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  1. J

    When Pimping Older Women, check this line

    I would have went the other way, I would have escalated sexualy.. HER: Your like a little baby ME: HAHA well you havent seen what this "Baby," Can do yet.... "Put hand on waist" ME: But then might not last and would be just wasting my time
  2. J

    J0n's Field Report Log

    I've been gone SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long!!!!!! But I'm finally home back to the place where I belong , haha (Cool song if anyone knows where that is from) Thanks for the props guys but it's ok for people to think whatever they want I could care less it wont affect me. School... School is...
  3. J

    Gaining weight without increasing waistline

    Eat Protein/Fat Carbs are the things that make you gain weight, if you only eat protein and fat with little carbs then you will gain muscle mass while keeping your body weight as close to what you have now. Plus the whole Cut/Bulk thing can be done at the same time just with slower...
  4. J


    Contradiction much? You DONT need to load creatine , it's just a waste of creatine and money. Like you said you already have creatine in your body which is how much your body NEEDS to work, you just need the regular dosage what is it 5g? (Dont remember off my head) Once you have the...
  5. J


    Why dont you post pics then??? I'd like to see what a REAL p90x user's body looks like.
  6. J


    I'm with itallian and kerp and quick powerbuilding is just a better way to get leaner,stronger and just overall happier with your body. You could tailor powerbuilding to fit your needs so you wont grow super big unless you want to which most people dont seem to understand. It seems most people...
  7. J

    Terminator 4: Salvation ending *spoilers*

    I agree it's a little complicated but its because of the time travel and the robots going back in time. I found out when I was trying to explain it to my dad. First movie was what T-900 which was arnold, then the second movie with robert was T-1000, then Loken was T-X then we revert back to...
  8. J

    I graduated from college sat...

    I just wanted to know if I was going to get some pretty good money and have an easy life hence the medical field future. I am going for the bachelor degree in Biology since it seems like the obvious choice if I wanted to go into anything medical. THEN I was thinking about going specalized...
  9. J


    What EXACTLY are you guys doing? Curious.
  10. J

    I graduated from college sat...

    SO wait let me get this straight... getting a bachelors degree in biology is a waste of time then? I thought I was going into a pretty decent course where I would have some pretty good options like PT. What good jobs are in the medical field then since PT isnt one of them, and wouldnt a...
  11. J

    J0n's Field Report Log

    HAHA thats funny, by the way I dont really keep count of how many women I have sex with but if you really want I will look through the whole thing and tell you :) lol. I seem to have gotten taken out of the bootcamp again....that sucks oh well we keep moving forward. Last Friday.... Leading...
  12. J

    I graduated from college sat...

    Since people seem to be busting your ass and seem to know everything I want a question answered. Would a bachelor degree in Biology be good? I plan to get a bd in biology then go on to get a doctorate in physical therapy or maybe a double bachelor dont know yet. Is this a good route...
  13. J

    What phone do you use and why?

    t mo shadow I nodded it to have 6.1 I wonder if anyone knows what that means besides me haha im gonna get the htc hd soon hopefully
  14. J

    Our wonderful justice system.

    The justice system in this country is a joke plain and simple no matter how you see it or slice it or whatever analogy you use. From corrupt cops to over inflated ego cops, to cops getting off easy, to people getting charged wrongfully the list just goes on and on it's pathetic. I still...
  15. J

    I am Starting a Lawn Mowing Business!!!

    I say use Precison cuts... "We take the hassle out of having a beautiful lawn." Thats what I thought..anyways. but 230 for a quater acre!!! Damn!!!! I wonder how much you would get if you cut my parents yard....7.5 acres.
  16. J

    split or isolate?

    I do a 5x5 split of the exact same routine just got out of my workout and those squats are killing me! but in a good way
  17. J

    what is it with the trend in man purse?

    I always thought the guys equilevant to purses were cargo pants....hell I never have to little space when I wear them.
  18. J

    Setting your sights on your career

    funny I just decided my future today. I went today and got my summer classes schedule today and class starts 26. I will be going for my masters of physical therapy so I suppose I will be in school for 6 years unless something happens or society goes in the toilet. I might also be moving...
  19. J

    My sport log: wakeboarding

    just the first post in your journal makes me want to try!
  20. J

    Reducing body fat (aka "losing weight")

    Watermelon is bad? I thought it was good, I was using that as something to eat instead of carbs plus lots of apples.