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  1. T

    Women don't like me.

    You might not just be fun enough. That's bad but not an reason to give up, you just have to think about keeping yourself entertained, or in other intertained: inter means self, and tain and as in sustained. So keep your self intertained so you are never bored and if you are quikly change that...
  2. T

    Its a girls idea if you get laid

    I got this tip from a guy about my age and this is about the smartest thing I have ever heard him say, "I dosn't matter if you want to get laid, and if you do it's the girls idea and it is because she wanted it at the time" and think about it is so true. They have it, we want it, they know it...
  3. T

    Tip the scale in your favor

    Now heres a theory for you. Think of those ancient scales, the one that lady justice holds up, just picture it for me and yourself. Relationships follow the same principal as the scale, when one is high up the other is down low, and it takes time to balance. Now remember when you had...
  4. T

    How do you get head?

    First of all your motivation is that she is willing to do sh!t to and for you, help her out and place your hand on her head and go from there eventually she will get the rithym you like : )
  5. T

    One "Contradiction" I've Found on This Site

    What I've found to work is to at first be reluctant to listening to her ramble about all her problems. then she will try to get you to be more open to the idea; still be reluctant. Finnally give in, she'll feel as if shes won but she wont want to over do her luck so she will only tell you things...
  6. T

    How To Keep A Girl Permanetely!!!

    Ya sure it will work but youll die 10 years later, and youll bring her down with you. See this is the kind of thing that gives all dudes a bad rep when it comes to how a girl thinks about a guy. Im hoping all this is a joke, cuz really it isnt that hard to keep a girlfriend. All you have to do...
  7. T

    do those cheesy romantic lines in movies ever work

    What i do is not use the lines so much as the actions, watch a chick flik and watch how he takes her for the kiss, that is the magic there, because actions speak louder than words.
  8. T

    do those cheesy romantic lines in movies ever work

    K you gotta stop saying that if you want a girl with any kind of self respect, and about 95% of them do all the others are crack *****s. If you say what you say in a serious tone your never going to get any, it says that you are despirate and that all she had to do to earn you is talk to you...
  9. T

    I piss girls off lol

    Whn using CnF dont do it to try and pick her up, or anything besides makeing the two of you have fun. Its weird no matter how hard you try you cant hide that you are trying to pick her up if you are. I go in no giving two fvcks if she wants my **** or not, or whether im going to give it to her...
  10. T

    Dont act like an alpha

    I am 99% sure that any guy can get any girl he wants if he has the traits that women want and need. And the best part is you can change on a whim if you want, and the change isnt even something that would be hard or terrible to live with. If you change to be a MAN I promise you your life will...
  11. T

    Stunning Girl - Amazingly Beautiful - NO BF!

    WTF? I dont even know how to yell at you and tell you everything you just wrote was wrong, if you ever want to get her at least. Heres the you I picture when I read that, Some sqrawny pasty nerd who spent the whole time on the train thinking about how hot and perfect she is. How the hell did u...
  12. T

    MYSPACE - the good, the bad, and the REALLY BAD

    Hell ya I no what you mean I got 4 girls wanting to party with me in the time it took to message all 4 of them an wait. The other thing with myspace is to write them then dont go on for about a week, when you come back on there will be a bunch waiting for you.
  13. T

    Please help me!

    Well you ****ed up big time. You werent a man and the other guy might not have been either but he was closer than you. She realized this and thought, "wow this sucks my last bf was alot more fun than my new one", DUMPED! He played the mind games with her that you didnt.
  14. T

    Be a risktaker - Take action TODAY

  15. T

    Dont act like an alpha

    Actually be one, make a list of personality traits that you consider masculine, as many as you can think of. Now throw them under these catagories of what the display; Confidence, Attitude, High Self-Esteem, High Self-Worth, Indifferance. Now make a list of why a woman would want those traits...
  16. T

    3 approaches at the Mall

    wOOt your on the right track, you can actually bring yourself to talk to random girls, but ur horrible at it. Try and imagine ur in the girls position, you come up to her and start asking her survey questions and your prolly dont even have a paper or anything that shows that your not lieing to...