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  1. W

    Where to park the car?

    Im not saying it isn't exciting but my last LTR of 4 years the ***** did NOTHING outside of the bedroom, dude that **** gets old...Church could work might try that one
  2. W

    Where to park the car?

    Aight so talkin to this girl made out a few times and shes deffinatly open for sex, but I've done the bedroom thing so much it's just plain boring. Never had sex in my car so we're gonna change that just need some advice on where to go park so we arn't disturbed.
  3. W

    talk to her or wait?

    It was my idea...Was gonna do like dinner then a local bar where we could relax and get to know each other over some drinks. After I thought about it though she doesn't smoke so she might be uncomfortable in a bar. Plus I don't wanna be yellin at each other to talk. Called a few Bowling...
  4. W

    talk to her or wait?

    Aight so meetin up with her at 6. Talked to her yesterday and she was askin if I'm nervous at all. Of course I played it off smooth even though i'm flippin **** lol. You guys got any tips to get her to relax a bit cause she did say she was pretty nervous (was ez to tell anyways). At the sametime...
  5. W

    Well I officially know the worst feeling (emotionally) in the world...

    I'm not reading every post so this might have been said already but w/e...Dude I was in the same boat as you 3 months ago. She left after 5 years I felt like **** didn't talk to anyone just chilled at home for like a month. Of course the whole time texting/talking to her thinking we could work...
  6. W

    talk to her or wait?

    Ehh weather sux in Richmond atm so even though we got all that **** nothing outside is gonna happen, but ya pool/dinner wouldn't be bad. We already decided to go out Sun. so how should I bring it "Would you like to do xxx when we meet up?" or something like "Figured we would go to...
  7. W

    talk to her or wait?

    ya thats why I figured just get her out now...I mean why bother spending all this time talking with no action...just a ***** figuring out where. Thinkin like a bar where we can drink/play some pool, but I still got the option of dippin if things go south. Then a late dinner if everything went...
  8. W

    talk to her or wait?

    Accually I think I'm just gonna get her to go out this real point in waiting I can tell shes pretty interrested from talkin to her. Like I've said in some previous threads I was in a serious relationship and out of the game for almost 5 years so what are some good places to hit...
  9. W

    talk to her or wait?

    so I met this chick her number and been talkin for a few days now. We're goin out next weekend and I'm debating if I should talk to her less so anticipation/mystery builds up...or keep talkin on a daily basis so she feels more comfortable? This is the first time either of us met...
  10. W

    Messed up can it be fixed?

    Cause there was always something in the way.....either she was with someone or I was.....up until like 6 months ago I was shy talkin to girls now It's like whatever. It's not like she waited 4 years she dated as well just I knew i could of had her had I stepped up. Now I'll step up but it's to...
  11. W

    Messed up can it be fixed?

    Aight so i'ma setup a night at the local comedy club since she turns 21 in a couple weeks it'll be her first time going.....Call her up a few days before the show tell her shes going with me (I know she will anyways) and go from there? Sound like a good start?
  12. W

    Messed up can it be fixed?

    Ya I want her but fvck waiting.....i've done that crap before and learned my lesson. The 3-4 years is our friendship.....I was never really into her because I knew I had her if I wanted I havn't been trying with her for 3-4 years. I'd preferr the aggressive way, but how far can I go being...
  13. W

    Messed up can it be fixed?

    Nice so one guy tells me stay away the other says take her out more often lol.....We've been best friends for atleast 2 years now so i'm not sure how staying away would work. It's not like she isn't interrested She's told me 100 times in 4 years she's this other guy has something she...
  14. W

    Messed up can it be fixed?

    So all this talking between us went down long should I wait before taking her out? Is taking her out as just a friend for the moment even gonna help anything?
  15. W

    Messed up can it be fixed?

    So I have a friend that i've been close to for about 3-4 years now. We never went passed Friendship even though she wanted to and I kinda did. Now 4 years later I want to, but she is really interrested in another guy. I might have messed up by telling her exactly how I feel and all that mushy...