everyone is doing week 3 again. I guess that's what I get for not having internet in my apartment. I guess this means I can enjoy the rest of my vacation, without having to worry about getting my 'chores' done each day.

Some field notes:
I love Japan. From the moment I step off the plane, the atmosphere is so much nicer, people are friendlier, and the girls actually look at you and smile! There's at least one or two every day, and when I look back at them, they act the typical asian girl stereotype of looking away and giggling. Giggity giggity.

Unfortunately, I didnt have the time nor the desire to pursue them. Why? I was looking for rejection. I purposely did cold approaches on girls who either looked disinterested or didn't look at all. Most of them were on the train (two were at the airport in Korea, before coming here. The rest are Japanese).

Since my purpose was rejection, I conducted myself a little different than normal. I purposely acted AFC. I talked about basic stuff (work, etc.), used less eye contact, less physical contact (Japanese dont shake hands. Koreans do. But, I still held out my hand, and they reluctantly respond by extending theirs.) Most importantly, at the end of the convo, instead of just saying something like 'hey, what's your number?' and instinctively flipping open my phone. I say 'can I call you?' or some question of that nature. The rejection was assured, and I imagine some of the girls were a little confused when my face lit up upon their hesitation. I really was truly happy to be rejected, especially the first time. In addition, if she hesitated for too long, and I can tell she's trying to think up an excuse, I just said no for them. I hope this wasn't cheating.

I've been staying with my Japanese friend for the past few days. By nature, he is shy and prone to one-itis. He wasn't too happy when I started doing 'nampa' (trying to pickup women) in front of him, and couldn't understand what I hoped to accomplish while doing so. Three years ago, I would have thought the same thing. I think I have made some progress, not necessarily just from the bootcamp, but from the change in attitude I've had since then. I want to keep going.

Al Moh, Violent V, thanks for the encouragement. I actually did have a little fun doing this, especially since I don't live here, and thus don't have to worry about having to seeing my targets (or witnesses) again.

In the meantime, since it seems I'm a week ahead, I'm going to use my rail pass to go sightseeing and focus on the beautiful scenery instead of the beautiful women. Though I do get easily distracted...

Sir Shinra

Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Seoul, Korea
So I went out around town today, comfortable in the knowledge that I don't have to approach any women, and I felt... antsy. Almost guilty, like I should be approaching someone. Because I was feeling not so great, the girls seemed colder as well. I guess there's a connection between my mood and theirs.

Today passed up a promising oppurtunity from a couple of super-makeupped girls who were trying to look western and obviously had a foreigner fetish. I made accidental eye contact with one of them from less than a foot away, and when she looks back, instead of approaching I gave them a dorky smile and wave. Lol. I probably could have went somewhere with one (or both:D ) of them had I played my cards right.

So, to keep motivated, I'm setting a bonus objective for myself. I have to kiss one girl (not drunk) before I leave Japan next Friday. This will be fun...

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Nice work shinra, keep going. Come on guys don't give up ur better than this, think what u want and take it!!!!!!!!