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  1. B

    Guide to removing Wrinkles/Baggy eyes/Dark circles [Merged threads]

    There are a number of reasons this occurs in people, the most obvious one is of course, genetics. Lack of certain vitamins is another, as penny said Iron, vitamin K & vitamin D are some of them, and of course there are more, about 6 or 7 that make a big impact. Dehydration or lack of water...
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    Fantastic Video!

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    Fantastic Video!

    Hey Guys, Just run across something given to me by a friend, its a fantastic video about personal beliefs which I feel will help many people on this forum, however is a little long, but I strongly encourage everyone to take a look as it is well worth the length...
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    Did she cheat?

    In my mind as follows; If you don't trust her, why you with her? If you're being insercure, why you screwing up something that might have worked?
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    Foreign name

    I'm in the same boat and it used to bug me. Now I've gotten to the stage where I give them my American name when asked, only people who know me well enough to know I have two names use my foreign name. Which is very few. I wanted to go by my original name but since it's hard to remember...
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    Fashion, what a joke.

    Fashion can be purchased, Style can't.
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    Learning New Languages

    It's more than possible to learn two new languages. English is my 6th and last, I make mistakes now on the occasion. My advice is to find out which way you learn best and use it, if you're verbal, for example, learn by conversation where possible. How much of the language you learn and how...
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    Did I deal with this AFC correctly?

    I have found in similar situations that the only response to this kind of behavior is a simple "I'm not interested.", if they continue to contact you the only thing you can say is "No means no.", and as already mentioned by a previous poster, please leave me alone. For some reason any other...
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    something You guys need to get....

    It's lyrics from a song by Keyshia Cole and Missy Elliot, if case anyone doesn't understand at first.
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    I can't dance

    Take a class. I know you think I'm joking, but nope. The ratio of guys to girls is either even or the girls far outweight the guys. Great way to meet chicks and sort out your dancing skills, not only that but by then you'll be comfortable with dancing and won't think twice about it.
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    The SHOCKING Truth About How SOSAUVE Stereotyped Me OUT!!!

    The guys here will offer you help and advice on one condition; that you actually WANT help. And getting help means taking constructive critism and applying it. If you arent interested in that, then you are wasting your time posting here.
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    Don Juanette

    Nice question. While women do tend to be better at communication and reading body language that doesn't automatically mean its entirely "natural" for them either, although keto was on the money when he said most chicks simply learn from experience. A popular one for women has been Paige...
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    The Badboy Myth

    Quicksilver just had a great point. What's the next step? Why does a man who stays as a happy man? And for the men who were once happy, after this journey, what causes them to become unhappy men?
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    I would like to hear everybody's opinions on chivalry. The reactions you have gotten for using it? How many attempt it? Why don't/ Why do you use it? And opinions on the principal behind it, as well as any other theories/opinions on the subject.
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    The Badboy Myth

    nice, and needed to be said. Bump!
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    The Way it Really Is Not.

    Only in your mind
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    The Way it Really Is Not.

    You might be right, but I still have my doubts. No, I had the luck to join two weeks before the entire fiasco with LS started. Great timing huh?
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    The Way it Really Is Not.

    Girls, Please! You're making women look bad, biting his head off isn't going to solve anything. Take what he's said, and do something decent with it instead. You won't gain any respect acting like that over this post. Besides I bet his head tastes bad *wink*
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    Female Erogenous Zones

    Some other small zones: - the point of her neck where you can feel her pusle the strongest gets most girls going - for some girls, the earlobes. (i never figured that one out but it does work sometimes) - inside of their wrists (works best when done lightly)
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    Male friends esp. "best friends"

    Wow does this sound like my ex bf. almost word for word lol. Guys, seriously, if ur girl has a guy as her best friend, let it be. especially if theyve been best mates for more than a year. My ex broke up with me several times and tried to fight my best mate, and he found out 2 weeks after...