Yes mate, Of course you can.
In the past 6 months or so, my body weight has increased from about 62kg, up to nearly 70kg now, but ive got less fat than I had before, all the increase is muscle. So yes it is possible.
My routine is weights about 4 times a week, both upper and lower body, squats in particular are very important. and a bit of cardio.
I dont need to do much cardio becaseu im naturally very skinning, hence my current attempts to majorly bulk up. But if you are worried about your waistline, do a bit more cardio to help increase your calorie burn and also get aerobically fit as a bonus!
Lifting weights is in itself a good way to lose/control fat, both through calorie burn, and through the fact that more muscle=more calories consumes at all times.
To build muscle while maintaining your waistline, eat a healthy, normal diet of carbs, protien, fat, avoid bad processed foods. and do weights as often as you can, and as much cardio as you feel you need to. your body only stores fat when calories in > calories out. so if your waistline is expanding, do more exercise of any kind! or eat slightly less. but I'd reccomend more exersise!
good luck!!